Can't do this anymore



  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 802 Member
    i have started and stopped so many times myself
    so this time .. i simply promised myself to log in here for 30 days and track my food (that's it)

    this month, i have upped it to trying harder to stick to calorie goal and working out

    don't try to do it all at once.. and since you said your in pain .. walk - its the simplest thing and it does help

    my highest weight was 312 currently 295.4 ( i am the queen of pain, my body hurts daily with or without workouts though i must add, i don't hurt near as bad once i have worked out, so i think its probably more from sitting around and not moving )
  • PSTreasure
    Hi Katie! My name is Pam and I am right there with you!! I have had a life-long struggle with my weight, but I know I can be the victor! And I know you can too!! I started out the new year going full tilt diet, exercise, etc. Joined a gym, went 4 or 5 days a week and then I started having back pain. Tried a chiropractor and am finally getting back on track. Went to the gym the first time yesterday and biked for 30 minutes! I'm a little sore today, but am going back! Do you have a support group? I am in a group that just started yesterday. We are doing our own biggest loser contest. I am doing it not to win the pot ($10/ each), but to have a group of friends (some I've never met) to help get me through this! It is too hard to do alone!! It would be great if you could join us!! Just let me know if you are interested! You can do this!!!:smile::smile: :smile:
  • Allie_71
    Allie_71 Posts: 1,063 Member
    Don't worry about running right now. Walk. Swim. Move your body on its own terms.

    I'm 5'3. I was 230 lbs at one point. Now I'm looking at 139 from a few steps away. I can walk there. and so can you. Just let folks help you.

    Injury is disheartening, I know, but the worst thing for it is inactivity. Believe me, swimming was my best friend when I hurt my back. And it worked. Walking. It works. Find a hill and walk up it. And like the other mfp member said, do it again tomorrow.

  • meliibabii87
    You can do this!
    Dont give up!
    Just try and set up small goals for yourself at first!
  • JamesOfLondon
    JamesOfLondon Posts: 60 Member
    Keep going.

    Once you've made some progress you'll find that momentum plays a big part in making it easier.
    Its obvious that you really want to get fit and healthy. Your here and your crying out for help. And I would love to help you and try to motivate you. I am on here daily and the support is incredible. So please add me and we can support eachother on our health/Fitness goals :D

    I can vouch for Angela's excellence!
  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    You're here again - that's all that matters. I agree with the advice on taking things slow, using small goals, and making sure MFP is set right for you.

    I initially tried it at the 2lb weight loss and it wasn't enough food. I upped my calories, am back losing again, and feel great. Just know that this is a tool, and there's tons of advice throughout the boards on making this tool work for you.

    Start slowly - just with logging everything you eat. Once you get that down, you can add in some low-impact exercised that don't hurt your body. Movement is movement - whether it be walking around the block or swimming (I work out pretty hard - but still can't run - too much pressure on me knees - you know what - I don't care - I get my sweat on in other ways!)

    Most importantly - we're here to support you. If you need a friend, please feel free to add me. You can do this, you just gotta stick with it and never be embarrassed - we've all been through it!
  • historygirldd
    historygirldd Posts: 209 Member
    Good Luck!! You can do this. Celebrate every victory even the small ones like you ate a meal that was full of nutritious low cal food. Celebrate exercise. Call a friend, I'll be glad to be your friend here.

    I have totally been there. I got to a point and I could not stay where I was. Like you, I lost and gained and lost and gained. Finally, something clicked and I had to do something and stick with it. It is working this time. I have stayed with it since January (which is a huge accomplishment for me - because this is the busiest time of year for me at my job.

    Good Luck:flowerforyou:
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    Its ok that you have tried before and not been as successful as you like...but its even better that you are trying again this time. My recommendation is to start small, and start slow. I'm 218 and running is pretty much impossible, but a brisk walk is very doable. Going from 275 to 130 is a drastic change - so it will be easier to see the challenges and focus on setbacks than any victories. I would start by trying to lose 10lbs. Get back into the swing of a healthy diet physical activity. Once you do that, then go for 20lbs. Your body is different than when you were 14, so I would not compare yourself to how you were then. Concentrate on being a healthy, fit 20 year old. You can do that...having the body you did when you were 14 may not be a healthy mentality. But start small and concentrate on the little victories.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    You're right, you can't do THAT anymore - live with pain like you're an old geezer when you're only in your 20's. You CAN beat the obstacles and change your life though, one day and one small change at a time. And I also hope that you're seeing a doctor or chiropractor about your back. That doesn't sound good at all...and they'll be able to give you advice about what you can do for activities/stretches to help.

    I think you're putting too much pressure on yourself...most of us do that. We watch shows like Biggest Loser and think we can lose 10 pounds a week no problem and when we don't, we get frustrated. I'm not sure you can't lose 137 pounds in a year but you might want to get that HUGE goal out of the forefront of your mind and instead think about smaller, reasonable goals for now (like 1-2 pounds per week). If you do better than that, it's a bonus!

    I also agree with the advice given about trying not to deprive yourself. Instead, try swapping out some ingredients/food choices for healthier ones and concentrate on your portion size. You can still have chocolate (or whatever it is you enjoy), just check the nutrition labels and track it first so you know it fits in your calorie goal. It may take longer to reach your goal that way (it's taken me 2 years to lose a little over 80 pounds) but so what? You're still getting fitter, leaner and healthier and that's what really matters.

    Best of luck to you!!
  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,974 Member
    Work on loosing just a little at a time -- don't shoot for more than 1 pound per week. Try to increase your physical activity just a little each week -- walk a little more, take the long way to get somewhere, etc. If you go to a gym, do just a little more every week, but just a little so you don't end up sore, hurt, and discouraged. When I first started to loose, I signed up at a gym and had one session with a trainer. I thought he was trying to kill me! After that first time, I worked out at least 3 times per week and a few weeks later I saw that trainer and he commented on my weight loss... I hadn't noticed anything myself so I go weighed later that day and found I was down 10 pounds. You can track yourself by using something like a FitBit and see how much activity and calories you are burning -- I have my FitBit set for 5 miles or walking and 10 flights of stairs as my desired level of activity for the day -- anything over that is better of course! And don't worry about times when you go off your diet or spikes of weight going up -- it happens -- it's part of a natural cycle -- as long as you keep working toward your long term goal you can get there!!!
  • rlshopp6
    rlshopp6 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Katie. Like so many on this site, I have a lot of similarities to you. Although I'm older, I have gained and lost weight several times. And by starting something again and asking for help you are doing exactly what you need to do. As i got heavier and heavier (I'm 5'6 and highes weight was 320) my back got worse and worse. I've seen osteopaths, chiropractors, pain management specialists. and once when it got really bad, a spine surgeon. So definitely if there is pain, be super cautious about any exercise program until you've seen a dr, you don't want to cause injury. but walking or anything in a pool should help. I know for me the thought of being in a swimming suit and in a pool was horrifying, but the gym i found, there were mostly older people and or people my size in the pool, so i really didn't have to worry about how i looked, and when even walking was unbearably painful, the relief of being supported by the water but also able to get some activity was fabulous.

    I agree too with so many other of the posts, set small goals. When I started I tried to focus only on a 10% loss, so instead of the 150 pounds plus i wanted to lose (that just seemed overwhelming), i focused on 15 pounds.

    And it was the spinal surgeon who told me that losing weight is wonderful for your back, that 1 pound loss translates to 5 pounds as far as your back is concerned.
  • Jasonhannen
    I am Katie, 5'3, 276 lbs and my goal is 139 lbs.

    50% loss????

    Katie If you are gonna shoot for the stars it's a loooooooooooong way, try reaching for the moon first.

    I does not matter what I do in my life whether it's weight loss, sales targets I find hitting short term goals are more likely to helping me on my way to achieve my long term goals.

    I have an annual sales target at work, we are in April and I dont even know my annual target, I worry about hitting my daily and monthly sales targets. a manager mentioned to me in March that I was 50% towards my annual target. Wow what a nice surprise.

    You need to think short term, Keep your long term goals but put them at the back of your mind. set some short term ACHIEVABLE targets.

    What you want to achieve is not impossible, you have the strength and courage inside of you, stop frightening yourself will such big goals, this isn't a race it's a marathon. We are not trying to break world records, we just want to reach the finish line.

    Fear is your worst enemy, you are no different than the people who success you admire.

  • 75Juniper
    75Juniper Posts: 376
    I have stopped, started, lost gained, lost and gained. I have deleted my MyFitnessPal account three times in frustration and embarassment of myself.
    Last night I had another sharp pain throw my back and chest, and my back just hurts all the time. I am done. I am 20 and am in in more pain with my body than I should be for my age.
    I am Katie, 5'3, 276 lbs and my goal is 139 lbs. I want to feel fanastic and fit enough to run like I did when I was 14 years old by this time next year.

    You don't have to start out big. I struggled with some back and foot pain when I started my journey, so I took it slow. Try swimming or light walking and see how your body tolerates it. You don't have to lose a lot of weight to start feeling better. I've only lost a little bit and my pain issues have resolved. Then you'll be able to do a little more and a little more and you'll build momentum.

    You can do this! Just take small steps, make small changes, and focus on your health. It will get easier, I promise.
  • kathyc609
    kathyc609 Posts: 258 Member
    Listen honey, next year is coming... NO MATTER WHAT. You have the choice to be exactly the same, worse or BETTER than you are now. It will still be 2013. Time doesn't care!! It keeps on coming! Don't wake up at 40 and realize you lost 20 years of health and happiness. Do you really want this? REALLY REALLY want it? Then throw away the scale, forget the typical "diet", AND CHANGE YOUR LIFE. good luck.

    this is so true -- i spent 18 years obese before i did something about it.
    dont let that happen to you.
    i am 43 and really feel better than i have since 1995
    you can do this!
  • kacbldmm07
    First do not set a time frame of when it has to be off by or how many lbs per week you want to come off. It will set you up for failure every time. If you feel like you are overwhelmed then focus on one thing at a time and add little by little. If your biggest problem is fast food then stop eating it, once that is under control then work on eating your correct calories in one day, then focus on running. Putting to much stress on your mind at one time is going to fail your body. When your not in it 100 percent you will def not be working out at that rate either. Which in turn is doing you little good. I lost 91 lbs in almost 2 years. It does not come off over night. If it was that easy we would all be skinny, fit. Do what you can right now and worry about the others tomorrow. You can do this if you really want it.
  • lisanume
    lisanume Posts: 155 Member
    today: eat healthy, track calories and go for a walk.
    tomorrow, do it again.

    I love this!

    I was going to say the same exact thing!!! just baby steps.... just track and walk for now. eat as healthy as you can and move as much as you can. let your back have some rest, then get movin.
    I was 347 and I am only 5ft tall!
    I am still a work in progress but I can tell ya, my back doesn't have nearly the problems as it did when I was way heavy....
