The dreaded weekends!

I am fine during the week and am well behaved, it can go a bit wrong at the weekends though. This is my first week on MFP and am already concerned about my first weekend.

I'd love your tips for staying on track.

Also please do add me if you want. I'm 31, in London, 5'9 and want to lose just under 3 stone (45lbs).




  • TranceGirl
    TranceGirl Posts: 121 Member
    Weekends are a problem for me too! I hate to say this but the weekends I don't socialize, I do really well, the weekends I do... not so much... :(

    Maybe we can motivate each other to stay on track come fridays!
  • ellybeann
    ellybeann Posts: 122 Member
    Its true for me too, if I stay home on weekends I stay on track, but who stays home on weekends. especailly now that that summer is around the corner.
  • cinsuccess
    cinsuccess Posts: 333 Member
    I try to direct some of the socializing away from activities where food is involved, like movies, museums and plays. If I can't avoid the food, then I plan ahead. I try to find the restaurant's menu online so I can plan what I will eat in advance and put it in my diary. That way when I get to the restaurant I don't get tempted by all the food around me. Sometimes none of this is possible, but once in a while it's ok to go over. I just try to make sure it's not happening every weekend. :drinker:
  • rachellem86
    rachellem86 Posts: 62 Member
    Sometimes, weekends can be dreadful! I just make sure to plan time for additional exercise to make up for any food splurges I might partake in! If I can avoid the temptation, all the better, but it can be very difficult.
  • FJMilner
    FJMilner Posts: 407
    I'm the same and I had a real good chat with my bf about this last night....we came to the conclusion that going out drinking and/or eating for entertainment on a weekend really isn't all that exciting if you do it alot....much more fun stuff could be something physical and active....e.g. mountain biking, long walks, jet skiing. Im so UNadventurous at times and it's really made me look at my lifestyle as a whole...I want to use weekends to find an exercise that I WANT to do because I enjoy it, not just because it's making me fitter and lose weight....the world's your oyster, go out, have fun, be active and fit.....that's what I plan to do anyway :bigsmile:
  • ashreynolds09
    ashreynolds09 Posts: 257 Member
    I don't do well on the weekends either! I used to avoid logging on the weekends, but now I make sure I log on the weekends. I also make sure that if I know we're going out to eat somewhere I will run in the morning for as long as I can handle it so I have some extra cals to eat! Then, like another poster, I plan ahead. For example, we went to Texas Roadhouse for my hubby's bday - I knew by Friday night (we went on a Sat) that I would have ONE dinner roll and the exact salad I would get. I had ran 5 miles that morning so I had room to wiggle for things like the cheese fries I was tempted by.
  • Becky_Boodle
    Becky_Boodle Posts: 253 Member
    Weekends can be rough!!! If I know I'm gonna be bad...
    I try to get out for a run early that morning so I have the extra calories
    and if I don't have the time...then I make sure to do it the next day
    and I try to make the best choices possible while eating other places
  • tamsinwhitfield
    tamsinwhitfield Posts: 135 Member
    I do exactly the same - just resist the urge to stop logging! I find that if I'm vigilant in tracking everything I eat, I tend to go over by far less.

    Also, I'd allow yourself a bit of leeway. As long a you don't go absolutely crazy, you're not going to ruin the rest of your week. We have a "one takeaway a week" policy in our house (I got shot down when I tried to ban them completely!), so I usually save this for Saturday nights. If you know you're going to indulge a bit, you can also go for the healthier equivalents of "bad" foods (e.g. ask for light cheese and thinner dough for pizzas, forgo condiments, etc.).
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    Weekends are a problem for me too! I hate to say this but the weekends I don't socialize, I do really well, the weekends I do... not so much... :(

    Maybe we can motivate each other to stay on track come fridays!

    ^^^ I think this is a great idea! Weekends are my biggest problem at the moment. I am already dreading the upcoming weekend. I work out hard and eat well all week, then the weekend arrives and out comes the wine, and all my good habits go right out the window. My only strategy is to try to get more exercise on the weekends. Maybe we should start a group. We could call it "The Weekend Warriers." Does anyone know how to form a group?
  • AruB369
    AruB369 Posts: 1
    I think the thing about weekends is that we consider them the designated "I can have some junk" time of the week when it's okay to eat lots of bad foods because there are plenty of excuses. I was dreadful about it, I had a totally different diet Friday to Sunday and the rules went out the window.

    A couple of things really helped me though, so maybe try to:
    - Keep exercising at least on Friday and Saturday morning if you can (usually aren't any parties till late) but it's okay to have a day off like Sunday.
    - Doing things that aren't centered around eating or eat before you go. If you have lunch at home before the cinema you don't need popcorn and as soon as the movie starts I promise you won't miss it.
    - Really cut down your portions. If you want a chocolate bar have half. Portions make a difference.
    - Try to break up this whole myth that the weekends are for rewards. I reward myself with little breaks of diet all through the week. If I'm going really well I have a nice snack Tuesday when my weight's good. If you de-condition yourself from thinking the weekends are a time for breaking diet you wont be so tempted, it won't be so hard to restrain yourself, and you'll know you can still have things you enjoy.

    They're just suggestions that really helped me and I hope might be useful for you. Good luck! <3
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 707 Member
    I have the same problem! Interested in seeing the tips/advice
  • Wimbledongal
    Wimbledongal Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks all for your advice so far - really helpful.

    And thanks to all who have added me too - looking forward to losing and keeping off this weight for good!
  • Tinman42
    Tinman42 Posts: 59 Member
    For me, weekends are much more difficult than during the week! That's why I always log on the weekends and I do my weigh-ins on Monday. That keeps it in my brain to stay the course - weigh in is coming!!

    Stick with it - once you get in the lifestyle-change habit, even weekends will be no big deal.
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    hey, once you overcome the first weekend of being good it all gets easier, im on my third week, im no longer frightened of foods meaning worryied about meeting mates for meals and stuff, its a good achievement come monday if you stick with it x
  • Fubar_Bill
    Fubar_Bill Posts: 120 Member
    For me the problem is treats.

    If I have ice cream, then I will give myself WAY too much!

    So, I bought creamsicles. They are freakin delicious and only 60 calories each!

    I remind myself that they are there rather than digging into a bunch of other treats with non-fixed quantities and seemingly endless supply of useless calories.

    Pre-packaged treats with fixed and reasonable calorie counts are a way of having fun, but not completely blowing out your diet.

    Remember, if you are hungry, eat a real meal. If you are just looking for a reward or a treat to make yourself feel better, have one (but just one).


    - Bill
  • Kimberla1
    Yes, the weekends are when I want to treat myself, and I have a tendency to not log meals on most weekends as well. My weaknesses are sweet and salty snacks. Even with the inconsistency I've managed to shed a few pounds.
    LuLuSUPER Posts: 189
    I think the thing about weekends is that we consider them the designated "I can have some junk" time of the week when it's okay to eat lots of bad foods because there are plenty of excuses. I was dreadful about it, I had a totally different diet Friday to Sunday and the rules went out the window.

    A couple of things really helped me though, so maybe try to:
    - Keep exercising at least on Friday and Saturday morning if you can (usually aren't any parties till late) but it's okay to have a day off like Sunday.
    - Doing things that aren't centered around eating or eat before you go. If you have lunch at home before the cinema you don't need popcorn and as soon as the movie starts I promise you won't miss it.
    - Really cut down your portions. If you want a chocolate bar have half. Portions make a difference.
    - Try to break up this whole myth that the weekends are for rewards. I reward myself with little breaks of diet all through the week. If I'm going really well I have a nice snack Tuesday when my weight's good. If you de-condition yourself from thinking the weekends are a time for breaking diet you wont be so tempted, it won't be so hard to restrain yourself, and you'll know you can still have things you enjoy.

    They're just suggestions that really helped me and I hope might be useful for you. Good luck! <3

    Thanks for the tips!

    Especially about working out on Friday, it sets the tone for me to stay on track. We still have family dinners every sunday and i dont log it but i do use portion control. Usually by the time i get to "cheat" day i dont really want the foods i dreamed of eating all week. Now if i could skip that cosmo on saturday night lol:drinker:
  • Andr1Kar
    Andr1Kar Posts: 18 Member
    I have really been successful with logging in my diary the day before. That way I know what I can eat, before I get to the meal. If you know you're going to be going out to eat or something to that effect, you can make sure you eat smaller meals before and save the majority of your calories for the meal out. I feel great after I finish my eating for the weekend and see that I stuck to my diary plan.
  • Wimbledongal
    Wimbledongal Posts: 64 Member
    Ok I'm not dreading the weekend as much as I was after all this good info.

    I'll report back here on Monday!
  • mrsdizzyd84
    mrsdizzyd84 Posts: 422 Member
    Weekends are a problem for me as well. This is usually because I am not at home to cook on weekends. I try not to go over on calories and just make the best choices I can. It's been this way since day one. I'm still losing, so I'm no longer bothered by it.