

  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I wouldn't mind if you all quit. I'm actually allergic to tobacco.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    I don't smoke because I'm addicted, I smoke simply because I love it. Each time I've found out I was pregnant, I've quit that same day and not smoked for the duration of my pregnancies. Last year was hospitalized for two weeks. Doctor suggested giving me a patch or meds to "Help you get through your time here without smoking." I refused them and did not suffer withdrawal symptoms nor did I crave a smoke. Smoked as soon as I got home. I simply love smoking and cannot think of a reason to quit. Sorry, but it is enjoyable to me.........:smokin:

    Same here, exactly! I don't smoke a whole pack a day and I can go without for hours and even days if I want to. I definitely stopped during both of my pregnancies. But I don't have the desire to stop smoking. I remember when people used to smoke in grocery stores and malls, lol.

    So it will be completely ok with you guys when your children start smoking right?

    My parent's are non-smokers...this has zero effect on my heavy smoking :) your point is irrelevant

    It very well could have an effect on your children, is it worth it? Or are they not worth it?

    you have got to be kidding me. how dare you even say that. why dont you go finish off another bottle of red wine. im sure your liver appreciates it.
  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    I was a smoker for 13 years and I quit 4 months ago. It's bittersweet. It feels like breaking up with someone you love because you know their no good for you and you would be better off without them but you still miss them and want to be with them...but you can't. Ugh!

    This is it EXACTLY! Its a bizarre love/hate relationship with something you know is trying to kill you, but you just can't quite let go....Until you decide one day to totally break up and head on down the road.
  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    I quit december 9th. would kick kittens for a smoke today.

    There it is :laugh: ....Every morning when I leave for work and every evening when I leave work heading for home I think smoking just one wouldn't be bad - but I don't. I'm an addict!!
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    you have got to be kidding me. how dare you even say that. why dont you go finish off another bottle of red wine. im sure your liver appreciates it.

    Hahah, yess. Everyone has their own vice. To each is own.
  • Presley0381
    I gave it up 2 or 3 yrs ago and now the smell makes me sick....I dont miss it

    I've been smoke free for a little over a year now and also can't stand the smell!! When I go to my mother's house I get nauseated because she smokes inside and her house just smells terribly! (I never smoked inside lol)
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    you have got to be kidding me. how dare you even say that. why dont you go finish off another bottle of red wine. im sure your liver appreciates it.

    Hahah, yess. Everyone has their own vice. To each is own.

    exactly :smokin: :drinker:
  • shellicious777
    shellicious777 Posts: 48 Member
    I gave it up 2 or 3 yrs ago and now the smell makes me sick....I dont miss it

    Good job! I also quit 2 yrs ago this july and I'm with you! Best decision I've made!
  • mississippi_queen
    mississippi_queen Posts: 483 Member





    Enjoy your cigarettes. :sick:

    Next time please ask for the non-smoking thread, as your non-smoking offends me. Thank you :)

    Bahahahah!!! Thank you very much! I was just thinking why would you even enter the SMOKERS UNITE THREAD if you don't smoke??
  • dragonsheart84
    I quit so my husband would kiss me again. i was a smoker when we got married and I am still a smoker. I just don't light one up anymore. The only reason I quit is because of the cost. I never had any health problems and I gained a ton of weight after I quit. So, actually quitting made me fat. :(
  • AliceKlaar
    AliceKlaar Posts: 275 Member
    Well, this turned out to be a nice, light-hearted thread :frown: Yes, I'm a dirty, filthy smoker, been smoking for 26 years now and smoke about 10 roll-ups a day (strictly tobacco only these days!) I get half-way through a pouch and think I'm getting about ready to quit - then I get to the end of the pouch and my resolve flies out the window. Le sigh. Right, I'm off for a *kitten*! :happy:
  • dragonsheart84
    I quit december 9th. would kick kittens for a smoke today.

    There it is :laugh: ....Every morning when I leave for work and every evening when I leave work heading for home I think smoking just one wouldn't be bad - but I don't. I'm an addict!!

    My husband does not understand that smoking is not easy and you are in fact a legal drug addict. I don't crave them much now. I am over 6 months without one. When I get in my mother's car now, I feel sick because she smokes. When she comes in smelling like smoke, my nose gets all icky. But having that calming feeling it gives you is what I miss the most I guess. The only other thing that has ever given me that feeling is one: food or two: sex. My husband has to go to work so sex is out of the question and food is not an option now either with trying to lose weight. Next step is exercise but it is not the same........
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member

    Next time please ask for the non-smoking thread, as your non-smoking offends me. Thank you :)

    Bahahahah!!! Thank you very much! I was just thinking why would you even enter the SMOKERS UNITE THREAD if you don't smoke??

    This is exactly what I was thinking!! Anti-smokers and non-smokers have no business being on a SMOKERS UNITE thread!!

    We smokers know the risks and HATE IT when non-smokers preach.

    I love smoking and have no desire to quit. :smokin:
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    This is exactly what I was thinking!! Anti-smokers and non-smokers have no business being on a SMOKERS UNITE thread!!
    I'm a non-smoker only here because I saw the hypocrisy of the smokers bashing going on. For what it's worth (for my friend, Boom): My mother has smoked since she was 16 (she's 69 now). None of my sisters nor I smoke. None of us has lung cancer from second hand smoke. None of us has issues because of our mom's smoking. I'm pretty sure all smokers know the risk and don't need graphic pics nor insulting comments about their parenting abilities.
  • mickeygirliegirl
    mickeygirliegirl Posts: 302 Member

    Next time please ask for the non-smoking thread, as your non-smoking offends me. Thank you :)

    Bahahahah!!! Thank you very much! I was just thinking why would you even enter the SMOKERS UNITE THREAD if you don't smoke??

    This is exactly what I was thinking!! Anti-smokers and non-smokers have no business being on a SMOKERS UNITE thread!!

    We smokers know the risks and HATE IT when non-smokers preach.

    I love smoking and have no desire to quit. :smokin:

    Thank you for stating everything that I was just going to say. :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • FreeThotStrm

    you have got to be kidding me. how dare you even say that. why dont you go finish off another bottle of red wine. im sure your liver appreciates it.

    I wonder how her drinking has affected HER kids? And she didn't respond to me, I guess she didn't have a response.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459

    you have got to be kidding me. how dare you even say that. why dont you go finish off another bottle of red wine. im sure your liver appreciates it.

    I wonder how her drinking has affected HER kids? And she didn't respond to me, I guess she didn't have a response.

    oh im sure her kids are perfectly well rounded and make good grades unlike the side effects from second hand smoke that our children suffer.
  • missprincessjenny
    missprincessjenny Posts: 104 Member

    Next time please ask for the non-smoking thread, as your non-smoking offends me. Thank you :)

    Bahahahah!!! Thank you very much! I was just thinking why would you even enter the SMOKERS UNITE THREAD if you don't smoke??

    This is exactly what I was thinking!! Anti-smokers and non-smokers have no business being on a SMOKERS UNITE thread!!

    We smokers know the risks and HATE IT when non-smokers preach.

    I love smoking and have no desire to quit. :smokin:

    Thank you for stating everything that I was just going to say. :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    I know the risks. I'm a RN and I've seen lung cancer. I've seen the strokes and MI's from it. But I am still an addict. It's not just that easy to quit. I've tried but failed miserably.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    I'm a proud smoker and in better shape than most of the people I know.
  • foxy2311
    foxy2311 Posts: 179
    May 7th will be six months smoke free! Feeling really good. Longest I've gone without was 9 months and that was six years ago. Here's for the long haul!