Tall Girls (5'9 and up): How Many Calories Are You Eating?



  • maggie16sweetxoxo
    maggie16sweetxoxo Posts: 314 Member
    hey I am I short girl (5'7) but i want to be 5'10 :D
  • 5'9/8 When I started MFP put me on a little over 1300. I lost a little and then stopped. After doing some reading (and looking at how hungry and cranky I was) I upped my cals to 1520 and lost a total of ten that way. For about six months after that I stopped logging food, but continued to weigh in, excersize and keep my food choices in mind. I was fluctuating by about three pounds in that time. A little over a month ago I realized I wanted to make it further and started logging again. I've changed to active (my job has me on my feet running around and I work out in some way ~3 times a week) and my goal is 1640 according to MFP. I've lost nearly 5 pounds since then, as well as numerous NSVs. I also eat back my calories. In the beginning that was my motivation to work out! Every person is different. I could never have done this with MFP's original numbers, but for now I'm trying to stick to the new numbers. Find what works for you and when it stops, change it. This is a long road to the rest of your life.
  • redcat17
    redcat17 Posts: 267 Member
    I'm 5'11" and I seem to be getting about 1500-1700 calories a day right now, more on days I lift. Once I start lifting heavier I'll probably up it. I'm just getting back into working out right now, and currently I'm losing about one pound a week. My goal is to get strong and fit, and the weight loss will follow.
  • SatchGallamax
    SatchGallamax Posts: 549 Member
    I'm 5'10 and on non-exercise days I'm eating about 1500 cals/day. When I do work out, I eat back AT LEAST half of the calories I burned.

    For those of you confused about why you should eat back the calories you burned (or think that you shouldn't) I highly suggest you read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/10589-for-those-confused-or-questioning-eating-your-exercise-calo
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Hey girls,

    ok so for a while I was wondering what the "wall" was about myself. Here's some tips to break it.

    Don't shoot for the same calorie goal every week MFP is a guide not the deciding factor, its giving you a good estimate but in all honesty so many more factors go into a proper caloric intake not just the info you offer on here (weight/height/etc). Do NOT shoot for the number that MFP provides you each week/day. First off we are tall (im just under 6ft) we burn more faster typically (not always but usually).
    -Try to lower your caloric intake to 1200-1500 a week. You will notice almost an instant difference.
    - Spaces your meals to every 3-4 hours and your snacks to every 2 hours between that (ex. bfast @ 8, snack @ 10, lunch at 12 or 1, snack at 2 or 3)
    - try not to eat past 8 or 9pm if you have to be up later than that snack on fruit, drink tea/water just make sure there is 3 hours between your last meal and when you fall asleep.
    - Make sure you keep your workouts changing the more you confuse your muscles the more weight you will lose
    - You MUST weight lift! it wont cause you to bulk up actually the more you develop muscle the more your metabolism will boost. Try 2-3 times a week nothing to heavy or crazy try 10-12lbs to start and add a bit as you go along. once you reach 15-20 dial it back a bit. Like I said keep your muscles guessing so they cant gain memory and slow down the intensity and effectiveness of your workout.
    - PS Planks over crunches every-/every other day you burn almost 70 calories in 1 30 second plank give or take.

    Any more tips i'm here to help im a university athlete (4yrs are up but I want to model, I have to drop 12 but I want to lose the weight by eating healthy an w/ hardwork, no I don't starve myself your more than welcome to check out my food diary ). I eat 1000-1200 cals a day and workout anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours a day depending on homework.

    PS Don't eat the calories back you worked them off for a reason.

    Please don't offer to help others when you are doing so much so wrong!!
    You are eating under 1200 net
    You don't eat exercise calories back
    Eating at night makes no difference as long as you are still in a deficit...
    Please read up on how to not do it wrong....
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    I am 5 ft 11 inches and currently 179. After stalling out from low calories I took Helloitsdan's advice in his road map post and did my calculations. I now eat 2303 calories a day (BMR 1625) and work out 3-5 times a week. This has helped respark my weight loss and I am no longer feeling hungry and deprived.

    This sounds like a fantastic idea!

    I'm 5'8 (AND A HALF!) and weight 176 - just stared doing this two days ago and hope it works...Have been standing still at 1600 plus exercise for sooooo long, working out 5- 6 times a week.... Tries to eat over 2000 but it scares the crap out of me...Will see....
  • Fay84Vegan
    Fay84Vegan Posts: 225 Member
    I'm 5 11 BMR 1514 - i eat 1700 (plus most of my exercise calories) a day.

    Why are there so many different ideas of how people should lose weight.

    Surely there should just be ONE way 'The Healthy Way'

    As much as i want to lose all my excess weight over night i know it can't happen!!
    It was put on over time so i'm gonna have to lose it over time too.

    Having said that i haven't lost any weight so far... but i have lost inches.
  • I'm 5'11 and 215 pounds. This is just my second day on MFP, but my suggested amount is 2000, and I've been eating around 1800 for the past few days. I haven't lost anything yet but I have noticed that I feel a lot better after a few days of eating healthy and starting my exercise routine again.

    It's great to know what other gals my height are dong what what has/hasn't worked for you!
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    i'm around 5'8" and my daily amount is between 1500-1700 depending on the day and if i managed to squeeze in any exercise (FT desk job and 4 kids - trying to find the time!). I just joined about 3 weeks ago, but I've already lost 6 pounds. I am starting strength training this weekend, so my number will go up - how much, I'm not sure. The one thing I do know is that stalling is inevitable if we don't eat enough calories b/c our bodies will go into starvation mode.
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member

    - PS Planks over crunches every-/every other day you burn almost 70 calories in 1 30 second plank give or take.

    PS Don't eat the calories back you worked them off for a reason.

    A. All of your advice is horrible, but I wanted to point out one huge ridiculous stat you put here.

    I just did an Ab Attack class for 30 minutes and lifted for 10 minutes after. I did 8 different types of planks for a minute each. That is 16 different 30 second counts, and by your math, 16 times 70 calories, I should have burned 1120 in those 8 minutes. For the entire 40 minutes, I burned 310. :huh:

    B. It is vital to eat back calories because your body needs the fuel. You should be netting your calorie goal no matter how many calories you burn. I eat 1450 calories a day (I'm not tall, 5'2", but I had to comment on all this BS) and burn between 500-1000 calories a day normally. So, in order to NET 1450 calories if I burn 500, I must eat 1950 (because 500 of that was burned off, so I netted 1450 calories for the day). If I was eating 1450 calories a day then burning 1000, I'd be netting 450 calories a day. That is called starvation mode, and that is called metabolism death. EAT YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES.
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    "Hey girls,

    ok so for a while I was wondering what the "wall" was about myself. Here's some tips to break it.

    Don't shoot for the same calorie goal every week MFP is a guide not the deciding factor, its giving you a good estimate but in all honesty so many more factors go into a proper caloric intake not just the info you offer on here (weight/height/etc). Do NOT shoot for the number that MFP provides you each week/day. First off we are tall (im just under 6ft) we burn more faster typically (not always but usually).
    -Try to lower your caloric intake to 1200-1500 a week. You will notice almost an instant difference.
    - Spaces your meals to every 3-4 hours and your snacks to every 2 hours between that (ex. bfast @ 8, snack @ 10, lunch at 12 or 1, snack at 2 or 3)
    - try not to eat past 8 or 9pm if you have to be up later than that snack on fruit, drink tea/water just make sure there is 3 hours between your last meal and when you fall asleep.
    - Make sure you keep your workouts changing the more you confuse your muscles the more weight you will lose
    - You MUST weight lift! it wont cause you to bulk up actually the more you develop muscle the more your metabolism will boost. Try 2-3 times a week nothing to heavy or crazy try 10-12lbs to start and add a bit as you go along. once you reach 15-20 dial it back a bit. Like I said keep your muscles guessing so they cant gain memory and slow down the intensity and effectiveness of your workout.
    - PS Planks over crunches every-/every other day you burn almost 70 calories in 1 30 second plank give or take.

    Any more tips i'm here to help im a university athlete (4yrs are up but I want to model, I have to drop 12 but I want to lose the weight by eating healthy an w/ hardwork, no I don't starve myself your more than welcome to check out my food diary ). I eat 1000-1200 cals a day and workout anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours a day depending on homework.

    PS Don't eat the calories back you worked them off for a reason. "

    Nikki, I totally agree with you!! I am 5'11" and have about 25# to lose to get to my goal weight. My BMR is 2174 and I consider myself very active. I try to shoot for 1200cal/day(although my willpower sucks sometimes and I come in above that goal), I LOVE lifting weights and lift 3 times a week. Even though I try to stay at my 1200 cal/day goal, the weight does sometimes seem slow to come off, but I know that is because I am not doing enough cardio....that is my own fault for I hate cardio....LOL!! Once I get really disiplined and hit the treadmill several times a week, the weight starts to come off a LOT faster.....And I don't EVER allow my burned calories to raise my daily caloric intake!!! To me that is just a counterproductive way of thinking!! Sorry ladies, but if I were eating the amount of calories y'all are suggesting, I would NEVER lose weight!! IMO 1200cal/day is NOT too little of an amount of cal/day if you are serious about losing weight. And "My Fitness Pal" even has my recommended daily caloric intake for weight loss as 1200cal/day. Nikki, I think your advice is very good advice and just ignore the nay-sayers!!



    I'm 5'2" and 122 lbs. I eat between 1800-2300 calories a day. My TDEE without exercise, just a normal work day, is 2300. With exercise where I'm burning 500-1000, that's a total calorie expenditure of 2800-3300. How would 1200 calories of food sustain my body, repair it after working out and fuel it properly? After burning 1000 calories, it is as if I didn't work out (netted) and ate only 200 calories THE ENTIRE DAY!

  • jenb6723
    jenb6723 Posts: 13
    Wow - MFP has me at 1200. At least 5 times a week my workout is 60-75 minutes and 700-1000 calories. One day I only do 30-45 minutes and one day is true rest. LOTS of running but also other low impact cardio and weight training. I don't count weight training in my calories or minutes of exercise.

    I spent a bunch of time reading about the calories you "earn" from exercise and I do not feel quilty about eating those back even though I rarely eat them all. MFP is giving me that 1200 calories based on me sitting on my bum at the office all day. When I earn the calories I am really earning them :) That being said I have a hard time eating 2200 calories if that is what I ended up with after a workout. I am finding myself less and less hungry the more I follow the plan which is good - no desire to snack - and bad - easy to go from lunch time clear to bed with little more than a snack.

    I am 5'11 and trying to lose 10ish pounds and have found MFP so very helpful in keeping me honest to what I am eating. I have yet to weigh in since first logging on as I am in total fear that scale will not have moved - but even random co-workers are now asking if I have lost weight.
  • mandie0378
    mandie0378 Posts: 73 Member
    I'm 5'9" 256.2. I have been hard and heavy exercising 3-5x a week and 1400-1600 calories a day for 2 months. And nothing, I mean NOTHING was coming off.

    So, this week, I took a week off exercising, upped my calories to 1900. I've dropped 2.2 lbs since Sunday! I'm obviously not eating enough when I exercise.
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    6 ft here. I try to not net lower than 1640, so with exercise calories I usually end up between 1700 and 2100. I could probably up it, but I'm not feeling at all deprived so it's fine for now.
  • LaurnWhit
    LaurnWhit Posts: 261 Member
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    1200-1500 working on getting up to 1500-1800
    Im 32, 5'10, 170 and change lbs and about mid 20's %body fat
  • emgawne
    emgawne Posts: 265 Member
    i am 5'9", 157 lbs and about 21% body fat and i currently net about 1870 so on workout days that means i eat around 2000-2300 cals depending on my workout.
  • goodies81
    goodies81 Posts: 16
    I'm 5'9 1/2 and currently weigh 261 lbs. I'm challenging myself to eat 1380 calories right now and it's working out pretty good. Before that I was eating 1450 calories a day for the last 3 months. I've been consistently going to the gym 4-7 days a week with a 2 - 2.5 lb per week weight loss. I work off between 1000 - 1300 calories in cardio everytime I go to the gym. Surprisingly, I'm not starving just constantly eating healthier choices.

    Best of luck to us all!!!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    I'm 5'10" and somewhere between 155-160 pounds. I am in maintenance and to maintain I need about 2300 calories/day. I usually eat about 2500 though because I'm trying to gain just a bit.

    ETA - while losing weight, I think the lowest my calories were ever set at was around 1500/day net
  • marx4
    marx4 Posts: 236 Member