Alright, here's an awkward topic but I need advice/insight



  • Oh my gosh, you need to go girl, your body is toxic with that stuff in you. Reject medications and go the natural route and drink magnesium citrate. A great brand is Natural Calm by Natural Vitality. You can check them out on the web to find a location near you where you can buy it. You make it with hot water and drink as a tea about an hour before bedtime (this usually allows you enough time to pee before you lie down to sleep) you will sleep like a baby and in the morning, you should poop no problem. :) I generally use 1 1/2 tsps. of the regular Natural Calm but have used 3 tsps. I believe the directions say you can use up to 3 tsps. twice a day. You'll kow if you've used to much if you rstool gets too loose then you just know to back off a little. Try using it every night until you feel regulated. It's not harmful and so good for you in so many ways. Like I said check out the website.
  • stablesong
    stablesong Posts: 224
    I always had constipation issues when I was younger, and in the past few years, it's been quite the opposite. Very sensitive stomach, frequent diarrhea, or ...movements... so big and hard they clog the toilet. Yep, those are probably the worst out of everything I've experienced, and embarrassing! When I was little my grandmother would make me eat raisins, which I love now but ate chocolate-covered as a kid. Now, trying to eat a balanced diet and plenty of fiber helps me out. I still only go maybe four times a week but that is better than nothing at all.
  • Ribena145
    Ribena145 Posts: 201 Member
    Looking at your food diary, it seems rather low on the fibre side. Flax seed meal is a good idea, so would a bran cereal. I use President's Choice Fibre 1st which has 13 grams of fibre for 1/2 cup. Another item I've just started using not that long ago, which really seems to help, is from the health food store called Schinoussa Sea Vegetables. I mix it into a smoothie each morning. Something to mention though, is to gradually increase your fibre, as too much too soon can have the opposite effect. And then there also is the almighty water to help flush the system. But the recommendations to see your doctor are also a really good idea, especially if none of the above works.
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    First of all... EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT! MOST people go 2-3 times a week. Some more, some less. I have patients that only have a BM 1-2 times/week. But what you are describing ISN'T normal and you should have it checked out. NOT by an OB/GYN... a gastroenterologist!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    OK, "normal" is food in, food a few hours after each meal.
    You may have subluxated lumbar/sacrum (lower part of your spine), this area controls your bowel. Only a Chiropractor can fix that.
    Gastropariesis (slow emptying of the stomach), but your bowels would still move at least every 3 days.
    Partial blockage, or telescoping could be other reasons, but all would need a GI MD to diagnose.

    Sennakot is an OTC med, natural stimulant.
    Colace is an OTC med, softens the stool (if taken on a regular basis).

    Good luck, but go see a GI (gastrointestinal) MD soon.
  • cookie61206
    cookie61206 Posts: 5 Member
    Try this it help me go every morning, I take it at night. ( natural calm) ingredient: magnesium citrate
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    But what you are describing ISN'T normal and you should have it checked out. NOT by an OB/GYN... a gastroenterologist!

    Start either place. Colon cancer is even less common than ovarian or cervical cancer in a 25 year old.
  • nicew0
    nicew0 Posts: 38 Member
    Going that infrequently is definitely not "normal" or healthy. My daughter has always had a problem with BMs since she was a young child. She was actually hospitalized at one point because she literally couldn't poop.

    There are several conditions that could be the cause. In my daughter's case it's slow transit constipation. This is when a digestive system simply works very slowly causing a buildup. She has to eat a high fiber diet, and it is a big help, but it's not enough. Our GI specialist put her on Myralax, which has been a HUGE help. Good luck.
  • ucaminax
    ucaminax Posts: 157 Member
    Try a magnesium vitamin supplement. Works like a charm!
  • NewTeena
    NewTeena Posts: 154 Member
    My dr recommends senokot. It doesn't make you go, it just makes it easier to go.
  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    I've struggled with constipation since I was a baby (according to my mother). Lately I have been going every day or every other day for the most part, but it is not uncommon for me to go 5 days between bowel movements. Usually I am not that uncomfortable until the last day or so and then it is horrible. When I do go I have to go when I have to go. No waiting and it will often clog the toilet. So embarassing! I take Miralax and stool softeners, drink lots of water, and eat fiber rich foods.

    I would definitely see another doctor. Trying the Miralax and stool softeners could help but I think you need to make sure there are not other problems first.
  • Circa1964
    Circa1964 Posts: 225 Member
    My doctor did a scan and determined my large colon was *extra large* therefore I wasn't going as often and causing the same uncomfortable feeling (couldn't imagine two weeks, ouch). Anyway he said very important to keep things moving along. He suggested Metamucil or something like that plus the old fiber & water thing. Good luck. See that specialist!
  • My son and I were having issues i wouldn't let us go this long without going to the restroom but i tweaked our diets and was quick to find out we are lactose intolerant. Dairy in quantity helps clogs up the pipes bad. The cleaner we eat the less problems we have. I also had to get him some children's probiotics to help get him regular. flax actually stops us up as well but loosens my husband and daughter. The body is such a funny thing. I always try to go natural before having to get prescriptions. good luck to you that would make me rather grumpy!
  • So here's my take, everyone is different and some people go 1 a day, 2 a day, 3 a day or once every couple days. Going WEEKS is excessive and I would totally talk to a specialist. I can only imagine how uncomfortable that is. If your body doesn't feel right, it probably means it isn't.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    You're going to hear a lot of: eat more fiber. That may be it. Or it could be something else. Consider an elimination diet to see if something triggers your constipation.

    It could be wheat/gluten and all the grains you eat.

    Check with a GI doc.
  • MissNations
    MissNations Posts: 513 Member
    Is there some reason you haven't gone to see a doctor? Seriously, that is the obvious answer.
  • utes09
    utes09 Posts: 561 Member
    I've actually passed out from having too much stuff backed up. Woke up in the morning with a sore abdomen, thought it was from my awesome ab workout the day before, went to go and BAM I fell on the floor. My mom rushed me to the ER and they found out I was very very backed up. Had to take an enema to get it all out. It was horrible.

    Go and see someone. It was through an ultrasound they could tell what was wrong.
  • kerrykipfer
    kerrykipfer Posts: 1 Member
    I found a fantastic product called Cleanse More by renew life. It draws matter into the colon making your stool large and soft and on pretty much cleans you out but not in an irritating way Its magnesium and some herbs but no senna. Flax plus cereal helps too!
  • calalily77
    calalily77 Posts: 240 Member
    Oh I totally feel your pain. I have been like this basically my whole life. My doctor is always saying eat more fiber and such but I know that it doesnt always help. I also have a thyroid problem so that also contributes to my issue. I'm not sure if your thyroid is fine but if you have already been diagnosed with something in that area it might have a bit to do with it. I dont think that it is something you need to worry about though if that is the only issue. I know how uncomfortable it is though. Alot of people tell me to drink coffee or something because it works for them. Maybe that will help you? I wish I could help you but I myself can't seem to get a hold of it either. Good luck and I hope you feel better soon!
  • misty0413
    misty0413 Posts: 212
    hope you are ok. I would make an appointment with a doctor tomorrow. You don't want to become dependant on laxatives either that is not good.please let us know when you get better.