UGH! Lazy, lazy, lazy

And that's me. Despite the fact that I run around all weekend and do some pretty strenuous stuff (working with horses, cleaning the barn, riding, etc.) I still can't seem to lose this weight! At my "normal" job (Monday-Friday) I have a 1 1/2 hour commute and then a good 5-8 minute walk to my office. I try to eat right and make my lunch, limit coffee to one cup in the morning but by the time I get home, I'm starving and eat fast food (chinese buffet or pizza usually), plop at my table to do college homework (I'll be in school FOREVER) and then move my "plop" to the couch to wind down with some good TV before bed. Yes I always take my dog for at least a 10 minute walk, but it's not enough. I've been playing more with the WII fit and it seems to help with encouragement (the darn thing actually tells you your BMI and then says in a cutsey-ish voice, "that's overweight!!!" AAAAHHHHH! Like I didn't know already and need to be told over my television. I do think it's a good workout and will keep up with it, but it's like I'm trying to crank a rusty crank to get my own butt into gear. Any advice?

Jeanne :explode:


  • 1harleygal
    1harleygal Posts: 226 Member
    :smile: A couple of pointers may be to pack your lunch and walk during your lunch break, I eat mine as I walk. If you have breaks at lunch walk then as well. Also packing your lunch saves tons of money plus keeps you on track of your calories. For the weeks dinners I usually prepare for the whole week ahead so that all I have to do us micro the food but stay in my calorie count. Also instead of right after you eat start your homework go out and walk for at least 1/2 hour, you'll be amazed at how much that will help. :smile:
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    I've been known to make a bunch of food on weekends and put it into containers, so that when I get home from work, I can throw something together in the microwave. Leftover chicken breast can be turned into salads, or a peanut butter sandwich and soup- real easy and quick.

    As far as working out, I think what works best for me when I get lazy is to deny myself something until the workout is done. Try not turning on the TV until you've walked, or done your WIIfit? Make TV your reward, or skip it altogether, and perhaps read a few pages in a book or a hot bath to wind down post-workout? Can you exercise in the morning before work?
  • neenaleigh
    neenaleigh Posts: 584 Member
    set some goals....for me i have to go to the gym right after work or i will be a lazy girl too.
  • mkwood10
    set some goals....for me i have to go to the gym right after work or i will be a lazy girl too.

    Same for me - the bag with gym clothes and shoes goes in the car with me - that way I don't have any excuse not to stop and work out!!:tongue:
  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    And that's me. Despite the fact that I run around all weekend and do some pretty strenuous stuff (working with horses, cleaning the barn, riding, etc.) I still can't seem to lose this weight! At my "normal" job (Monday-Friday) I have a 1 1/2 hour commute and then a good 5-8 minute walk to my office. I try to eat right and make my lunch, limit coffee to one cup in the morning but by the time I get home, I'm starving and eat fast food (chinese buffet or pizza usually), plop at my table to do college homework (I'll be in school FOREVER) and then move my "plop" to the couch to wind down with some good TV before bed. Yes I always take my dog for at least a 10 minute walk, but it's not enough. I've been playing more with the WII fit and it seems to help with encouragement (the darn thing actually tells you your BMI and then says in a cutsey-ish voice, "that's overweight!!!" AAAAHHHHH! Like I didn't know already and need to be told over my television. I do think it's a good workout and will keep up with it, but it's like I'm trying to crank a rusty crank to get my own butt into gear. Any advice?

    Jeanne :explode:

    Hi Jeanne :smile:

    Here's a pretty simple way to look at things which will hopefully help.

    Eat less to lose weight, exercise for fitness.

    Simple huh? BUT I think we get too caught up in "working out" to lose weight. While of COURSE exercise has huge benefits, the way to lose weight is to take in less calories than we use.

    SO plan your meals, eat small meals throughout the day.

    Hope this helps.


    (P.S. I LOVE horses and riding :smile: )
  • dino_morgan
    dino_morgan Posts: 57 Member
    I completely understand your frustration with school and work. They seem to take up all of your time! Plus, by the time that you get home you don't feel like doing something home made for dinner!
    I think that your best bet is maybe to try doing some sit up during your TV time, or even just doubling the time that you walk your dog. As for your diet, you could try setting aside a certain night after work, or even a Saturday afternoon to go to the grocery store and pick out easy dinner foods for the week.

    Power to you, girl! You can do it!

    P.S. Playing with the Wii is a good idea as well! Use that taunting voice to motivate you!
  • jumpthemoon
    jumpthemoon Posts: 152 Member
    Thanks everyone! I do try to pack a healthy lunch every day and I've been slowly getting back into the habit of eating an apple on my way to work in the mornings (I have a 1 1/2 hour commute each way). Also trying to have water with my lunch and save my caffeine free pepsi as my "treat" with dinner. I did try to pick out some "healthier" frozen dinners - lean cuisine, etc. and they're not that bad.

    Until my office moves at the end of October to a beautiful office park closer to my home (YEAH!), walking outside - well, let's just say that my office complex is safe, but I wouldn't want to walk around here any time of day without many others around. Walking the dog is always good and since I live in a lake community, the roads are curvy and hilly so we both get a workout!

    I have used the mantra "eat less and exercise more" and it has helped. Trust me, I really don't eat a lot of food, just make bad choices :blushing: I'm working on it and really trying!!! Thanks again for all of your support!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Well, it sounds like you know what the problem is, now you have to implement. Losing weight takes some discipline, it's harder at the beginning usually to get in the groove, but as you become accustom to it, it gets easier to eat healthy and exercise.

    Obviously the fast food'll kill ya, getting off that will be a huge help, add 1 day of exercise in after work per week and you'll be well on your way, every 3 or 4 weeks add another day of exercise until you're up to 4 or 5 days, and you'll be really cooking.

    Find things you like to do for exercise, swimming, bike riding, running, hiking, a team sport like basketball...etc. what ever you do and can have some fun at, that's a key to really getting in the exercise groove.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I suggest you break your meals down into smaller, more frequent ones. If you eat 200-300 or so calories every 3 hours, it will help you avoid that feeding frenzy when you get home. I buy high protein bars and eat one with my workout (1/2 1 hr before and 1/2 30 mins after) so I am not tempted to start gnawing on my arm or the nearest burger. It really does help!