Ladies? Ever cut your hair short and regretted it?



  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    I've had hair long enough to sit on and also once shaved all my hair off (oh I'm glad I'm not a 15yo punk any more....). I've had every hair length in between. I've regretted one or two short cuts (and a couple of long cuts too) but my advice would be to make sure you choose something that works with your hair type and texture. I can't go really short because my hair is so thick, It would just stand up and not lie flat. I have decided my hair works best when it's still long so it's now halfway down my back.

    There are some lovely pics in this thread. Hope people go for it!
  • bluehonu20
    bluehonu20 Posts: 11 Member
    Many years ago, I did this. I chopped it all off because I was going on a week-long scuba diving trip and my hair kept working its way into my mask and making it leak (which is not good when you're 15-20meters below the surface). I hated it, but I have a rather unfeminine facial structure, and it just made me look mannish.

    That said, the only way to find out is to just go for it. Hair does grow back, and if you hate it, you can just chalk it up to experience! :)

    The thing I did like about it was how easy it is to take care of when it's short.
  • Tivo8MyNeighbors
    Tivo8MyNeighbors Posts: 151 Member
    I've had long hair, extremely short hair, everything in between. The only short cut I ever regretted was the result of a gross miscommunication between myself and the stylist. I said, "Meg Ryan in 'French Kiss,'" and she must have heard, "Napoleon Dynamite's grandmother." I wore a lot of creative head scarves and hats til it grew back, which wasn't long.

    Hair grows back. Never fear.
  • AshinAms
    AshinAms Posts: 283 Member
    I am actually growing mine so that when I reach my goal it will be long!
  • Aineko
    Aineko Posts: 163
    When I have a girlfriend, or if someone who is close to me cuts their hair short, Yes i do regret it.
    my partner expressed his regrets few times but he knows I LOVE short hair on me (I do cycle a lot with hair length but never had longer than my shoulders). and it's so easier to take care of!
  • DeckerDoll
    DeckerDoll Posts: 201
    Never having to pull it back when working out
    fast styling time
    less use of hair products

    Growing it back out (You go through the Bieber, then the mullet-esque, then if you've made it through that long you have an odd little bob cut.)
    You have to get it cut more frequently in order to keep the shape if you don't grow it back out.

    When I was 16 years old I really wanted to make my dad angry. So smart right? Being such a mature 16 year old, I chopped all my hair off because he loved his "little girl's long hair" and I had a faux hawk for the next 3 years.

    When I got married, my husband and I had practically had the same length of hair. So I started growing it back out. Growing it out sucks.

  • Knightley27
    Knightley27 Posts: 9 Member
    I went from having hair past my butt to an A line where they had to shave the back of my head, all in one sitting. Not only did I feel like a bobble head I was actully freezing my buns off. However, I cant say that I regretted the decision. I felt I looked more mature and I did get more attention from guys oddly enough.
  • kiwilass
    kiwilass Posts: 49 Member
    Yep I hated it!!!! Took me a while to grow it back and now I wouldnt chop it for the world
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    Love short hair. My hair is actually quite a bit shorter now than in my profile photo and I look much better with it shorter. I don't know why I decided to grow it out a bit. Every time I've gotten my hair cut shorter, I've gotten raves from people about how good I look. And, hey, if you don't like it, hair grows.

    But I do get bored and have gone through the long hair to short hair and back to long hair cycle numerous times in my life. I don't know why people complain about the growing out phase because there are so many cute cuts you can get while it's growing out. It reminds me of people who want to lose 10# by the weekend. It's not gonna happen so take it slow and enjoy the process.
  • sampa91
    sampa91 Posts: 72 Member
    I am currently in the same decision making position... my sister is a hairdresser and wants to use me as a model and cut mine short, with an undercut and longer on the other side...
    I am so scared! but kind of excited for the outcome!
    Do you guys think something like that would look ok on me? :S
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    Contrary to popular opinion, I never found a short hair style to be less maintenance. You still have the blow dry, style, and shape it just like long hair. That combined with the trim schedule can make short hair more maintenance than medium to long hair (no ponytails).

    Wow, really? Maybe it depends on the cut or the texture of your hair or something because my hair takes 30-seconds, if that. It dries naturally, I just run my fingers through it, and that's it. If I feel like it, sometimes I run some paste through the ends to make it a bit more pieced, or this miracle stuff called Powder Play that makes my hair more spikey, or sometimes I spray on some gloss-shine stuff that makes my hair look more chic...depends on my mood. That's what takes about 30-seconds.

    I've always thought that if someone needs to spend a lot of time on their hair, it's because their stylist has tried to give them a cut that their hair doesn't naturally want to do. Go for what works WITH your hair, not against it and it's easy-peasy.
  • KatieCuth
    KatieCuth Posts: 569 Member
    I am currently in the same decision making position... my sister is a hairdresser and wants to use me as a model and cut mine short, with an undercut and longer on the other side...
    I am so scared! but kind of excited for the outcome!
    Do you guys think something like that would look ok on me? :S

    You have a lovely shaped face... go for it...
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Contrary to popular opinion, I never found a short hair style to be less maintenance. You still have the blow dry, style, and shape it just like long hair. That combined with the trim schedule can make short hair more maintenance than medium to long hair (no ponytails).

    Wow, really? Maybe it depends on the cut or the texture of your hair or something because my hair takes 30-seconds, if that. It dries naturally, I just run my fingers through it, and that's it. If I feel like it, sometimes I run some paste through the ends to make it a bit more pieced, or this miracle stuff called Powder Play that makes my hair more spikey, or sometimes I spray on some gloss-shine stuff that makes my hair look more chic...depends on my mood. That's what takes about 30-seconds.

    Good for you, but no, that did not work for me. I did not like the way my hair dried naturally when it was short so I had to always blow dry and style it. It never laid properly without some styling. My hair now is 10 minutes to do, less than I spent on my my pixie/super short cut.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I had mine cut short (and dyed a stupid colour - ignore the colour) in my late teens. I love how low maintenance it was, but I hated it as a whole. It wasn't cut anything like the image I took in.


    I also had the added issue of being a tomboy, though. That didn't help. With a tomboy personality and no boyfriend people assumed I was a lesbian, which I found hard to cope with. I had people I knew shout it in the street, call me it in front of customers at work and when I went to university just as I was starting to grow it out there was a lesbian who got a bit obsessed with me.

    Add to that the fact that for me, growing it out meant dark major dark brown roots with the blonde...ugh.

    I still miss how fast it was to sort out in the morning, but need to remind myself how much I hated it.
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    When I hit about 125 pounds lost, I cut off 14 inches and never looked back. I feel so sassy with short hair now and I can really pull it off since my face is much thinner.

    I did hack my hair off when I was overweight in highschool and it looked like hell. I cried for like a week over it. But now that I'm skinny, I absolutely love it short. It's more work, and I can't just throw it up in a ponytail when I'm lazy but I love it.
  • DAM_Fine
    DAM_Fine Posts: 1,292 Member
    Yes. I had a pixie cut for years. It was okay on me, but very difficult to grow back out. The "in between" stage sucked. My haircut now is great for me.

    It's a big commitment going super short on your hair so I suggest doing incremental cuts before going pixie. Pixie cuts require monthly trims also (sometimes more often) depending on how fast your hair grows and the cut you want.

    Contrary to popular opinion, I never found a short hair style to be less maintenance. You still have the blow dry, style, and shape it just like long hair. That combined with the trim schedule can make short hair more maintenance than medium to long hair (no ponytails).

    This is exactly my answer. I had a pixie cut for years, and now that I've lost weight, I've decided to grow it out again. Its been almost six months and the part that was around my ears is just now getting to a workable length - and my hair grows fast!
  • sampa91
    sampa91 Posts: 72 Member
    Also original poster short hair would look lovely on you! :)
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I really liked having short hair the 2 times I did have it cut short. One style was VERY short and a rather high maintenance style, but I loved it and felt really cute wearing it all did up and fancy. It was super dark red - my favorite color, which makes me reminisce and want to dye it that color again. That was in middle school - and yeah, I got made fun of a lot for it, got told I looked like a boy and was a lesbian. LOL. Whatever. I grew it back out after that, just so I didn't have to deal with the dramatic BS anymore. But when I was older, like 19ish I think, I cut my own hair to about the bottom of my ears. I was lucky I didn't butcher it, honestly! lol. It turned out really cute though, and I loved how easy it was to maintain at that length. Usually I'd just do a headband or pigtails or just leave it down with some hair clips to keep it out of my face. Simple, cute, easy. Now I want to get mine cut short! XD
  • strongandhealthy78
    strongandhealthy78 Posts: 90 Member
    I LOVE having short hair. I think that it is hard because unless you wear makeup and/or jewelry and, even if you do, people can mistake women for men, just on the basis of their hair.
    That said, I adore my short hair. I feel the best with short hair. It feels like me. And, I like me! :smile:
  • tnorth82
    tnorth82 Posts: 186
    not quite boy cut but it is too short to tie up...
    The only thing I regret is I have to style it every day, I cant just tie it or pin it up. So its more time consuming than before, but looks loads better!