My first marathon completed!!!!!

Just wanted to share with you all the elation I still feel after completing my first marathon last Sunday in London.

Fantastic experience & the crowds were great even though it was the hardest fitness thing I have EVER done!!! Best parts were running over tower bridge (& seeing Denise Lewis plus camera crew!), hearing Big Ben chime as I ran past & seeing Buckingham Palace then turning the corner onto the mall & seeing the "385 yards to go" sign & the finish line!!! They were playing Abba's "Dancing Queen" & that gave me a 2nd wind to sprint the last bit!!!

I would like to say to other people who haven't run before or are just starting to give it a go and stick with it!! I have tried to run on & off since 2003 but have stuck to it regularly since 2009, completing various 5k, 10k & 2 x half marathons then now a marathon!! If someone had said to me in September 2009 (or before) that I would run a marathon I would have seriously laughed out loud!! At that time all I could run was the length of 2 lamp posts!!!

I am not a fast runner by any stretch & it took me 6:06 hrs to run the marathon. I was aiming for 5:15-5:30 based on my last HM in Nov last year & for my pace so I have had a moment of disappointment with my time as I had to run/walk the 2nd half BUT I developed knee pain from 16mi in training which never went away (though only occured whilst running & only 11mi +) which I know was the cause of my slower time. I made the decision when it started hurting during the race that crossing the finish line was paramount & my time less important. I really didn't want to push on regardless & risk not being able to finish. Obviously I would not agree with the "you haven't run a marathon if you had to walk" brigade as I still had to do 16 weeks of hard training & marathons require determination, mental strength & endurance, walk or run, in my opinion.

Don't let anyone else's negativity stop you from achieving whatever you want!!

I am now very proud of myself with what I have achieved & consider myself very lucky to have had this opportunity & to have crossed the finish line. I do intend to run another marathon in the future & will continue running once I have (somehow) sorted my knee out & purchased new trainers!!

All that said, I almost didn't post this as I didn't want to sound insensitive & I wouldn't want to offend anyone - it was very sad that a lady (Claire) died during the race and I have deepest sympathies for her family. Although I didn't know Claire I will remember her just because of being in the same race & for all the money she has raised for charity. I am sure lots of others will too. It just goes to show that we really do have to live our lives to the full and make the most of each opportunity that comes our way.

Thanks for reading & running.
Dragonfly :flowerforyou:

PS probably should have been a blog but I can't remember how to do it!!


  • RAF_Guy
    RAF_Guy Posts: 230 Member
    That is a brilliant story Dragon, you should be very proud of yourself and hopefully your friends are family are too. You are a real inspiration.
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 730 Member
    What an awesome accomplishment! I hope to one day run a marathon, and your story gives me inspiration to do that!
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    Congratulations! That is an amazing story and accomplishment! Thanks! See you on the road!
  • jessicasloan91
    jessicasloan91 Posts: 184 Member
    Well done :)

    I almost cried just watching it on TV, it looks like an AMAZING experience, so happy for you :)
  • 416runner
    416runner Posts: 159
  • Shriffee
    Shriffee Posts: 250 Member
    Congratulations!!!! That is awesome! I ran my first half a few weeks ago. I can't imagine running a full! Maybe when I'm done with school. :)
  • campi_mama
    campi_mama Posts: 350 Member
    Good for you! Big accomplishment
  • bugsymalone521
    Great job! I'm hoping to complete my first marathon next year!
  • Mehagon
    Mehagon Posts: 83
    Congratulations!!!! And thank you for posting this. . . I'm a slow runner too but my husband and I have already registered to do our first full marathon in October! Just need to stick with the training! :)
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Congratulations!! There is definitely no greater feeling of accomplishment than finishing a marathon! Way to go!!
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    You're a superstar! Well done.
  • gorunjogger
    Congratulations! Well done!
  • JSheehy1965
    JSheehy1965 Posts: 404
    Congratulations - that's such a great story! What an accomplishment!
  • KNarrainen
    KNarrainen Posts: 135 Member
    I'm going to apply for next years London marathon
  • jaxCarrie
    jaxCarrie Posts: 214 Member
    Wow, this gives me such hope!! I am signed up for my first marathon in october...and I am dreading those training runs....but the finish line (come hell or highwater) is the goal. Thanks for sharing!
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,419 Member
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    Congratulations! it's an amazing accomplishment even if you had to walk part of it. So many people can only dream of achieving somethiong like this...including me. I have a run a half marathon but still have to muster the courage to sign up for a full. So gloat away and be proud! yippee!
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Your post and encouraagement came at the perfect time! I am half way through training for my first half! Awesome post and way to go!
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,419 Member
    Ever see Run Fatboy Run??
    That was me!
  • hsrunningmom
    hsrunningmom Posts: 132 Member
    Congratulations! What a wonderful accomplishment!