

  • hypergrl
    hypergrl Posts: 188 Member
    Thanks for all the input. I've been trying to stick to a lot of veggies and whatnot, but I just stay hungry. And @kurenakumo, I really don't get enough sleep, with a demanding job and a 3 year old at home...the Red Bull is almost a necessary evil. But sugar-free may be an option. I just don't know what to do. I'll fix a huge salad, and be hungry again 30 minutes later. I think I made my log public so y'all can look and see how I'm screwing it up. Again, thanks so much for all the help!

    Well all the sugar in Red Bull is going to mess up your sugar balances, which maybe why you are getting hungry and not sleeping well. Another thing is caffeine stimulates hunger. Try replacing the sugar with fruit and cheese or nuts. Anything with fiber helps you stay full longer too. Also, how much water are you drinking. Your body will make you think you are hungry, but you could really be dehydrated.

    Oh yeah and I agree get a multi-vitamin that has B vitamin complex. Also, when I absolutely need to I will drink a five hour energy. I don't suggest you drink these like you do red bull or soda (because it can cause liver problems)
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    You have GOT to cut out the red bull. You can't expect to eat a healthy meal and lose weight when you are drinking 3-5 of those daily. They really don't do anything but cause harm in the long run anyways. A cup of coffee and healthy meals would make you feel much better.
  • stilettofury
    stilettofury Posts: 6 Member
    Okay, okay, I promise I will do something about the Red Bull...Jeez ;)
    I do drink water, I just don't log it. I imagine I probably go through a case of water every week, not including refilling my bottle when I'm at work.
    Thanks so much for all of your help :) I've got some grocery shopping to do when I get off today!
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    Seriously, those red bulls WILL kill you, chica. There are a lot of things you can do to eliminate soda and energy drinks--and trust me, you will feel much better. I was a lot like you a couple of years back and since I have kicked the habit, I have never felt better. Things that helped me ditch soda and caffeine: Green Tea (try lots of different types to find a few that you like), Peppermint Essential Oil (most brands you can use this aromatically or topically, but if you can find a brand that can be used internally as well that is best. If you are interested in this send me a message and I can go into more detail.), eat nutrient-rich whole foods, and, most importantly, GET ENOUGH SLEEP. Everything else does absolutely nothing if you don't get proper rest. I'm not going to tell you to get a solid 8 hours, because everyone is different. I know people that can function perfectly well on six and others who need nine. Listen to your body and do whatever you need to do to make sure that you are getting enough sleep.
  • knowwhentoshutup
    knowwhentoshutup Posts: 318 Member
    Definitely consider recalculating your BMR and TDEE, or talking with your doctor. 1200 is really low, and while it does work for a short time, it will not help you long term. Here is a handy resource:

    Also, what are you putting on your salad? Add things like cottage cheese, green beans (the fiber will help you feel more satisfied), lean meats, hard boiled eggs, beans, etc. It doesn't have to be boring lettuce and dressing.

    Lately, I have been making a Chicken BLT salad - which has great flavor and is really satisfying. For the dressing I take reduced fat mayo (1 TBS), add some vinegar and chopped tomato and cucumber, with salt/pepper to taste. It makes a great tangy dressing, for little calories. Even with 4 ounces of chicken, and two slices of center cut bacon, a HUGE serving is under 300 calories for an entire meal.

    I have also enjoyed a 'Big Easy' Salad (which is basically the makings of a muffaletta sandwich, served on lettuce without the bread). It is four slices of genoa salami, one slice of provolone cheese (both chopped), with a few spoonfuls of Olive Salad (a mixture of chopped olives, a tsp of olive oil and garlic - which is easy to make at home) as the dressing. It is really rich, but only comes in with around 216 calories, when served on a cup or two of chopped romaine.

    Also - my husband has started liking the energy drinks with little or no sugar, like the crystal light energy drinks, or the MIO energy. Good luck....
  • misticache
    misticache Posts: 364 Member
    You are not eating 1200 calories a day you are drinking them that's why you are starving all the time chickie! You can add me as a friend I'm also on 1200 a day and I eat most of it. I don't eat back my exercise calories back everyday so maybe that's why I'm stuck but I never feel hungry and I'm learning to eat healthy and practical which is what is most important.
  • dbsykes
    dbsykes Posts: 5
    Hi, I'm no expert but by looking at your food diary it seems to me you need more protein.
    You waste a lot of you calorie allowance on the Red Bull, might I suggest you try the 5-hour energy shots? That's what I use when I was running on Empty. I will give you the info on them since I have one right here (I got it out when I saw your post)
    4 calories, no crash later, sugar free
    Niacin 30 mg 150% of daily value- niacin helps lower cholesterol. (my doctor has me on 500 mg)
    B6 40 mg
    Folic Acid 400 mcg
    B12 500 mcg

    Good luck!