Starting Over...

Ladies and Gentleman, we need to stick together to make this work. I need some people who will hold me accountable. I joined back in March and lost nearly 20 lbs in 2 months. I felt great. I didn't come close to my goal weight, but like everyone else, drama came. I had to start traveling with my husband for his illness. We started eating fast food on the road, and before I knew it, I had quit the program.

Now, I'm starting over. I need the motivation I had in the beginning. Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, diet programs work 90% of the time if you have accountability. Anyone up for it? Here's the deal, if we don't log in, we can't check on eachother. I'm willing to put out a couple of places where people can hunt me down online if they haven't seen or heard from me in a week on this site. My email address is and if you have myspace page you can find me at If you're interested and want to give your email address out, then let me know.

Let's stick together to get healthy and feel better.

Stacy in Oklahoma


  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I agree. My favorite part of this website is the postings. When I first joined, there were new comments everyday. Now when I sign on, I'm disappointed that no new comments have been left. I like reading about people's progress and challenges. It makes me feel like I'm not the only one. During the winter, I'm having trouble getting up the motivation to work out like I was able to when it's warm outside. And I've really been slacking on eating well. When I get home from work, I've been pigging out way too much. It does help when people leave comments because everybody on this website is here to lose weight and to get into shape and it's nice to have support with that.
  • dragonfly183
    dragonfly183 Posts: 73 Member
    you should be proud of yourself for loosing so much in just two months. I have been working my *kitten* off (literally) for 6 months and only lost 10 pounds. you can do it, stay motivated.