Treadmill Troubles

I HATE running on the treadmill, but sometimes when the weather is bad or I'm pressed for time I have to suck it up and run on the treadmill at the gym. I love running outside and it's alot easier to push myself, but when I'm on the treadmill I can't get past the 1.25 mile mark. I know it's a mental thing, but I was just wondering if anyone had any tips for getting "in the zone" on a treadmill? I use RockMyRun mixes which are great, but any help is appreciated!


  • I actually love running on a treadmill, because it's just so much easier than running outdoors :'D
    (I still run outdoor more often ;))
    A good thing is that you could take a book or something or an ipad to keep your mind off the pain :) And music is always pretty helpful.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I get bored out of my mind on the treadmill, and disgustingly sweaty since there's no breeze, so I pretty much only do intervals when I'm stuck inside.
  • charliedavisxxx
    charliedavisxxx Posts: 53 Member
    i struggle on a treadmill too, but this english weather tends to rule out running outside for much of the year.

    i think the screen in unhelpful, it encourges you to stare at it - the time, the calories, the distance, the tv haha.

    try turning off the creen (hiding the data) and look up. this will improve your posture and will stop you over thinking the run which can be discouraging. if there is a big screen on your gym try and get a treadmill that is in front of it so you have to look up and play the 'guess what the news readers are saying before the picture comes up' game to take your mind of the run.

    Also really motivational music will really help... i tend to sing along silently, look like a noob but it gets me through. anything to stop the preoccupation with distance and thinking about something else which is what makes outside running so lovely.

    Best of luck, hope this is helpful... or get a really good hooded, light weight rain coat to run in!

    lovelove C xxx
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    i about to start on the treadmill so any ides would be great. I normally walk but LO has chicken pox so stuck inside for the next ten days and not going to go backwards
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I am with LorinaLynn...intervals on the treadmill is the way to go!
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    Could it be that the speed is too fast ?

    I find that up to 2.5k im wanting to quit but have my music on and once i pass 2.5k i get in to my zone and dont even notice others along side me :bigsmile:
  • 987Runner
    987Runner Posts: 209
    I get bored out of my mind on the treadmill, and disgustingly sweaty since there's no breeze, so I pretty much only do intervals when I'm stuck inside.

    THIS! I too hate, hate, hate the treadmill. I realized the only thing that keeps me on the treadmill is intervals. I warm up for 10 minutes, that's easy enough. And I go very slow, it is, after all, a warm up.

    For the next 10 minutes I do intervals. I'll sprint/jog fast for one minute, then go slow again. Like a 7.5 sprint, and a 5.5 cool down, of course whatever is comfortable for you.

    Just to keep it changed up, after that 20 minutes I'll do a really slow incline for another five minutes, the next five minutes a moderate pace, etc. Just change it up enough to keep yourself from being bored. I used to think that I had to maintain a 6.0 speed but nope, HIIT is important and it keeps me from quitting from sweat and boredom.
  • creature275
    creature275 Posts: 348 Member
    put a towell or something over the display so you dont know how far youve gone that seems to work for a lot of people with that problem
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Switch up your speeds. If you know what your average speed, let's say 7mph. Try starting out at 6.7mph for the first .2 miles. Then increase it to 7.0mph. for the next .2 miles. Bump it up to 7.2 for the next .2 miles and back down to 7mph and then push yourself to 7.6 for the final .2 of the first mile, then repeat. It helps keeping you occupied. Good luck!
  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member
    I use one in the mornings. Between cranking the tunes and watching the tv, the time goes by quickly.
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    I cover the screen and have a lot of motivational music on my MP3 player! Hope this helps. See you on the road!
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Yep, intervals here too. It's so hard to run at a steady pace, but when you are counting the seconds/minutes to a pace change, it helps time go by a little faster. However, I will run outside in rain, snow, wind and freezing cold before resorting to the treadmill. Pretty much reserve it for thunderstorms, ice/sleet, etc. Definitely a last resort.
  • sunshine3737
    sunshine3737 Posts: 44 Member
    I love my treadmill! My husband bought me a new one a few months ago and it comes with iFIT. It has a 10 in screen and connects to my wifi. I can map out workouts anywhere in the world using Google Maps and if available there are pictures of where I am running. The incline will change to whatever it is supposed to be. I can also pick a Jillian Michaels training program where I have a different workout everyday. I started out level 4 and am now up to level 5. All the worksouts are intervals so the speed and incline change every minute or so to easier or harder. They progressively get harder everyday but not to hard! I could go on and on! I can even participate in races against other IFIT users and it will post my time so I can see where I am compared to others. It's just awesome!
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    I use the Zombies, Run! app and it makes it soooooo much more fun.
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,552 Member
    At least you can get a run going on the treadmill. I have tried numerous times and about kill myself trying not to fall. It seems I run crooked or something.
  • JenaePavlak
    JenaePavlak Posts: 350 Member
    Then run faster!!!! You don't have to be on the treadmill a long time.. Interval train for 10-15 min.. go lift weights, then do it again... then go home!! =)
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    Treadmills suck. I agree with you 100% on running outside.
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    I dont love the treadmill either but sometimes its the only way I can get in a run. I recently got a Nook and found that if I blow up the font I can still read it even at 6 -7 mph. I keep a book on there that I only read on the treadmill so it keeps me a little more interested. Good luck!
  • Mustangsally1000
    Mustangsally1000 Posts: 854 Member
    Audio books! I get them from the library..they are called "playaways", smaller than my cell phone. You need a AAA battery
    and your ear buds. I go longer because I want to keep listening...not at then end of a chapter or a good place to stop.
    Music doesn't do the same thing for me..but books...yes. And you don't have to hold this one. when I'm outside, i
    tuck it in my bra..inside, you can set it on the treadmill...

    Just a thought~!
  • HIIT is the way to go to kill boredom on the treadmill. There's also the option of doing other cardio that doesnt bore you, to many people get it in thier heads that cardio = treadmill or elliptical. Take an aerobics class, or maybe get a couple videos for cardio at home. When I'm not in the mood to run I'll just pop in the P90x cardio dvd and do that.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I cover the screen so I don't focus on it-I prefer to run outside to but it is not possible all year round. I also flip on a program on the tv to focus on. I call mine a dreadmill
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    I have the opposite problem, love the 'mill but have a hard time outside, :(
  • jinlopez
    jinlopez Posts: 38
    I absolutely love love love the treadmill. I know that running outdoors is more beneficial. But, for years...I've been at work, then to school, then to my other job, then home for a bit to sleep, then out to the gym, then to the gym, etc. etc. etc. I was barely home.

    I just bought the Norditrack x9i Incline trainer. It's pretty awesome. It has the program installed on it and it connects wirelessly to the internet. There's a 10" android tablet that is your screen. I can use Google maps to plan out a trail and then download it to my treadmill...and it simulates the terrain for me. I can view through satellite images where I'm actually running. Also, I can check email, check my Facebook, read the news online, etc...while I run.

    However, I do find it distracting when I'm staring at the progress data on the screen. Easy fix though....I just watch Netflix while I run. I have gone through 6 seasons of Supernatural in just a few weeks! lol...

    Anyway....if I was always stuck indoors...I'd be an outside runner for sure. But, since I've been always outside the home...I just really like running at home.
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 729 Member
    I am the same way- I get to the mile mark and just want off the treadmill.

    That being said, I try and do things to trick myself- we have huge plate glass windows that overlook some greenery and a lake- I try and get a machine in front of that and pick a spot in the lake and just focus on it, while drowing everything else out.

    I also cover the screen on my treadmill with a towel so i am not tempted to look down at how far I have gone, because that tends to psych me out.

    In my opinion though, 1 mile on the treadmill is better than no miles- so if I am stuck using it, I will do a mile and then just make up for it when I run outside.
  • aklitten
    aklitten Posts: 237 Member
    Listen to stand up comedy. It makes riding my bike on the indoor trainer so much better (though I watch it--stream it on Netflix).
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    It's weird, I'm actually motivated by the display. I'm a "numbers" person. So I will set a goal and try to beat it, be it time, distance, average speed, something... I do intervals, too, so it's not boring.

    I just try to best myself. It's me versus myself for that thirty minutes, I don't have time to get bored because it's "haul butt, recover, haul butt, recover" etc. But there is a certain joy to running outside too, but it's harder to track my successes. Something about that little timer counting down... :)
  • 1DEH
    1DEH Posts: 23
    I have a small space in the basement for my "dreadmill" :laugh: It's set up in front of the tube and I plan my workout around my fave shows. The only :yawn: time I have is during commercials. Getting ready to set it up to watch movies when the tube has nothing of interest for me, which I'm discovering is quite often :grumble: . AND my trusty fan keeps some air flowing :drinker: It works great for me.
  • MCinSoCal
    MCinSoCal Posts: 87
    I HATE running on the treadmill, but sometimes when the weather is bad or I'm pressed for time I have to suck it up and run on the treadmill at the gym. I love running outside and it's alot easier to push myself, but when I'm on the treadmill I can't get past the 1.25 mile mark.

    For me it's the opposite, I can go much further on a treadmill than I can outdoors, that's because I suffer migraines and being out, exerting under the hot and bright sun is a trigger for me. What I do is focus on 2-5 minute increments while on the treadmill, so I'll hold a certain speed and/or incline for those few minutes, then turn it down to a more comfortable pace for a few minutes then back up again. It helps the time pass and I also have good music going and try to figure out whats going on, on the t.v.'s in front of me. I usually am on the tread about 40-65 minutes total. Hope that helps.
  • A lot of people have suggested covering the screen. I definitely have to try that and remember to bring a towel!