
11kimberly11 Posts: 65 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Just wondering if anyone has any opinions or advice about cleansing and all the products out there. I've been tempted to do this but there is just so many choices and conflicting info. Any thoughts?


  • butterfly25
    butterfly25 Posts: 186 Member
    Just wondering if anyone has any opinions or advice about cleansing and all the products out there. I've been tempted to do this but there is just so many choices and conflicting info. Any thoughts?

    i would not do will lose and than once you stop it all comes back and even's not worth it.i know a few people who did it and they did lose weight but it all came back with a few extra pounds with it...
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    There are very controversial views on cleansing on this site. If you are eating a clean diet and drinking lots of water, your body will cleanse itself.

    However, my husband and I use a cleanse called Thisilyn twice a year. Personally I feel more energized with it and it reduces my sugar cravings for a while. Heel makes a very good beginner cleanse that you putthe drops in water. Thisilyn is capsules that you take twice a day.

    If you want to do this, go to a good natural food store where you can trust the staff and talk with them about what you are looking for.
  • SaraWo24
    SaraWo24 Posts: 192 Member
    I think it depends on the type of "cleanse" that you want to do. There are lots of different cleanses out there that all try to do different things. I would stray away from one's that require you to drink only spicy lemonade, or only eat grapefruit, or whatever those wacky ones are. There are others, though, that only require you to give up certain types of food for a certain period of days. For instance, some require that you give up alcohol, caffeine, animal products, refined sugar and other foods, etc. These can actually be quite beneficial for a few weeks, because you are focusing on eating more plant-based items and less processed foods. If you are really set on doing a cleanse, I would do something like this instead of those crazy ones.:smile:
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    I used a very expensive brand i bought from a natural remedies and health food store....i did not notice ANY results!! I would say don't waste your money!!! If you want to try something, maybe the cleansing tea...its not too expensive and probably works better than anything else!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    My opinion: Assume it is all pure nonsense and you will be ahead of the game 99% of the time. (That goes for all supplement claims as well)

    "Cleansing" is one of those concepts that is psychologically very appealing, but physiologically doesn't make much sense. There is a huge auto-suggestion/placebo effect at work.
  • Dorena150
    Dorena150 Posts: 2 Member
    You might want to look into a program called The Fat Flush Plan by Anne Louise Gittleman It is a diet based on the 40-30-30 principle. You eliminate processed foods (sugar, flour, alcohol) and starchy vegetables. The only fat you are allowed to have is Flax Oil and what comes from the Flax Seed you add. Lots of Oganic Unsweetened Cranberyy Juice and water.
    The diet does recommend some supplements that are also essential fatty acids. I have done it both ways and had success. Be aware it is really restrictive. They only recommend staying in the fist phase two weeks unless you have a significant amount of weight to lose (which I do). I have just started it again and this time I am going to go to the second phase after one month and then do phase one again for one week a month until I reach my goal.
    I know for myself I have had "all or nothing" attitude about dieting, so in the past if I had one slip I threw in the towel and strapped on the feed bag!. I'm going to be a little more moderate and patient with myself this time around. Good Luck!
  • Just wondering if anyone has any opinions or advice about cleansing and all the products out there. I've been tempted to do this but there is just so many choices and conflicting info. Any thoughts?

    i would not do will lose and than once you stop it all comes back and even's not worth it.i know a few people who did it and they did lose weight but it all came back with a few extra pounds with it...

    i'm one of those! i did the Isagenix 9 day program. it was tolerable, and yeh, i lost 9 lbs, but afterwards i became ravenous (because they nearly starve you!) and gained the weight back plus more! :devil: personally, i wouldn't cleanse again. I think if you stick to a healthy diet and exercise lifestyle, you won't need to be "cleansed"
  • The first thing I have to say about cleansing is that it is not for weight loss. The diet industry is full of products that claim to be cleansers and advertise them by bragging about quick weight loss. This is what has given cleansing a bad rep. All those products in the stores are a simple concoction of ingredients that you can pick up in a healthfood store.

    True cleansing is beneficial if done correctly. We all ingest toxins, are subject to pollution and have contact with illness on a regular basis. The purpose of an honest cleanse is to assist the body in getting rid of those things. While we have organs and systems in our bodies to do this naturally, a clease can assist the natural process. Alot of people claim that our body can do these jobs on thier own, but I have to question those claims. Why then do we still get sick? I'm not saying cleansing is a cure for all things, but it can help with things like seasonal allergies, food allergies, colds, gastrointestinal disorders, headaches, asthma, insomnia, fatigue, skin problems, halitosis.......

    If you are truely interested in a cleanse do some research on your own, speak to your doctor (warning: many medical professionals are opposed to alternative medicine alltogether) and read up on the different types of cleanses to find one that is right for you. Stay away from products in the store, you can get the same benefits if not better, from natural cleanses. Not all cleanses require cutting out all foods for a lengthly period of time. If you are looking for gastrointestinal cleansing, fasting may be more helpful, but don't go into it blindly. Know what you are looking for and educate yourself. It is very important that when the cleanse is over, you do not return to the things that caused the toxicity in the first place, this is why people do them for quick weight loss and then gain everything plus some back.

    Here is a website for you to look at and get some great info on more than just cleansing. Dr. Haas is an MD who has assisted many people with cleansing, his books are wonderful and packed with information! He offers cleanses that range from the Master Cleanser to recipes for seasonal detoxes that incorporate whole fruits and veggies. His website is packed with nutrition info and clean living info as well as the mandatory info for cleansing. And look at your local library or bookstore for his books. is another good reference for alternative information.

    Good luck to you!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    If someone eats what is considered a healthy, balanced diet, consisting mainly of whole foods and recommended amounts of fiber, the body is more than capable of "detoxifying" itself.

    For the most part, "cleansing" is pseudo-science, supported primarily by anecdotal and testimonial "evidence".
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    I dont like the cleansing products.....i tried 4 different products and all of them cramped me up.....and when i got off of them i was constipated each time.....I find the best cleansing method for me is when I switch to nothing but fruits, veggies, and nuts for 3-6days :flowerforyou:
  • If someone eats what is considered a healthy, balanced diet, consisting mainly of whole foods and recommended amounts of fiber, the body is more than capable of "detoxifying" itself.

    For the most part, "cleansing" is pseudo-science, supported primarily by anecdotal and testimonial "evidence".

    What is that evidence? I would like to read it. I have never heard of cleansing as a pseudo-science. I guess that would depend on the type of cleansing, maybe??? Can you argue that a person whom has consumed soft-drinks, processed carbs, and caffiene leading to obesity and addiction would not be "cleansing" by easing into, as you said, "what is considered a healthy, balanced diet, consisting mainly of whole foods and recommended amounts of fiber" That is what cleansing is designed for. While there are many different levels of detoxification, the premis of it is to rid the body of toxins and continue into a healthier lifestyle. If you quit smoking and adopt a healthier release to your stress such as running, that would be the same thing.
    Yes the human body is more than capable of detoxifying itself. However, to someone who follows a toxic diet and or lifestyle or deals with large amounts of stress, thier body is not functioning at an optimal level. Therefore, it is not "pseudo-science" to assist the body back to its optimal level of function.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    If someone eats what is considered a healthy, balanced diet, consisting mainly of whole foods and recommended amounts of fiber, the body is more than capable of "detoxifying" itself.

    For the most part, "cleansing" is pseudo-science, supported primarily by anecdotal and testimonial "evidence".

    What is that evidence? I would like to read it. I have never heard of cleansing as a pseudo-science. I guess that would depend on the type of cleansing, maybe??? Can you argue that a person whom has consumed soft-drinks, processed carbs, and caffiene leading to obesity and addiction would not be "cleansing" by easing into, as you said, "what is considered a healthy, balanced diet, consisting mainly of whole foods and recommended amounts of fiber" That is what cleansing is designed for. While there are many different levels of detoxification, the premis of it is to rid the body of toxins and continue into a healthier lifestyle. If you quit smoking and adopt a healthier release to your stress such as running, that would be the same thing.
    Yes the human body is more than capable of detoxifying itself. However, to someone who follows a toxic diet and or lifestyle or deals with large amounts of stress, thier body is not functioning at an optimal level. Therefore, it is not "pseudo-science" to assist the body back to its optimal level of function.

    It sounds to me like you are referring to more than one subject. Let me clarify my terms.

    Following an unhealthy lifestyle has adverse effects on the body and can be implicated in a number of disease conditions--diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, etc. The unhealthy behaviors result in adverse physological conditions that contribute to the disease.

    Changing those lifestyle behaviors changes the internal conditions and can improve the body's internal homeostasis and perhaps repair damage that has ocurred or restore functions. Sometimes the damage is long-standing and cannot be repaired or reversed--you can only prevent further progression.

    If I am reading your remarks correctly, one of the things you are saying is you are referring to lifestyle changes--e.g. exercise, diet changes, stress reduction---as "cleansing". I don't think that is a common use of that term. Lifestyle changes changes.

    As I understand it, the common use of terms such as "cleansing" and "detoxification" refer to the introduction of external products or the use of specific, short-term food strategies to "cleanse" the body or "rid" the body of "toxins". You seem to imply that there are methods of "cleansing" that can quickly duplicate the long-tem effects of lifestyle changes, or that can "reset" the body to a healthier level which can then be continued or augmented by lifestyle changes. That's the concept that I am referring to as "psuedo science". I draw a line between those substances--herbs, teas, whatever--that might contribute to creating healthier "internal conditions" (just as any other healthy food or lifestyle practice) and those which claim to "draw out" or "expel" "toxins" on a one-time basis.

    I don't know that there is much credible evidence to support that concept. As I said, the body is contstantly filtering and regenerating--your kidneys filter your entire blood supply more than 1500 times a day, you replace your entire supply of red blood cells every 120 days. The idea that you can "flush your system" once or twice a year strains credulity.

    I certainly do not reject "alternative medicine" out of hand. But I do believe that "alternative" methods need to be subjected to the same standard of rigorous empirical testing as any other medical treatment or lifestyle intervention and I do not think that evidence exists in this case.
  • July
    July Posts: 239
    This isn't empirical evidence, but I occasionally fast to help my digestive system out. I'm vegetarian, and I don't eat processed foods (except for the occasional diet coke), but I feel like I need to give my body a break occasionally.

    My stomach always feels better in the morning.

  • It sounds to me like you are referring to more than one subject. Let me clarify my terms.

    Following an unhealthy lifestyle has adverse effects on the body and can be implicated in a number of disease conditions--diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, etc. The unhealthy behaviors result in adverse physological conditions that contribute to the disease.

    Changing those lifestyle behaviors changes the internal conditions and can improve the body's internal homeostasis and perhaps repair damage that has ocurred or restore functions. Sometimes the damage is long-standing and cannot be repaired or reversed--you can only prevent further progression.

    If I am reading your remarks correctly, one of the things you are saying is you are referring to lifestyle changes--e.g. exercise, diet changes, stress reduction---as "cleansing". I don't think that is a common use of that term. Lifestyle changes changes.

    As I understand it, the common use of terms such as "cleansing" and "detoxification" refer to the introduction of external products or the use of specific, short-term food strategies to "cleanse" the body or "rid" the body of "toxins". You seem to imply that there are methods of "cleansing" that can quickly duplicate the long-tem effects of lifestyle changes, or that can "reset" the body to a healthier level which can then be continued or augmented by lifestyle changes. That's the concept that I am referring to as "psuedo science". I draw a line between those substances--herbs, teas, whatever--that might contribute to creating healthier "internal conditions" (just as any other healthy food or lifestyle practice) and those which claim to "draw out" or "expel" "toxins" on a one-time basis.

    I don't know that there is much credible evidence to support that concept. As I said, the body is contstantly filtering and regenerating--your kidneys filter your entire blood supply more than 1500 times a day, you replace your entire supply of red blood cells every 120 days. The idea that you can "flush your system" once or twice a year strains credulity.

    I certainly do not reject "alternative medicine" out of hand. But I do believe that "alternative" methods need to be subjected to the same standard of rigorous empirical testing as any other medical treatment or lifestyle intervention and I do not think that evidence exists in this case.

    Thank you for clarifying. I understand what you are saying.

    Cleansing as I am referring is a way to ease into a lifestyle change. I do not agree with the crazy products that are on the market or the way the media has presented cleansing or detoxifying. Cleansing can also help ease someone into seasonal changes. I realize that this is not the "common" way of looking at it, but in alternative medicine this is the way it is. Of course alternative medicine is not common either and it is widely misunderstood.

    Cleansing does not have to involve teas or herbs. Those are just a small part of the process. Herbs are beneficial at anytime and teas can be taken to assist the body in many ways. European medicine requires a perscription to get herbs and essential oils because they are so potent. There is plenty of evidence that they can be toxic as well. There are herbs that can do the same things medicines do to treat most to all symptoms we could have; headaches, skin rashes, constipation....the list goes on and on. These herbs are often used in traditional medicine as ingredients in phamaceuticals. Senna is the most recognisable, it is used in most laxitives. They are not used to draw out toxins on a one time basis, they can be used at anytime to ease almost any symptom. Some herbs are detoxifying by nature because they assist the lymphatic system or integumentary system.

    I know that cleansing can help the body. I used the Master Cleanser to get rid of eczema. Two years of internal and external steroids did nothing, but 5 days of fasting cleared my skin. My point is that cleansing is beneficial when used correctly. There are many different types of cleanses out there and they are not all for everybody. If someone is able to eat and live clean 100% of the time that is fabulous! We are not all in a place where that is possible, so cleansing can help the body adjust to changes, treat symptoms or adopt new habits.

    There is evidence that supports fasting and other types of detox diets, I do not have time at the moment to pull that information. I think that at some point I will start a thread to discuss these topics as it seems to provide for some good hearty debating and great conversation. Meanwhile, I have to recommend Dr. Haas website again. If you are into clean eating you may enjoy reading his topics on nutrition. Its not all about cleansing, but he does offer great info on the subject and he is an MD who has done studies and research on detoxing.

    Thanks for the conversation Azdak!
  • carrieberrie
    carrieberrie Posts: 356 Member
    Just wondering if anyone has any opinions or advice about cleansing and all the products out there. I've been tempted to do this but there is just so many choices and conflicting info. Any thoughts?

    I beieve in them wholeheartedly. People need to realize YOU DO NOT LOSE WEIGHT from cleansing, you may lose a little. It does exactley what it states---cleansing!.

    I use all natural Enzymatic Therapy Whole Body Cleanse. I do this 2 times a year, its says to do it seasonally but I usually do it summer and winter.

    Another missconception people have about cleansing products is they think.... sorry for this.... but they will crap their brains out. WRONG! You will not be sittingon the toilet all day. When you normally go you go, its not diarrhea, again sorry...... your stools will still be formed but sorry again but long, and you will feel great after you have completed the system. Go for the all-natural products, I get mine at the Vitamin Shoppe, and dont be scared. It may upset your stomach the first couple days because it is something different but you will not be blowing the bathroom out DONT WORRY!
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Just wondering if anyone has any opinions or advice about cleansing and all the products out there. I've been tempted to do this but there is just so many choices and conflicting info. Any thoughts?

    I beieve in them wholeheartedly. People need to realize YOU DO NOT LOSE WEIGHT from cleansing, you may lose a little. It does exactley what it states---cleansing!.

    I use all natural Enzymatic Therapy Whole Body Cleanse. I do this 2 times a year, its says to do it seasonally but I usually do it summer and winter.

    Another missconception people have about cleansing products is they think.... sorry for this.... but they will crap their brains out. WRONG! You will not be sittingon the toilet all day. When you normally go you go, its not diarrhea, again sorry...... your stools will still be formed but sorry again but long, and you will feel great after you have completed the system. Go for the all-natural products, I get mine at the Vitamin Shoppe, and dont be scared. It may upset your stomach the first couple days because it is something different but you will not be blowing the bathroom out DONT WORRY!
    I think it might depend on the person then?...because I got the all natural first cleanse (gentle cleanse) from an all natural store and my stomach killed the whole time i took it...and i felt like i had crap cramps all day :ohwell: And my stools were (sorry) soft and very tiny....I felt worse while taking them than to say the least i didnt complete the third week process or the fourth......ive also tried the acai berry and colon cleanse products (not all natural) all the same effect....maybe its just me?
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