Any C25k Success Stories?

xYumzx Posts: 953 Member
I plan on starting the C25k program... wanted to know if there was any success stories out there? And if you could share them and your results... Thanks



  • franklinr5
    Do it! You will love it. It has changed my life. I use to hate hate hate running. But I've always wanted to be a 'runner'. So sometime in the middle of January 2012 I started up the program and I'm so glad I did. It took me a little longer to complete the program than 9 weeks but by the end of March I was running 30 minutes with an average pace of 12:30. I continued running and am now on the One Hour Runner program, week 4 day 1 is up next! Sometimes I even run more than I am supposed to because it feels so good. I'm running at an 11:15 pace now and can almost run 4 miles without stopping. I've lost 10 pounds, granted they have come off slowly which is frustrating. I thought the weight would just melt off. But I feel great and I feel like I might be in the best shape of my life. I plan on signing up for a few 5ks soon and hopefully 10ks this fall. I have more energy, my clothes fit better, I sleep better, I even feel like I can breathe better! I really recommend trying out the program. Just take your time and stick with it. Consistency at your own pace is the key. Good luck!
  • LilSomethin
    LilSomethin Posts: 545 Member
    I highly recommend C25K!!! I had never run but was looking for something new to do and stumbled upon it and decided I'd try it. Best thing I have ever done!!!! I love running now. I started it last May and was running a 5K by July :) I ran my first 5K Trail run in October. I have a few races planned for this year too.
    Running is my therapy. I can get so much thinking done while running and it has toned me up tremendously!!!
  • berkra
    berkra Posts: 78 Member
    warning it might be addictive

    I started Dec 2010 with C25K on my iphone
    Since then I have finished 2 half marathons and going for my first tri

    One thing that helped me in this is Jeff Galloway "run, walk" theorie you get enough information online no need for book except if you want to go deeper, i bought it and love it
    By the way C25K does exactly that, you run in small intervalls until you can go the entire way
  • xYumzx
    xYumzx Posts: 953 Member
    Thanks everyone!
  • tigerdactyl
    tigerdactyl Posts: 112 Member
    I just finished up the seventh (of nine) weeks and it's been working wonders. I struggled running 30 seconds before I started, and this morning I ran 2.6 miles in 25 minutes. You'll be amazed at what you can do!
  • bicoastalgirl
    bicoastalgirl Posts: 85 Member
    i finished C25K last June. I did my first 5K on Thanksgiving, and I am doing another next month. I hadn't consistently run since the eighth grade, when I was in track, and now I usually run 3 days per week, 3-4 miles. I hope to do a 10K within the next year.
    MADDIESMOMMY6611 Posts: 140 Member
    I lost around 18 lbs doing the program and now I'm still running.

    Untitled by Iswimforbrighterdays, on Flickr

    Untitled by Iswimforbrighterdays, on Flickr
  • HollyAus
    HollyAus Posts: 251 Member
    I was a "runner" in highschool. well not track running I just ran outside. We lived in the country in Oklahoma and I loved running out there. So pretty. I was running about 5 miles a day during off seasons and during seasons, when I had time, I would work on my mile time. So now I started using the C25K and I love it, but I knew I would lol. But I can't get passed week 5. I think it's cause I'm scared I can't do it. So I just always stop. Yeah I was the athlete that was pushed so hard and was expected to be perfect so now I am afraid of failure. But I am working on that. At first I was running as fast as I could and I would be killing myself EVERY run. I wanted to be able to run at a 9 minute mile pace wich is about 6.7. In highschool I got down to 7:10 or so. So the "your not good enough/coach" voice in my head said that 9 was acceptable to start at but you should be able to do better. Well that was too much and I felt like a HUGE failure when I had to stop. (yep I can her coach yelling at me to do better) so I think I'm going to start over and just run... at my own pace.. and who cares how long it takes me to run 3 miles. I don't have to compete for anyone but me!
    Sorry for rambling but this topic always brings up old emotions

    So in short just do it and don't worry/stress over how you are doing it.

    (I need to listen to myself every once in a while lol)
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    I started this program about 2 months ago and I am on week 8 (I took 9 days off when I was sick.) I can now run for 28 minutes straight...5 more sessions and i'm a graduate! c25k is a really great program. I really can't say enough good stuff about it. I have health problems and it has been gentle enough to get me running.
  • WenonaY
    WenonaY Posts: 203
    I just finished week 1 and its still hard for me. I like it so far just wish it was easier.
  • perdie7
    perdie7 Posts: 278 Member
    This past summer I couldn't walk up the stairs in my home with out getting out of breath, So I started my journey in August.

    When I started the C25K, In March I was hoping to at least be able to walk the 5K on 4th of July, maybe run, was hoping for something in at least the 40 min range.

    I am on week 7, and rather than running the 2.25 miles today, I ended up running the whole 3 miles, I did it in 33:30! Amazing, I never thought
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    Love your stories everyone - I just completed week 1, day 2 today so I'm still a newb.

    Looking forward to seeing what amazing things my body can do!
  • akgrown
    akgrown Posts: 3
    One of the best things you can do for yourself is start the C25k program. I used to run a little off and on a few years ago and my best distance (without stopping to walk) before doing the C25k program was about two miles. I took a few years off from running, but wanted to get back into it at a nice and gradual pace. I started the C25k program in February and by the end of the it I was running over four miles at one time. This may not be much to some hardcore runners out there, but I'm elated each and every time I can beat some of my old personal bests. So far I've lost 16 pounds and I can attribute much (if not all) of that to running three days a week and following a sensible diet. DO IT!! You'll be so happy you did!
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    Definately recommend it!

    I have always said I hated running. Before puperty struck I could run fairly well but as soon as the bouncing started I stopped. Blamed the hips and boobs for not running after that :P Now I still have hips and boobs, but am running and (more importantly) enjoying it!

    Tip #1 get running shoes!

    As for the program, it works: When I started, I could run for 5 minutes and was DEAD after it ... now I can go for an hours jog and feel the same ;) It took me longer than 12 weeks though, since it was not one of my top priorities so was doing it on/off for a long time. Was stuck at 20 minutes = dead for a long while but only because I wasn't following the program and focusing on other things. As soon as I got back to it, I finished the 5k in a few weeks time. Every week is a bit more of a challenge, and feels soooo good to complete it. To see progress every week.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I started it 2 years ago, not able to run on a treadmill at 5.0 for one minute without being winded. Now I can run outside, on hills, up to 6 miles in an hour. Decided to get my daughter into when she was 10 as she was tall for her age, but a tad bit overweight and just wanted her to get active. Through many tears and complaints, her and I are now running our first 5K tomorrow. She has worked her way up to 5K in less than 30 minutes, running straight, one part one mile straight up a steady hill...and she is strong, confident, and now in love with it.

    DO IT!!!!!
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    Started C25K back in January, now training for a 10K, and loving running! I always hated it before but being a runner (30mins was my main aim!) was one of my main fitness goals. You won't regret doing it, follow the program and you will progress!
  • mostaverage
    mostaverage Posts: 202 Member
    It's a great program, I was never a runner before but I needed to add running to my routines for triathlon training (and also for escaping the zombie apocalypse). C25K was recommended to me and i gave it a go - graduated at the 9 week mark and am now about to graduate the 10k program. Cannot tell you how much running has aided my weight loss, it has definitely helped reshape my body though.
    I enjoyed it so much I'm doing it again, this time pacing my wife through the program!

    There's a great group on here for C25K, full of stories, advice, tips & supportive people - Join in !
  • wombat94
    wombat94 Posts: 352 Member
    I started C25K at the end of January... graduated from the program at the end of March... today I finished up the 4th week of a Bridge To 10K program. I now run 4-5 miles three to four times a week and my longest run so far is 6 miles.

    I'm registered to run my first 10K race on July 4th and my first Half Marathon on November 16th.

    Since I started running, my weight loss has accelerated... I've lost 37 pounds in the 13 weeks that I've been running.

    The ONLY downside I can think of when it comes to running is that you might just fall in love with it like I have and just want to keep on running.

    C25K is a GREAT program. Enjoy!
  • lashwish
    lashwish Posts: 93
    I was so not a runner either.
    I started c25k on my birthday & completed it.
    Im still not a huge fan of running but it definitely is helping out my body a ton.
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    DO IT!!!
    I did C25K last summer - before that I hadn't run since school - and now I can run 10 miles at a time and am planning to do a half-marathon in the autumn. LOVE running!
    PS I was a UK size 14 when I started C25K and now I'm a size 8-10. And I eat pretty much what I like.
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