Le'ts Weign-in on Atkins

I recently went on Atkins and completed the two week induction phase. I lost 17 pounds, felt energized, and then all of a sudden something went terribly wrong. I got bad muscle cramps in both legs that left me in pain and scared....

My doctor told me that while you lose weight fast, there can be adverse side affects to an Atkins diet and to try a well balanced one instead.

Has anyone else had any similar experiences with Atkins?


  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Atkins causes massive water weight decreases, which affects electrolyte balance in your body.

    Low carb diets offer no real metabolic advantage over carb diets. Eliminating carbs to lose weight is not really sustainable over a lifetime imo, and doesn't reinforce the fundamentals of weight loss and diet change. Which is IMO, moderation in what you eat over restriction.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    No, I did not have and do not currently have any of those issues with Atkins or any other low carb plan.

    It sounds like a magnesium, sodium or electrolyte imbalance.

    Move on to Phase 2 and up your carbs where you can add in some berries and higher carb vegetables. Continue the plan as written.

    It is not unhealthy in any way to meat protein and veggies.

    I would suggest staying away from those bars and shakes and stuff also.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I recently went on Atkins and completed the two week induction phase. I lost 17 pounds, felt energized, and then all of a sudden something went terribly wrong. I got bad muscle cramps in both legs that left me in pain and scared....

    My doctor told me that while you lose weight fast, there can be adverse side affects to an Atkins diet and to try a well balanced one instead.

    Has anyone else had any similar experiences with Atkins?

    My adverse affects of being on Atkins was HEALING my body from Diabetes and High Blood Pressure.

    I will take those adverse affects over the alternative any day.
  • desiree516
    desiree516 Posts: 48 Member
    I really despise fad diets. They are always lacking in SOMETHING nutritionally. I think you are better off counting calories and cutting out the bad stuff (fast food, sweets, soda, etc...) for the first month or so as to detox. And then, if you want to treat yourself every now and then, but just keep it within your cals.

    My body and mind have readjusted to craving things that my body needs so I listen to what I'm craving.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I really despise fad diets. They are always lacking in SOMETHING nutritionally. I think you are better off counting calories and cutting out the bad stuff (fast food, sweets, soda, etc...) for the first month or so as to detox. And then, if you want to treat yourself every now and then, but just keep it within your cals.

    My body and mind have readjusted to craving things that my body needs so I listen to what I'm craving.

    I am sorry, Atkins is not a FAD, it is a LIFETSYLE.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I really despise fad diets. They are always lacking in SOMETHING nutritionally. I think you are better off counting calories and cutting out the bad stuff (fast food, sweets, soda, etc...) for the first month or so as to detox. And then, if you want to treat yourself every now and then, but just keep it within your cals.

    My body and mind have readjusted to craving things that my body needs so I listen to what I'm craving.

    Technically we should not be having cravings. If you are craving anything, it is actually toxic to your body in the form of intolerance, allergy or addiction.
  • A few years ago, I attempted the Atkins and lost about 17 pounds within the first month. I also got severe leg cramps. My doctor told me it was possibly early signs of Ketoacidosis, which can cause leg cramps, drowsiness and an array of other symptoms. He recommended I also try a more balanced diet. Perhaps try increasing your carbohydrates (if you're still wanting to eat a lower carb diet you eat 100 grams of carbs and won't be in a range of ketosis) and eating lean protein.
  • desiree516
    desiree516 Posts: 48 Member
    Considering you have paleo in your s/n I should assume thats how you eat. THAT is lifestyle. I'm sorry but the low-carb Atkins diet is a FAD.

    Eating for your body, and eating the things your body needs to function is a lifestyle.

    How is craving protein toxic?
  • sapalee
    sapalee Posts: 409 Member
    Not supporting the Atkins diet per se but would like to mention this

    Dr. Atikns created his plan in the 1960's with his obese and depressed patients, he found success with them and began specializing in treating obesity.

    So, is it a fad to have a program that was succesful with overweight and sick people and has been around for 50+ years with mixed results? I don't know, I guess I think of fad diets as ones that are not not supported by research, brand new, promise a one size fits all, and momentarily popular. It all comes down to how you define a fad diet.

    Would I do Atkins? No, I'm not sick and overweight.
    Do I happen to utilize some of his same principles through my own independent research for general health? Yes, as a lifestyle.
  • desiree516
    desiree516 Posts: 48 Member
    Not supporting the Atkins diet per se but would like to mention this

    Dr. Atikns created his plan in the 1960's with his obese and depressed patients, he found success with them and began specializing in treating obesity.

    So, is it a fad to have a program that was succesful with overweight and sick people and has been around for 50+ years with mixed results? I don't know, I guess I think of fad diets as ones that are not not supported by research, brand new, promise a one size fits all, and momentarily popular. It all comes down to how you define a fad diet.

    Would I do Atkins? No, I'm not sick and overweight.
    Do I happen to utilize some of his same principles through my own independent research for general health? Yes, as a lifestyle.

    touche. I guess my problem lies in anything called a diet that limits nutrition in some way. Of course cutting out refined sugars and grains is good, but limiting carbs in a big way for any amount of time just doesn't sound healthy. And, I feel like a lot of people go in to these strict diets blindly and end up failing miserably or as above noted becoming deficient in some way.
  • momjmd
    momjmd Posts: 296 Member
    I am on South Beach which allows some low gylcemic carbs in the induction phase, but have not had the leg cramps (but am only into this by a little over a week). My doctor recommended this for me as I am diabetic and this has been shown to be good for diabetics. Good luck!
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    Not supporting the Atkins diet per se but would like to mention this

    Dr. Atikns created his plan in the 1960's with his obese and depressed patients, he found success with them and began specializing in treating obesity.

    So, is it a fad to have a program that was succesful with overweight and sick people and has been around for 50+ years with mixed results? I don't know, I guess I think of fad diets as ones that are not not supported by research, brand new, promise a one size fits all, and momentarily popular. It all comes down to how you define a fad diet.

    Would I do Atkins? No, I'm not sick and overweight.
    Do I happen to utilize some of his same principles through my own independent research for general health? Yes, as a lifestyle.

    touche. I guess my problem lies in anything called a diet that limits nutrition in some way. Of course cutting out refined sugars and grains is good, but limiting carbs in a big way for any amount of time just doesn't sound healthy. And, I feel like a lot of people go in to these strict diets blindly and end up failing miserably or as above noted becoming deficient in some way.

    Completely agree with you. Unless directed by a medical professional, I don't believe on cutting back that much on any macro. It just isn't healthy or sustainable.
  • MariarR33
    MariarR33 Posts: 69
    If I ever go on a low carb type thing, I get bad leg cramps for 3 or 4 days. They get worse if I am sitting still. I have to do a lot of stretching and take soem ibprofin. However, I always found that they went away. I heard once it's because you are not getting enough potassium. However, I don't know what the real reasoning behind them are. Good luck to you.
  • laurastrait21
    laurastrait21 Posts: 307 Member
    Personally, I am not a fan.
    Long term self-induced ketosis seems kind of risky to me, but that has not been proven, and I am not going to dispute it!

    i just know that for me, the health risks and bad ketone breath of Atkin's are not worth it - there is no way I could ever be satieted without carbs!!
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    I really despise fad diets. They are always lacking in SOMETHING nutritionally. I think you are better off counting calories and cutting out the bad stuff (fast food, sweets, soda, etc...) for the first month or so as to detox. And then, if you want to treat yourself every now and then, but just keep it within your cals.

    My body and mind have readjusted to craving things that my body needs so I listen to what I'm craving.

    Technically we should not be having cravings. If you are craving anything, it is actually toxic to your body in the form of intolerance, allergy or addiction.

  • sapalee
    sapalee Posts: 409 Member
    Not supporting the Atkins diet per se but would like to mention this

    Dr. Atikns created his plan in the 1960's with his obese and depressed patients, he found success with them and began specializing in treating obesity.

    So, is it a fad to have a program that was succesful with overweight and sick people and has been around for 50+ years with mixed results? I don't know, I guess I think of fad diets as ones that are not not supported by research, brand new, promise a one size fits all, and momentarily popular. It all comes down to how you define a fad diet.

    Would I do Atkins? No, I'm not sick and overweight.
    Do I happen to utilize some of his same principles through my own independent research for general health? Yes, as a lifestyle.

    touche. I guess my problem lies in anything called a diet that limits nutrition in some way. Of course cutting out refined sugars and grains is good, but limiting carbs in a big way for any amount of time just doesn't sound healthy. And, I feel like a lot of people go in to these strict diets blindly and end up failing miserably or as above noted becoming deficient in some way.

    So true, many jump in without really understanding the principals, have littel guidance, or take it too far. I'm lower carb than the USDA reccomends but I'm sure to get plenty to support my activity level. It's all about doing your homework and listening to how your body is responding.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Congrats on realizing how bad a 'fad' diet is for you! A balanced diet with all food groups is the only way to stay healthy!
    I tried Atkins several years ago. It made me have nasty body odor, I lost a LOT of water weight and afterwards I almost went vegan because I was so sick of meat. The ONLY plus side was the fact that I didn't fart anymore due to the lack of carbs! LMAO
    MFP is NOT a fad diet, or a diet at all for that matter. It is eating healthy and making room for 'treats' while staying healthy. I call it 'eating within your means'.
    If you call your new lifestyle a "DIET", you will feel like youre on a diet and feel deprived. I also never , ever tell anyone I'm on a diet and if they ask me how I lost weight, I just tell them... I started eating right and I move more. It's that simple!
    You can do this!
  • shvrngrl
    shvrngrl Posts: 205 Member
    I was put on a Modified Atkiins diet just yesterday by my doctor, which is a huge deviation from how I normally eat. I am not a meat/bad fat eater. I have epilepsy and am at the highest dose possible on my meds and have been struggling everyday with seizures for the past month and a half. Apparently low carb high fat diets help epileptics reduce there sezure frequency so we are giving it a go, alhtough, mentally I'm struggling to wrap my head around eating this way. I'm suppose to get myself down to 40-60 carbs a day. Yesterday I finished at 105, this is tough. Although my doctor did say it most likely would not have to be long term.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I really despise fad diets. They are always lacking in SOMETHING nutritionally. I think you are better off counting calories and cutting out the bad stuff (fast food, sweets, soda, etc...) for the first month or so as to detox. And then, if you want to treat yourself every now and then, but just keep it within your cals.

    My body and mind have readjusted to craving things that my body needs so I listen to what I'm craving.

    Technically we should not be having cravings. If you are craving anything, it is actually toxic to your body in the form of intolerance, allergy or addiction.
    Hmm so if I'm craving broccoli because my stomach is growling it's my body actually saying I shouldnt eat it because it's toxic? Yes, I really do crave broccoli. Cauliflower too! Personally I think people crave things that are unhealthy because they know they shouldn't be eating them. Or stress... Idk. I'm no expert. If I 'crave' something, I eat it. I just eat within my caloric limits or I work out harder to plan for it. It's that simple.

  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I really despise fad diets. They are always lacking in SOMETHING nutritionally. I think you are better off counting calories and cutting out the bad stuff (fast food, sweets, soda, etc...) for the first month or so as to detox. And then, if you want to treat yourself every now and then, but just keep it within your cals.

    My body and mind have readjusted to craving things that my body needs so I listen to what I'm craving.

    Technically we should not be having cravings. If you are craving anything, it is actually toxic to your body in the form of intolerance, allergy or addiction.

    Care to substantiate that? And let's take pregnancy cravings, is that due to an intolerance, allergy or an addiction?