I have just quit WW online...



  • OneDayFree
    OneDayFree Posts: 11 Member
    Good luck with this program - I have found it so easy to use and safe. You only share what you want others to know. If you would like to add me as a friend please do.
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    I am a previous "lifetime member" from WW. I was WAY under eating for years on the points system, messed me up big time. I recommend using another site to determine how many calories to eat because MFPs goal are usually way too low. www.fat2fitradio.com is a good one to start.
  • sflugum
    sflugum Posts: 1
    Good luck to you!! I'm doing WW and myfitnesspal at the same time but giving myself a little slack with using the calories instead of points and just eating WW meals once in awhile. I've lost three pounds so far and I don't feel as much pressure. I think you'll like it alot!! :)
  • clariangel
    clariangel Posts: 156 Member
    I did the same thing! MFP for the win! :D
  • Hey there!

    I myself quit WW as well. My fiancee is into counting calories so I figured I'd give it a try. Good luck to us! :D
  • ReneeJ814
    ReneeJ814 Posts: 72 Member
    I believe counting calories rather than points is a more effective way of losing weight and keeping it off. If someone thinks in "points" they may not realise how many calories their food actually has. Good luck!

    I agree 100%. I went on Weight Watchers 3 different times and had success in the beginning (on the old program), but was unable to keep the weight off for this reason. I joined Weight Watchers in January 2011 when they just released the new Points Plus system and achieved no success. This is a perfect example. On WW, a banana has 0 points; but a medium size banana has 110 calories. On WW you can eat as many as you want, but if you eat 2 or 3 bananas a day, that's up to 330 calories. I started faithfully using MFP in February and I've lost triple the amount of weight in the same amount of time I spent on WW. Best wishes and I hope you enjoy MFP.
  • islandpwp
    islandpwp Posts: 32
    i'm loving mfp, its accessible, free and helpful supportive people, good luck
  • RilantheFirebug
    RilantheFirebug Posts: 207 Member
    I also quit WW online in favor of MFP. The points system ended up being too abstract for me and I never got to the point where I could look at a food and make an educated guess about the points. I always found it much easier to count calories. Here's to hoping MFP works for you!
  • PiperSophia
    PiperSophia Posts: 1 Member
    Hello - somewhat new to my fitness pal. I jump back and forth from WW to starting this. I realize I need to focus more on the amount of carbs i'm taking in daily and WW doesn't really doesn't focus on that. :( Plus I love the app for my iphone its so convenient and easier to use than WW's app. So hoping I can get serious and meet a few people and help motivate each other and reach to our goals! :)
  • I lost about 70 lbs on WW a few years ago and hit the mother of all plateaus - had an injury that messed with my exercise, and a lot of stuff going on. Held steady for a little while and then gradually it all started creeping back... and then a year and a half ago my mom died and I just had to grab the end of the rope and hang on for dear life.

    The good news is that I didn't gain back EVERYTHING - just most of it. Tried getting back on WW last year and finally figured out that the way the program is structured simply does not work for me any more. Far too much emphasis on WW products (which are often heavily processed) and not enough on "real food."

    I'm working on bringing my diet closer to the earth, closer to the farmer, closer to the natural state of the food. I feel better when I eat this way, whether I lose weight or not. I use a Fitbit and MFP now, and it's a learning process. I don't own a scales right now so I don't know for sure whether I'm losing, but I know that every day when I sit down and figure out my calories and activity for the day I am focusing on the stuff that is going to help me get healthier and stronger, and that can only be a good thing regardless of what the numbers on the scales are doing.
  • Chrisxytme
    Chrisxytme Posts: 44 Member
    Me and my fiancee started this a few days ago, we have done WW, Atkinks, Medifast all very pricy not good when you are trying to lose weight and save for a wedding HAHA. A few of our friends have been using this so we gave it a try and love it so far. Anyone looking for friends please add me :)
  • I'm a former points-counter. (I still find myself thinking in points.) Make a friend request if you like. We can support each other!
    BTW: I absolutely prefer this program for several reasons:

    1. With WW no matter how much I worked out, I only earned 4 more points. That never seemed right to me. And, I was HUNGRY all the time.
    2. I have a sedentary job, but I'm on my feet for 5 hours every evening (after work and before bed). So, why did I only get the lowest points allowance? MFP takes things like this into account. E.g. you can log 1 hour of light housework.
    3. The support here is amazing! And, we have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss whatever topics are on our minds. (At the WW meetings the leader sets the agenda.)

    Good luck!
  • calimoma
    calimoma Posts: 64
    I just quit WW too! Its not that I dont think that it didnt work, it did. I lost over 20 lbs doing it. But it became way too expensive for me and this app is free!! I love it! At first it was hard recording everything I ate, but I got used to it. Its nice to see exactly how many cals you are taking in, with WW you didnt really keep track. I figured out that with my WW allowance, I was intaking more than 1300 cals a day...way more than i wanted to.
    So, anywho, good luck!! If you want a friend add me!!! Who doesnt need encouragement??
  • MaryinBflo
    MaryinBflo Posts: 437 Member
    I used to do WW and did well with it but then I went to MFP and counting calories because I couldn't afford WW anymore and MFP is free. Now I could never go back to counting points it's too hard!
  • tinkteri
    tinkteri Posts: 63 Member
    I am still a WW member, but am thinking of quitting since I seem to only log on MFP. Add me as a friend if you like and we ww grads can support each other.
  • Lovely135
    Lovely135 Posts: 161
    Hi! welcome to MFP. I don't think it's a problem. I sometime go over my fat, protein and/or carbs it still displays the same amount of pound I would have been in 5 weeks if every day was the same as the day that I don't go over. As long as u don't go over the calories intake, I think in my opinion it's what matters. And also when I exercise, I don't consume the calories that earned.
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    welcome! i find mfp quite easy and so far i've lost over 30lbs. it helps keep me accountable. the message boards i also use quite often- to answer my own curiosities or to give my own comments. i especially love the success stories it helps me to keep going even when i don't think i can
  • I have been doing WW online for months now with up & down results. My mom told me about MFP. I had planned on using both for a week to compare. Well day 3 & I'm in LOVE with MFP! Gonna cancel WW today. MFP is so much easier......everything in one place, ALL foods easily trackable (scan), plus I can see vitamin consumption too. I do BIKRAM yoga & would get 7 WW points for that activity (meaning I could eat 7 points worth of food) I never ate my activity points but I used a HR monitor & was surprised to find I only burned 320 calories for that activity/class. While a little disappointing it makes sense as to why I had limited results with WW. Gotta step up the workouts! Gonna add walking & happily continue with MFP. Would love to connect with others here- message me!
  • Wimbledongal
    Wimbledongal Posts: 64 Member
    I've got to say the support on these boards is fantastic. Waaay better than WW thanks guys!
  • April4th
    April4th Posts: 140 Member
    I used to belong to WW a long time ago and never did have too much success with it. People had been pestering me to go back to WW but I didn't want to as I didn't have the money. And then one day about six weeks ago, a friend introduced me to MFP and it's been a godsend.

    Hope you like it here. As others have said, feel free to add me if you'd like more friends.