Anyone try slimfast?



  • AnnyaSB
    AnnyaSB Posts: 233 Member
    I am presently doing a hybrid of Slim Fast and calorie counting using MFP to help log calories and exercise and have lost 19lbs since February. I started with 2 shakes, 3 snacks and a meal, but I am now I am weaning down to one shake, 2 meals and 3 snacks and aim to have cut out the shakes completely by the time I get to target when I will use them in an emergency only.

    Frankly, I am incredibly busy and work upwards of 60 hours most weeks in a very stressful job. On top that I have the house to clean, washing to do, cooking etc and I find just drinking a shake very convenient when I am dashing around with no time to make a healthy meal..... healthy cooking takes time and I gained my weight from only having time to eat "ping food" or takeways. The biggest challenge for me is trying weave cooking time into my days, but I plan to try and cook several portions of any one meal at once and freeze them to get around this - still "ping food" but at least healthy "ping food"!

    Works well for me, but I can see that it wouldn't suit everyone, just like cooking three healthy meals a day doesn't suit my hectic lifestyle.
  • garnet1483
    garnet1483 Posts: 249 Member
    I always found food to be more satisfying in terms of my hunger. I'd rather count out the calories and eat something for a meal then just pop open a shake. For instance, a shake can have190 calories, 50 from fat, and 10g protein. You can get more proteins, less fat, and fewer calories by eating a Turkey Breast cutlet (120 calories, 0 fat, 28g protein). Not only that, eating food is harder for your body to digest, so your body spends more calories just in the process of breaking down the food, this is known as the thermic benefit of digestion.

    This. I was always hungry with the shakes, and didn't have nearly as much success as with just counting calories and eating whole foods. They're tasty, and they'd do in a pinch, but not as a regular program type thing.
  • kati37
    kati37 Posts: 61
    I used them several years ago, when I went off of them I gained all the weight back. It is a quick fix, not a lifestyle change which is what is required to keep the weight off for life. Yes, they taste good, but I did get hungry in between shakes. In a pinch I could see using them as a quick meal replacement, but not as an overall weight loss program. Eating good, clean healthy food and exercise is what it takes to make it for the long haul.

    I completely agree, slim fast is not the way to go as far as hoping for a permanent solution. Because we all know we won't drink those shakes and eat that exact diet for a lifetime.

    They are great to jump start your weight loss, or to lose the occasional 5lbs once you have hit your goal. Just make sure you are hitting your calorie goal everyday so your body doesn't think your starving or you will definately gain back the weight.
  • anewbeginning
    anewbeginning Posts: 53 Member
    I used SlimFast for 8 months as a meal replacement for breakfast and lunch and lost a total of 70 pounds. After that I got tired of drinking my meals and went back to my old habits and regained the entire amount of weight back within a few years. It does work as a meal replacement but I personally wouldn't recommend it for long term use. Good luck to you! :-)
  • swatkins1c
    i think ill just use them for one of my snacks then i bascically try and eat 200 cals every couple hours and i had one yesterday and it filled up my sugar craving so i didnt eat for a while like four hours later actually.
  • maggiepz
    maggiepz Posts: 141 Member
    I tried it years ago and followed the plan but GAINED weight for all my efforts. I'm sensitive to carbs so maybe that's why.
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Do Not use Slimfast. Lots of calories and very little nutrition.

    Lots of other shakes on the market that are SO SO SO much better for you!!!!

    Protein is so important to a healthly diet and a huge part of burning fat and building lean muscle but you don't want to consume a ton of empty calories to get it.

    Shakes should have 25gr or more of protein, no more than 200 calories and little to almost no fat and sugar.

    Even some of their bars are better than their shakes!!!!