Too much protein a bad thing?

I'm new here and I'm wondering if too much protein is a bad thing. I just finished my lunch and logged it in my diary and I'm already over for my alotted protein intake for the day. Is this a bad thing?


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I'm new here and I'm wondering if too much protein is a bad thing. I just finished my lunch and logged it in my diary and I'm already over for my alotted protein intake for the day. Is this a bad thing?

    rather depends what the target is - how tall / heavy are you and what's the protein target.
  • AlisonrCorigliano
    AlisonrCorigliano Posts: 11 Member
    I am 5'4, 150 lbs and my target is 51 g of protein daily.