The BEST and WORST things about weight change?



  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    best........being fitter than i was when i was a teenager

    worst........people constantly sticking there noses in telling me im taking it to far, or obsessed, or im skin and bone you get the idea wouldn't mind so much but im still at least 35 pounds out of the healthy weight range
  • maggie16sweetxoxo
    maggie16sweetxoxo Posts: 314 Member
    well during weight loss I think it sucks wen you go out with friends and you cant have more than 1 slice of pizza or you cant have popcorn at the movies. Best thing? looking good in summer with those bikini's and short shorts, and tank tops!:wink:

    But I think its worth it all in the end :)
  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    Best - being fit and having a lot more energy

    worst - foods that I love now make me sick (severe stomach aches) - alfredo sauce, lobster bisque, etc.
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    Best is that I'm getting my confidence back, am healthier, look/feel better, and am overall happier due to the changes I'm making.

    Worst was letting myself get this way to begin with instead of staying healthy/fit.
  • 0EmmeNicole0
    0EmmeNicole0 Posts: 180 Member
    Best: buying new clothes a month into my weight loss, and now those are too loose. Dancing around the house the other day...i dropped it like it's hot and actually came back up!

    Worst: Making two different meals at dinnertime and breakfast because I have a skinny boyfriend and a picky eater child and neither one of them want my veggie burgers or my steamed veggies and brown rice. NOT even my chicken apple sausage, which they would like if they just tried . :grumble:
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    BEST: looking better in clothes, new clothes
    WORST: expense of buying new clothes
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    Best: Feeling more confident and buying smaller sizes

    Worst: Buying new suits. EXPENSIVE!
  • Consignment store! Once you start, you'll be hooked!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Best? I'm stronger!

    Worst? NONE of my clothes from last summer fit. I can't wear any shorts without wearing a belt and looking like 'Erkel'. :(
  • I find that the BEST part of dieting is I am starting to look and feel 100 times better and I have more energy and stamina

    the worst thing is missing much of the things I used to eat and one poster is right, Its gotta be done
  • malins2
    malins2 Posts: 154 Member
    Best: All the energy I have now is amazing! Positive mind, feeling good about how I look, more confident, smaller (yes that's right I'm happy about that) boobs and a new clothes.

    Worst: The people who tell me I need to slow down and not loose any more weight... I'm strong healthy and happy, mind your own business please!!!!!
  • Cravenamanda
    Cravenamanda Posts: 54 Member
    Best: I look/ feel better
    Worst: I threw away my skinny jeans before I started losing weight:(
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Mmmm, best thing is always my increased endurance. I just perform better with running, hiking, and everything else, with more energy, when I lose excess fluff.

    Worst is the fact that with less padding, my sitz bones are not very comfortable for long horseback rides or sitting on hard surfaces. I forget they're back there, until I lose a bit of fluff. And then I got for a few hours in a saddle, and say "Oh, right, hello bones."
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Best:: being active without pain
    Worst: loose skin. I have become a sharpei
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    Best: Buying new clothes and being happier

    Worst: Not feeling like I've made enough progress and thinking I could be so much farther along.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Best - First and foremost all the health benefits mentally and physically that come along with a healthy lifestyle, feeling good about yourself, self-esteem and confidence, a sense of accomplishment, shopping for and being able to wear cool fun clothes, still having a guy check you out at 53 years old ;)

    Worst - it's really hard to find a down side, it's such a win win situation. But if I have to list something - definitely not being able to eat a jumbo hot fudge sundae anytime you please! Or not being able to have pizza and french fries everyday for lunch!
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    worse: losing awesome curves... I heart my boobs.

    haha I couldn't tell!
  • emgawne
    emgawne Posts: 265 Member
    1. Best: Buying new clothes

    2 Worst: Buying new clothes.

    My hubby told me last night (as I was complaining that my pants were too big again), that I have become VERY expensive! :drinker:

    i was going to say this EXACT same thing. i love being able to buy new clothes in smaller sizes, but i hate that i am shrinking out of all my clothes that i spent good money on. haha.
  • jeyko
    jeyko Posts: 368 Member
    1. Best: Buying new clothes

    2 Worst: Buying new clothes.

    My hubby told me last night (as I was complaining that my pants were too big again), that I have become VERY expensive! :drinker:
    This is exactly what I was thinking!
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    Best: is having to buy a new belt, and fitting into shirts that I haven't worn in a while.

    Worst: Walking by a fast food place, or nice restaurant, and drooling knowing that you shouldn't go in there all of the time.

    added bonus: I also see girls that get upset that they loose their girls, but it is the opposite for guys when we loose weight our special spot gets a little bigger. This is speaking for the bigger guys like me who started at 300lbs