Finally getting serious & question

Hi all! I need support. Finally getting serious and hubby is along for the ride. So we've been doing Wii Active for 2 weeks getting into working out!! Want to start watching my calories. Question, do you set your own calorie intake or go with what MFP tells you how much you should consume?? Thanks. And add me as a friend if you want!!!


  • fearie_jae
    fearie_jae Posts: 107 Member
    bump to see responses later
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I set my own goal based off my BMR (you can calculate that using the "Tools" section on MFP or by googling the Harris-Benedict Equation). MFP sets the goals too low in my opinion! I've found (and a lot of people here will agree) that you can lose more weight by eating at least your BMR every day. It also makes you new lifestyle easier to stick with.
  • JessieArt
    JessieArt Posts: 275 Member
    I let MFP tell me how many to consume. However, I started gaining weight. It had me at 1200 calories. My goal was too agressive. I lowered it to lose 1 1/2 pounds per week and it automatically uped the calories I should eat. Since them I'm losing, I have more energy and I feel better.

    So, yes, I would let it chose for you but make sure your goal is realistic.
  • PoeticDeLite
    PoeticDeLite Posts: 46 Member
    Ok, gonna try both MFP I know sets me at like 1800 calories per day....gonna see what the BMR is and maybe go for mid ground? Thanks ladies!!
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    I also set my own calorie goal, to eat above my bmr. MFP would have me set on a goal that is too low. I would not have been able to enjoy food and stuck with a lifestyle change. But that's just me, and everyone is different. I try to net around 1900 calories. I also often go under and over my calories so they even out at the end of the week. I also try and eat my exercise calories, or at least some of them. I usually lose around 1 lb per week.

    This is a great tool for figuring out your BMR and how much you should be eating. The guys have a fantastic podcast as well and I HIGHLY recommend it and listen to the audio clips on the home page!

    Good luck on your journey!
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    I also set my own calorie goal, to eat above my bmr. MFP would have me set on a goal that is too low. I would not have been able to enjoy food and stuck with a lifestyle change. But that's just me, and everyone is different. I try to net around 1900 calories. I also often go under and over my calories so they even out at the end of the week. I also try and eat my exercise calories, or at least some of them. I usually lose around 1 lb per week.

    This is a great tool for figuring out your BMR and how much you should be eating. The guys have a fantastic podcast as well and I HIGHLY recommend it and listen to the audio clips on the home page!

    Good luck on your journey!

    Defiantly check that website to find out some important #'s - TDEE and BMR.

    I set my own goals at TDEE - 15%.
  • PoeticDeLite
    PoeticDeLite Posts: 46 Member
    Awesome tips!! I did the BMR and it sets me at about 1898 calories, and the MFP sets me at 1840, so not a big difference. Thanks for all your help!!!
  • dellashanks
    dellashanks Posts: 207 Member
    I let MFP set it for me! However, I don't always listen. Some day I go over or under just to keep my metabolism guessing and keep burning. Feel free to add me if ya need some new friends. You'll do great. I love it here.
  • SweetNaughtyLips
    SweetNaughtyLips Posts: 374 Member
    I have set my own and have decided not to use MFP's suggestions as it had me eating way too many calories! I have learned to listen to my body and so far this is working perfect.

    Good Luck!

  • RocketsGirl
    RocketsGirl Posts: 346 Member
    When I started I went with what mfp said. I recently adjusted mine to a lower amount. It is easier at first to go with their recommendations.
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    When I first started I went with what MFP calculated for me too and found it quite easy to stick to. It calculated me at 1200 a day but I lead a very sedentary lifestyle so I didn't feel I needed to up it.
    Recent;y I've started to get a bit more active after a hip operation and have found myself getting hungry even on the 1200 limit so I upped it to 1300. It's amazing how 100 calories can really feel like you are getting a bit more freedom! :) Good luck!
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Start by using the site as it's intended and let it set goals for you. A lot of people have found great success doing just that.

  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    I set my own with my doc's help.

  • BandForAlyAnne
    BandForAlyAnne Posts: 321 Member
    i set my own goal.
  • faithstephenson
    faithstephenson Posts: 280 Member
    I go with MFP's goal, and eat back most of my exercise calories. When I got down to a goal near 1200, I started to plateau, so I lowered my weekly loss goal, raising my net calorie goal by about 200 cals/day. That seemed to do the trick. But I also am a big proponent of being patient with your body if you know you are making good decisions.
  • armymil
    armymil Posts: 163 Member
    I go lower than MFP. But I play a game of chicken with my calories. I still lose 2 lbs per week, but it's tricky.

    During the week, I eat 1400 (it's about 200 less than MFP). I have my 2 cheat meals, but sometimes I find I tend to go over some on some days. I let my body tell me. Some days, I'm cool with 1400 after eating my workout calories, and other days, I'm still hungry. I've learned how to read those signs. I drink a lot of water during the day at work (about 100 oz) just because. Not because a rule of thumb, but it's what my body tells me is ok. Sometimes it's more or less than this amount.

    I say it's called "playing chicken" because I'm not following the strict guideline. I've noticed when I use to eat at the recommended level, I wouldn't lose weight. I should be down another 2 lbs this week based on preliminary testing. :)

    I also go off the calories burned on the machines, and I don't calculate daily activities "gardening", "walking in mall", etc. The reason for going off the calories on the machine is since it pretty much gives less calories than I am burning (based on a heart rate monitor I purchased) I know in the back of my mind that when I have a cheat meal, that it probably doesn't hurt me as bad as MFP shows, and it usually doesn't.

    I know that doesn't help but it's what works for me.
  • PoeticDeLite
    PoeticDeLite Posts: 46 Member
    Great tips and info!! Thanks to everyone!!! Good luck to you all!!!