Just now realizing that my goal is unrealistic



  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    I look at those two pictures and think: The first picture looks like a very ill person with a possible eating disorder - dear God you can see her pelvis - that just can't be good!, and the second looks like a hot babe that, were I not happily married, I'd be trying very hard to get a phone number from. In my youth, I'd have walked in front of a bus just to get noticed by someone looking the way you do.

    Don't lose any more weight. Go to maintenance and start doing core work if you think you need more definition, and I really don't think you do. But building a little muscle never hurt no one. Building muscle will put weight on you, but it won't be visible weight because it's all muscle (which is denser than fat).

    And accept the fact that you now have a bod that men would die for. Seriously. The other body looks more like something you die OF.

    That's not her pelvis, it's a tendon. People with eating disorders don't have muscles that big. Let's not be insulting.

    :) as Rae said, people with eating disorders don't get that kind of muscle (heck they lose normal muscle and bone density)
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    I've seen your pics around and I have to say - you are gorgeous. I would love to have your body just as it is now. I applaud you for recognizing your goal isn't quite what you thought it would be initially and now making changes to get there. I agree with many others that a little bit of bulking with all that heavy lifting would probably bring you right where you want to be with time. Enjoy the process girl - you look fantastic, just HAWT! I'm sure you'll get to your desired look in time too - you sound very driven and committed!
  • clobercow
    clobercow Posts: 337 Member
    Keep on lifting! Keep on the diet and keep on the cardio. It can happen, just make sure you are healthy doing it!

    But as a side note, you already look amazing!
  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,350 Member
    Both pics look amazing! Do what you want. You know the right path to get there, while staying healthy.
  • Mommyof3texans
    I want to say first, you look beautiful. Second, thank you for posting this. I don't think its that your goal is unrealistic, but that it takes time to really build muscle. I also am hoping it just pops up overnight and realistically... it takes a LOT of hard work and great eating!

    If you want it, you will get there! I wanted to re-iterate, not to fear the eating. Since you don't have to lose, you will actually need to eat at a surplus to put on some muscle.
  • BiscuitsNDavy
    BiscuitsNDavy Posts: 212 Member
    Do you know who this picture is of? It looks photoshopped, airbrushed at best.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Look at those ethiopians they are super skinny and they all dont run around with a 6 pack.

  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    Do you know who this picture is of? It looks photoshopped, airbrushed at best.

    I think it's Jodie Marsh.

    Edit: after a quick google I realise it's probably not Jodie Marsh. As you were people.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    That's not her pelvis, it's a tendon. People with eating disorders don't have muscles that big. Let's not be insulting.

    Then I apologize for my ignorance and will delete that part of my post, my intent was not to be insulting.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    That's not her pelvis, it's a tendon. People with eating disorders don't have muscles that big. Let's not be insulting.

    Then I apologize for my ignorance and will delete that part of my post, my intent was not to be insulting.

    Sorry, I didn't mean to jump on you. People tend to jump on lean muscular woman as being "too skinny" or "sick" and it gets old quick.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    You'll get there. Patience and hard work. And I know you know that!

    Besides, aren't you coming to Seattle for the summer? You could be in long sleeves until July anyway. :tongue: As Ebby said, don't fear the bulk!
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Sorry, I didn't mean to jump on you. People tend to jump on lean muscular woman as being "too skinny" or "sick" and it gets old quick.

    You owe me no apology, I am completely ignorant of this type of body sculpting and misinterpreted what I saw. Your criticism was appropriate and I thank you for the correction.

    My opinion of the look stands - I think it looks unhealthy - but that's my personal opinion.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Oh I wanted to add one last thing. Try not to get knocked up as this tends not to end well with goals like yours. Cheer up you look great so far! :flowerforyou: Its just going to take a little more time but either way you're going to look great in a bikini this summer for once like you said and this time next year if you focus on your abs you should have some defining abs by next summer. You're doing great. Trust me there are many of us who are all in the same boat you're in one way or another. Mine is my Traps I really am working on them to become bigger because I think they lag some compaired to the rest. We are sculputures in a sense and it can be tough but its fun and it just takes time, hard work, and dedication to make it happen but it can happen and thats what separates us from the rest. :smile:

    EDIT: Had to edit some lol^^ :p
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    Ha Ha. Agree with the above. Getting knocked up certainly derailed me the first time around :)
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    Really appreciate the positive vibes and help everyone :]

    I try to set realistic goals, I just was way off here. I have been losing weight for about a year no going from overweight to nearly underweight. I eat 1600-1800 cals most days (finals week so not so much atm) and have been lifting since early high school. Strong as heck and lift consistently. But I'll just have to keep that up and hope for more progress next year.

    Its really not so much i'm scared to bulk, I jsut don't want to right before vacation and summer xD i'll continue lifting on vacation and probably will be in a surplus since I just eat what I want on vacay

    Seen amazing transformations in months, taken me a year to get where I am, and I am a prime example of why you should NOT look at other people's weight losg/ gains and compare to your own.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I understand that people have different ideal body types. I, in no way, want to show disrespect for anyone's goals. But, my first reaction seeing your picture, and your ideal, was to think how much better I thought YOU looked: slim, feminine and curvy in the right places. I showed my husband the two pictures, and simply asked which he liked better: he said the second one, by far. So there you have it: more people adding to the message that you look gorgeous right now!
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Really appreciate the positive vibes and help everyone :]

    I try to set realistic goals, I just was way off here. I have been losing weight for about a year no going from overweight to nearly underweight. I eat 1600-1800 cals most days (finals week so not so much atm) and have been lifting since early high school. Strong as heck and lift consistently. But I'll just have to keep that up and hope for more progress next year.

    Its really not so much i'm scared to bulk, I jsut don't want to right before vacation and summer xD i'll continue lifting on vacation and probably will be in a surplus since I just eat what I want on vacay

    Seen amazing transformations in months, taken me a year to get where I am, and I am a prime example of why you should NOT look at other people's weight losg/ gains and compare to your own.


    Ata girl :D well said! I agree go enjoy your success this summer as this is no time to bulk after all your hard work, and when the time comes all through the winter concentrate on those abs and remember you can do it if its for your self and its some thing you really want.
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    You'll get there. You really look fabulous as you are, I have no doubts you will have the definition you want very soon. Also, those panties are super cute!
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    You look SO good right now, but if you want to achieve the look in the first picture you CAN do it. It may take time and that is ok. You will be soooo happy when you get there. But if you stay how you are now, you will still be hawt!!!!
  • edinbors
    edinbors Posts: 112
    Wow I'd kill for your stomach! But after having 4 kids I know mine would never look as flat and smooth (I have stretch marks). You look amazing and I know you will get there if that is what you really want. Have you tried P90x. Alot of people are getting some serious muscle from that. Good luck!