Had to post out of sheer irritation.



  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    First off, 800 calories way too low!! I am currently doing c25k. My treadmill does calories, after 3 miles it says 400 calories max. No way she is burning 1000 calories. I dont burn that after an hour of zumba!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    No one can lose weight eating 1700 calories? I have lots of MFP friends who can attest otherwise...

    Some of the most successful people I know here eat 1700+ calories a day and have lost the most weight and completely changed their bodies through diet and exercise while still being able to EAT and eat well....

    Your friend is dangerously misinformed and is exhibiting the behaviours of an eating disorder, if it hasn't developed into a full-blown one yet. She needs to re-visit her doctor, or better yet, a nutritionist, and get set straight before she has to go to the hospital because she's passed out while driving.

    Wish you the best, please take care of yourself and try to inform your friend that what she's doing is not only counterproductive, but extremely dangerous and unhealthy.
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    The VAST majority of the calories our body burns are just to keep us alive...keep all our organs functioning, breathing, digesting food, etc. Most people burn upwards of 1500 cals a day even if they lay in bed 24 hours a day. Your friend has been seriously misinformed, and she's on the fast track to burnout or illness. I eat around 2000 cals a day, and lose about 1 pound a week, sometimes more. There is NO reason to starve yourself...that's just completely ridiculous. Tell your friend to look up the term "Basal Metabolic Rate"...that's the amount of calories your body burns with NO activity. She's acting like the ONLY time you burn calories is during exercise--totally FALSE. She needs better information, and FAST!
  • valorieflowers
    Wow, that must be sooo frusterating! I feel for you! And I am 5'9"-5'10"ish and I am losing weight eating 1600-1700 cals with only very light exercise. Not to mention at her height and that weight, she does not need to lose a single ounce! Maybe you can just get her to join this site and then she may get exposed to a lot of information that may change her mind without you having to try to discuss it specifically anymore.
  • Katie0174
    Katie0174 Posts: 33 Member
    This is so ridiculous I can't even begin to understand how someone could think this is right. Your body needs energy and calories are energy - everyone needs a certain amount, and that amount is NOT zero.

    She will not listen to you if she's arguing with you about it, she thinks she's completely right. I think the only thing that you can do is not encourage her and not even speak about it with her, unless she comes to you for advice. She's probably going to need a friend when she's sick though.
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    Anorexia is a serious illness and sufferers are often delusional because their brain chemistry is so wrong that they do not think or perceive things normally. Shouting, arguing etc will not help! Until she faces her own problems you will have this argument. In my non-medical opinion - the only thing informing me is life experience - be a friend but do not accept that what she is saying is right. If her logic was correct, there would be no children starving!
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Ha! 800 calories is dinner and a post-workout protein shake. That's not a full day diet plan.
  • email4jenp
    email4jenp Posts: 52 Member
    She is COMPLETELY full of Crapola! No Dr would ever tell a patient that. So, either she heard wrong or she's just making up some bull. However, it doesn't matter what you tell her, she has to figure that out for herself. I can't imagine eating 800 cals per day. And I can't even imagine having 3 peanut butter M&M's for B'fast - that right there ought to tell you she has no freaking clue....
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Okay so I have a friend that I have already posted on once before that I am concerned about. Today we are talking on the phone and after our conversation I wanted to come post here to make sure that I did have my facts straight.
    Basically she revealed to me that she eats on an average "no cheat" (her words) day about 800 calories and burns 1000 doing c25k (this sounds high to me but I didn't say anything because maybe she does). On a cheat day she says she takes in about 1200 cals. Her logic being that you have to burn as many cals as you take in in order to lose weight. This is where the conversation turned heated. I always though the aforementioned statement was taking into account the fact that our bodies are constantly burning calories. She insists that if you eat 1200 calories you have to exercise 1200 calories away- same as if you eat 2500- apparently you need to exercise 2500 cals away. This is supposedly what her doctor and friend who is training for the olympics told her.
    So today she had 3 peanut m&m's for breakfast, 220 cals worth of corn in butter sauce for lunch and whatever she has for dinner will not exceed 800 cals for her entire day. Then she will go and exercise off 800-1000 cals to make it even. I told her what I had been reading on this site about needing to eat more and how I eat 1700 per day and make sure not to go below a certain number and all. Her response to me was well there is no way anyone can lose weight doing that and you can't believe what you read online.
    I may be wrong which is why I wanted to post here and see. I am just concerned for her. She is currently about 140lbs and 5'9. I saw her yesterday and she looks bad to me. Not what you would expect to see a healthy person look like.
    I really just want to know if I am right in my thinking or is she. Do I really need to be in the gym for 6 hours exercising off my 1700 cals. Obviously because I am the one with the weight problem she isn't going to listen to me so as far as that is concerned we are at a stalemate, I just want to have my facts straight.

    If her doctor told her that she should sue for malpractice. You just need a deficit to lose, you don't need to burn equal to or more than you eat in exercise. What you burn just maintaining your body counts too. It's just not a great idea to eat less than your BMR. Worse yet, what kind of meal is three M&Ms?

    It seems obvious she has an ED. If she's a close friend, keep setting a good example and if she brings up what she's eating just keep on telling her the facts. Pushing too hard will just make her avoid you. People change when they decide to change, and not before.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    I'm with your friend on this one... but only because I want to be a skeleton for this next Halloween

    all joking aside though, it's because of things like this below......

    That some girls turn out like this....


    I've known a couple and it's hard to watch
  • LauraAshley95
    LauraAshley95 Posts: 70 Member
    ABSOLUTELY not. You are correct, and she is on a very unhealthy path. The way MyFitnessPal works is that they create a calorie deficit, so really if you just ate exactly within what it tells you without exercising, you'd lose weight.

    I'm currently 5'6 and 276lbs. If I were in a coma, my body would still need 2086 calories per day. This is also around the calories I would need to eat to MAINTAIN my weight. However, to lose weight, I need to watch my calories. I want to lose 2lbs per week, which is roughly 7000 calories less a week than what I'd need to maintain. That already allows me to lose weight, exercising just gets you fit and gives you a few more calories if you need them. If I were to exercise ALL of my calories back and not eat them, I'd pass out. Seriously.

    Your friend is not healthy at ALL, not to mention 800 calories a day?! Even 1200 for most people is wrong. Everyone should get their facts straight. Not everyone is the same, and burning more calories than you consume is.. so wrong I can't even begin.
  • mamabear272
    mamabear272 Posts: 268 Member
    You have a BMR which is the number of calories your body need JUST TO FUNCTION! You body uses calories to make your heart beat, digestion, blood flow, etc.

    I can also tell you that she's not burning 1000 calories doing c25k! I weigh just over 200 and I don't burn much more than 200 and I'm on week 6. It sounds like she has a lot of bad information. She may or may not listen to you. Honestly she probably won't. As her friend all you can do is be there for her when she falls. Contrary to what another poster said you don't have to laugh in her face when she fails. That's not being a good friend. Don't discuss diet or exercise with her though. Don't feed into her crap she's spewing!
  • laceylou0702
    laceylou0702 Posts: 226 Member
    Good question I had that thought too, I always thought you burn more than you eat but you still have to eat once you exercise. 800 cals a day isn't that to low!! I'll be waiting on this answer.

    The average person should never go below 1200 calories a day because you need calories to function in addition to any exercise.
  • imbanter
    imbanter Posts: 72 Member
    She is flat out wrong and is endangering her own health. Maybe she will believe webmd? http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/estimated-calorie-requirement
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    You are right. We burn calories sitting, sleeping, breathing. The only time we don't burn calories is when we're dead. She is very, very wrong.
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    I have a friend who is this way as well....believes that you have to burn more calories than you take in.
    I am female, 31 years old, 5'2 130lbs, and while I have areas I want to strengthen up and tighten I think I look alright.
    He is male, 32, about 5'10....I'm not sure what he weighs but his waist is smaller than mine, he has to shop in the boys section for pants. I can honestly say I've never had anyone make me feel "fat" but standing next to him certainly is a strange experience for me.

    To answer your question, You are right, and I completely understand what it's like to have this argument and be concerned for someone, I wish I had the answer for how to make them listen.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    She's gonna hurt herself that way.
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    Your friend's wrong. But she's not going to listen to you anytime soon. Not until she's ill, probably.

    Keep doing what you're doing. Keep healthily and gradually losing those pounds.

    I would avoid discussing weight loss or food with her, really, unless she brings it up.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,652 Member
    This is an ED issue waiting to blossom.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    Your friend's wrong. But she's not going to listen to you anytime soon. Not until she's ill, probably.

    Keep doing what you're doing. Keep healthily and gradually losing those pounds.

    I would avoid discussing weight loss or food with her, really, unless she brings it up.


    I didn't see this when I posted, I agree....I tried addressing it, it didn't go over well AT ALL.

    You're doing the right thing for yourself, just keep at it and stay healthy!