


  • My favorite Nutella recipe used to be (before I started a healthier lifestyle) to take the frozen Sara Lee pound cake, slice 2 slices off of it, and get out your panini maker. Spread Nutella on the pieces, and add sliced strawberries. Put them together like a sandwich and let the panini maker work it's magic. When toasty and brown, serve it on a plate with Reddi-Whip and a little chocolate syrup. O. M. G.

    Now I can't buy it at all. I have ZERO self control when it's in the house. I've been without it for 72 days now. The Nutella withdrawals have been fierce, but I'm hanging in there! LOL!

    CRAP!!! I have never tried Nutella. Prolly would never have bought it! Now I HAVE to! CRAP!!! :)

    I was beginning to think that I must be the only person to have never try Nutella. :embarassed: Maybe I will stop by the grocer after work to pick up a jar to see what the rave is all about.
  • Livingbalanced
    Livingbalanced Posts: 84 Member
    ARGH! Go figure, I just bought a big jar of the chocolatey stuff after staying away from it for so long, only to learn a woman won a lawsuit against Nutella for promoting it as a part of a healthy breakfast - $3 million!! lol

    I knew it wasn't "good" for me but everything in moderation... I just didn't need it so in my face tonight on the news... lol
  • I add it to my protein shake!

    That... is a fantastic idea. o.o I'll have to try that ASAP.
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    Throw it in the garbage! thats what I had to do to keep myself from eating it by the spoonful!
    this made me lol out loud!!!
  • lol, i've only ever bought a snack sized packet of nutella. i walk by the jars in the stores and try hard not to buy them.

    if you need ideas for nutella, then go on tumblr

    i think i'd just eat nutella on fruit, people put it on waffles, bread, cookies, crackers, in ice cream...sigh.
  • walker001
    walker001 Posts: 116 Member
    I vote for the garbage. P-B is also a red light food for me so that is an other thing I can't have in the house.
  • Nutella hot chocolate! 1 or 2 T in warm milk!!!
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I have never had it before. I think it may be one of those things I just cant keep in the house. I didnt realize it would be so good.

    I had to stop buying it. It's to much of a temptation for me I'm afraid.
  • cld630
    cld630 Posts: 7
    I just bought some yesterday and tried it this morning on Whole Gain Toast. Wish I could have put bananas and unsalted nuts with it. It was amazing but 100 calories for 1 tablespoon. Thats torture!
  • JaymeLS
    JaymeLS Posts: 47 Member
    I made some french crepes and filled it with nutella and sprinkled a little cinnamon/sugar on top. It was good but way sweet.
  • ls_66
    ls_66 Posts: 395 Member
    can be used in the bedroom to spice things up....
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    oh my god, nutella and i have a love/hate relationship. i used to buy it at costco- this had stopped because my thighs were truly becoming thunderous. that aside, nutella goes great on fruit, really good on a piece of toast, you could add it to a protein shake, eat with nuts, good on crepes/french toast/pancakes, i love to eat it on a warm croissant, and it's good for dipping chips (sounds crazy but the salty sweet is amazing). basically nutella is the food of gods and i would eat it all day with spoon if i could still fit my butt in my pants.

    one good thing you can tell yourself about eating nutella is at least it's all natural. much healthier than any other product out there with "milk chocolate" on the label- which isn't usually real chocolate at all but corn syrup and artificial flavors with a tad of cocoa. just watch your portions because that stuff is full of calories!
  • michbou
    michbou Posts: 8 Member
    Make a fondue- put some nutella on a plate and warm up in micriwave. then dip some cut-up fruits like banana , strawberries...
  • LesaDave
    LesaDave Posts: 1,480 Member
    add 1/4 cup to blender with 3-4 bananas and splash of milk. Blend until smooth. Freeze...healthy "ice cream"! My whole family love it!

    I will need to try this when summer gets here.
  • icerafta
    icerafta Posts: 38
    I like using it on toaster waffles, or crepes,with a little orange liquor drizzled in with it.
  • mnharrington
    mnharrington Posts: 26 Member
    Put a tablespoon on it on a whole wheat waffle with sliced strawberries on top.
  • TenAceUs
    TenAceUs Posts: 3 Member
    I think it's fairly safe to say that Nutella is the tastiest mouthful of happiness ever created. When people tell me they have never had Nutella, I tell them they are fortunate, because one spoonful is all it takes. I say, if you are craving Nutella, go smoke a pack of filter-less cigarettes and eat a tablespoon of shortening instead, because the path back to the light from a Nutella craving is a long, treacherous road.

    This thread is pretty much counter-productive, but the above quote
    pretty much sums it up.. I think I will have to take that long treacherous ...
  • lu136mickey
    lu136mickey Posts: 202
    Just bought it 2 days ago for first time, wish I never tried it lol it is so freakin good had 1 measured tablespoon on whole grain english muffin toasted then sliced banana's on top wonderful got rid of the sweet cravin I was having and the hunger LOVE IT
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    ha i take spoon tto jar 1 tablespoon and have it wth banana and nuts.....also u can use it in wonton wrappers

    Before I cut out sugar I used to have it with banana and peanuts in a wonton wrapper, SOOOOOO yummy!
  • Mix into plain yogurt or drizzle over frozen yogurt! Also delicious!!!

    Yum, I might be able to eat yogurt with Nutella on it.