Starting May 1st. going to give up alcohol for a month!



  • jemachharo
    jemachharo Posts: 144 Member
    I gave up alcohol when I started this journey. I found alcohol was a gateway to poor food choices for me. When I'd poor a glass of wine, I wanted cheese and crackers or some other snack. If I went out and ordered a margarita at a Mexican restaurant, I ate a lot more chips. I make much better choices drinking water instead. I also don't drink soda anymore. I LOVE Dr. pepper, but it's empty calories. Diet soda causes you to crave more sweet and leads to poor choices. It was easier for me to go cold turkey than have occasional glass of wine or soda.
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    No alcohol, No soda and limit the fast food, up the exercise, protiein, water and fiber and I bet 30 day will make abig change for you!!!

    Best of Luck!!
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    I gave up alcohol when I started this on Jan. 3rd. It was a problem for me and I felt it best to quit. Yes I have lost weight but have gained my health. Good luck and if you can go a month......
  • J0ET
    J0ET Posts: 33 Member
    I'm not a big drinker to begin with, but I haven't had any alcohol since this past Christmas (2 glasses of red wine). Alcohol calories are the worst, completely empty & useless. Why is it impossible to watch a game without alcoholic drinks? Not judging, just trying to understand... As for right now, I'd rather eat clean and be covered in sweat at the gym rather than be covered in clothes at the beach this summer!
  • holliwood322
    holliwood322 Posts: 92 Member
    sounds like alot to start with. maybe make just ~1~ life change at a time. a few drinks a night adds up to 200-300 calories a day and over a week's time probably equals a pound gained or lost. maybe all those restrictions in the same month is setting yourself up for failure. good luck to you!:drinker: (that little guy is drinking water!!)
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    If you like your wine like me this is going to be rough. People that don't like to drink wont understand. I gave it up during the week I only allow drinks Saturday and one other night of the week, usually Friday or Sunday and I make sure its within my cal limits and that is helping. I really think I could give it up totally, but I just don't want to that bad. But, if you do then I am all about support :happy:
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    I was quite a booze bag before I joined MFP and before I moved in with my boyfriend. Most of the time I would drink a bottle of wine on Friday and again on Saturday on top of eating crap and sitting on my *kitten* streaming movies on Netflix. The first weekend we had together we had some Crown and Cokes (like 1 or 2) and that's pretty much all I've had since March 31st.

    I've been exercizing and have been maintaining my daily calorie goal (for the most part) but I feel not drinking has DEFINITELY helped me drop some additional lbs.
  • striveforhealthy
    striveforhealthy Posts: 137 Member
    The only time I really drink is when I go back to my hometown like twice a year. Pretty much all there is to do in small town living is go out to the bars; therefore, that's what I end up doing with my friends who still reside there. Every time I have gained weight regardless of not really changing much else diet wise.

    If you drink often you'll probably notice some weight coming off if you quit. For me the weight put on due to drinking was pretty easy to take off.