Might as well eat bad all day...



  • chickentunashake
    chickentunashake Posts: 164 Member
    This is making me rethink the ice cream I was going to eat later. Thanks!

    Haha that is funny. :-D:-D:-D:-D:-D
  • DianneBoo
    DianneBoo Posts: 226 Member
    If you don't beat yourself up, you might not need to get the ice cream and the buffet. Tell yourself the crappy lunch was just that -- a crappy lunch. Close your eyes, tap your heels three times and start over right then and there. Instead of a buffet, go for a walk that evening. Progress, not perfection.

    My words EXACTLY!
  • chickentunashake
    chickentunashake Posts: 164 Member
    One bad meal is just that, a bad meal, nothing else. I doesn't take away your reason for wanting to make a change, your motivation, your drive. It doesn't take away all the work you've done so far, and it doesn't say anything about how you are going to do the rest of the day, week, or month. What's the wall street quote "Past performance is no guarantee of future returns..."?

    Early on in my weight loss journey, a friend who had also lost a bunch of weight told me "Having one bad day, and six good ones is still way better than the 7 bad days you used to have." I took that to heart and shrugged off any mistakes along the way. Made sticking to my plan much easier.

    That is awesome attitude and it is so true. Good for you
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    One bad meal isn't going to wreck much, but turning a bad meal into a bad day, then into a bad week, that becomes a really slippery slope that's hard to crawl back up. I've done it plenty of times, unfortunately.
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    Yesterday I did pretty good, and so when a co-worker went to get Steak and Shake and offered to buy, I said, "Sure" I got a regular size strawberry shake, and it was 615 calories. While I was already doing pretty well, it still took away from my dinner calories, so I strapped on the Wii, and did 20 minutes of boxing, 15 of Wii training. Then I jogged in place for 10 minutes as I watched t.v. Lo and behold, calories made up. Had a surplus of 66 last night. No point in beating yourself up over it. I'm sure if most of you are like me, you've already spent plenty of time beating yourself up for getting overweight in the first place.
  • Thank you for posting :)
  • grapeeyes1
    grapeeyes1 Posts: 229 Member
    I think when we have one bad meal it becomes and excuse to eat everything that we shouldn't. I try to think of why I made the bad choice, how I can avoid it in the future and resolve to stay on track. There will be situations where you can't eat optimally, but you can exercise and work it off and watch it the rest of the day.
  • That is why I have gained so much weight. I always say. I will start tomororw so I better eat everything I want today! Well tomorrow never came so I kept gaining weight. Finally im off of that slop. Whew
  • fitacct
    fitacct Posts: 241 Member
    GREAT quote!!
  • lose3stone
    lose3stone Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks for sharing that... I've had a few bad days and feel like I've totally failed but this very simply put everything back into perspective. Thank you
    GPSHEALTHCOACHING Posts: 497 Member
    I also saw a quote that went something like......

    If you accidentally run a stop light and don't get busted, do you now go and rob a bank? NO!!!

    Your bad meal is running a stop light, don't turn it into robbing a bank by ruining the rest of the day or week, or weekend.......

    I need to follow this advice more often! :P
  • Rabbitfeet
    Rabbitfeet Posts: 92 Member
    I have fallen into this trap today. It was a really bad day. So bad in fact I am scared to track my calories. :( Tomorrow is a new day! Onwards and downwards!
  • lc52820
    lc52820 Posts: 76 Member
    That is a good way to look at it. Usually if I have something unhealthy, I try to work out later to balance it out...or if I am anticipating going out to eat or going to a party or something where I know I probably won't eat well, then I try to make sure I exercise a bit extra to make up for it. That takes away the guilt for me :)

    Plus if it's just one day like that out of the week, I wouldn't worry about it too much especially if you are continuing to lose weight. One bad day won't undo your whole week if you've been eating well and exercising.
  • pinkhu13
    pinkhu13 Posts: 133
    I do this too occasionally *sigh*
  • Excellent... and very true.
  • ChristySeeksBalance
    ChristySeeksBalance Posts: 43 Member
    Similar concept: I broke an egg, might as well smash the dozen.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    So I've been around MFP for a while (not new here lol), but I've been in a slump lately. One of the excuses that I keep falling back on is the "I ate a crappy lunch, might as well get some ice cream, and eat at a buffet for dinner because I already screwed my whole day"....Then I eat 4000 calories that day and feel like crap. Only if you do that everyday...like I've been doing for a while now, well you won't see any results! (Except for maybe the scale going in the wrong direction)

    One of my MFP friends pointed this out to me the other day, and I really liked it, so of course I googled the phrase, and thought I would share it with you all. Maybe it will hit home for some other people like it did with me who keep falling back on this excuse.


    but i did just that with my last phone....oh well.:frown:
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Everyone's body and mental state is a bit different, as is the interpretation for which you find in responses. Personally, you are bashing a mindset that may just break someone who is trying. They are not you, nor you them. Just because it is not something you believe in doesnt mean you need pull out a negativity in the MOTIVATIONAL thread.

    There is nothing wrong with tossing a day under the floor mat. There is a common practice and successful theory out there used by many in which this cheat day actually helps. When it doesn't become useful is when it's done on a regular basis, as in more than once a week.
  • ChristySeeksBalance
    ChristySeeksBalance Posts: 43 Member
    Everyone's body and mental state is a bit different, as is the interpretation for which you find in responses. Personally, you are bashing a mindset that may just break someone who is trying. They are not you, nor you them. Just because it is not something you believe in doesnt mean you need pull out a negativity in the MOTIVATIONAL thread.

    There is nothing wrong with tossing a day under the floor mat. There is a common practice and successful theory out there used by many in which this cheat day actually helps. When it doesn't become useful is when it's done on a regular basis, as in more than once a week.

    See, I think a cheat day is a completely different concept. I do cheat days, usually planned ahead of time. When I have a cheat day I don't feel bad about it, and I don't feel guilty about what I eat. On the other hand, when I have an unscheduled indulgence if I let myself give up on the rest of the day because I already "blew it," this is the kind of thing that can totally derail me. It's self defeating and discouraging.

    The difference is with a cheat day I feel like I'm in control. When I am discouraged and write off the rest of a day I don't.
  • Echo17121
    Echo17121 Posts: 111 Member
    I have had a few days like this and a week like this as well. Today I was so proud of myself as it was a little boy's birthday in my class and he brought great cupcakes. It was also a little girl's birthday in the other room and her chocolate chip cookies were brought into my room as well. I had a cupcake and one cookie, logged them, and then went back to my regular eating. I knew I could have them because I do a massive workout set on Fridays and it would be gone before lunch anyway just working at my preschool lol. However, I easily could have opened our snack cabinet and went to town on crap all day but I didn't. I am finishing this day knowing I ate really well and had a rare treat. I find if I focus on the workouts I have during the day I have to make sure I eat well. Because that week I went off the wagon hardcore, I couldn't even move without feeling sick. You really do have to focus on the good feelings and pay attention to the bad ones when you eat garbage! I love the quote too!