Nutella Gets Spanked in Class-Action Suit



  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    The first thing that popped into my head when I read about the refund to those who bought Nutella was "Ohhh I'd just buy more Nutella" LOL :) Ridiculous law suit. Can't believe this lady won her case! :/

    LOL i doubt anyone will stop buying Nutella even if they were in the class action suit. Its good stuff, anyone with half a brain knows its not healthy, but its GOOOOOOOD!
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Nutella + Natural PB + bread > Any PB&J
  • ZumbaBeast86
    Honestly, it's as bad as the woman who burned herself with McDonald's coffee. Read the farm labels people. Yes, the commercials say slim milk, cocoa, and hazelnuts, but that doesn't male it the healthiest thing on the planet. I use Nutella as my go to splurge for some chocolate and yummy. I only use it in moderation and never just gorge on it.

    Still...being stupid and winning lawsuits for said stupidity? Some people have all the luck?
  • Jules_1111
    It's delicious stuff. However, being able to READ, I could read the label and see what was in it. Seriously, the U.S. is nuts with people filing these nuisance lawsuits. However, I'll be interested to see how Nutella's commercials change because I do believe they take the "healthy" angle in them currently.

    This! :) Read the labels, people! :laugh:
  • hippietofugirl
    Nutella tastes like oily chocolate icing to me. Delicious, but definitely NOT a health food. I used to eat entire jars of it when I was pregnant. Probably why I gained 70lbs.
  • Kayley
    Kayley Posts: 327 Member
    $100 on Nutella :drinker:
  • ttxqiu
    ttxqiu Posts: 27
    I'm just irritated I didn't think to do that - I could have had $3.5 million! Dang...
    I would just use the money to buy more Nutella.
    *high five*
  • pinkrangerwannabe
    I'm kind of glad about this. Nutella's ads do make it sound like the product is just hazelnuts, cocoa and skim milk. True, people need to do their research, learn to read food labels. But I'm tired of companies peddling junk food under the guise that's it's somehow wholesome or nutritious. (SunnyD being another culprit) Companies need to responsible and be HONEST. Sell their products as what they are.
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    My mother in law is about 75 and based on their commercials believes this stuff is so healthy! She was trying to push it at me the other day when I was searching for a snack while at their house. She eats it like candy, slathers a 1/4" thick on a piece of white toast.

    For people who don't have a clue about nutrition, like her, it was easy to her to buy into the commercials and such!

    I am not real fond of it, but occasionally, a super super thin layer of it on whole wheat toast, covered with a equally thin layer of peanut butter is a tasty way to eat it.
  • jelias1
    jelias1 Posts: 97
    I think these two replies to Nutella is gross made my day more than reading that stupid person's victory article for something she did to herself.
    Nutella is gross anyways.

  • TootsieRolls
    Honestly, it's as bad as the woman who burned herself with McDonald's coffee. Read the farm labels people. Yes, the commercials say slim milk, cocoa, and hazelnuts, but that doesn't male it the healthiest thing on the planet. I use Nutella as my go to splurge for some chocolate and yummy. I only use it in moderation and never just gorge on it.

    Still...being stupid and winning lawsuits for said stupidity? Some people have all the luck?

    A) The McDonald's lawsuit was legit - the plaintiff was actually injured. If you read the case, you will know that McDonald's KNEW that their coffee was too hot.
    B) She didn't "win" the lawsuit - Nutella settled.
    C) Why is no one looking at the bigger picture here? This is a class action suit (i.e. only her lawyer is getting rich) that speaks to deceptive advertising that affects all of us. A lot of people are influenced by advertising and not everyone knows how to read nutrition labels properly. How many posts on this forum have you read where a person thinks Product X will magically make them thin?

    Why is everyone so gung-ho about consumer reasponsibility and not about corporate responsibility? Personally, I'm sick of all the junk that is passed off as healthy nowadays - Nutella is no exception.
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    Well, you could see this one coming a mile away. Someone sued the company that makes Nutella, claiming that the company's advertising misled her into thinking the stuff was "healthy." Really? :noway:

    Anyway, the company just settled the case for $3.5 million. You can read about it here:

    Companies often settle things like this out of court to avoid the legal expenses and bad press the suit would generate. Granted, this is plain stupid. About as stupid as the woman who successfully sued McDonald's many years ago because her hot coffee was to hot (when she pulled from the drive thru and dumped it on her lap). That suit is why every disposable coffee cup in the US has some form of "warning, hot coffee is HOT" on it.
  • 0EmmeNicole0
    0EmmeNicole0 Posts: 180 Member
    Back in the day, I thought anything called Nutella had to be healthy. It just sounded like something healthy and I never ate it because I didn't think it would taste good. I tried it like two years ago and was like this is basically fudge in a jar. Nope not healthy at all. And I love it. I have a jar in my cupboard. Where is my $4!
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    This is the perfect example of what is wrong with people today. I just don't have the words to describe how I feel about this. SO stupid :-(
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    Honestly, it's as bad as the woman who burned herself with McDonald's coffee. Read the farm labels people. Yes, the commercials say slim milk, cocoa, and hazelnuts, but that doesn't male it the healthiest thing on the planet. I use Nutella as my go to splurge for some chocolate and yummy. I only use it in moderation and never just gorge on it.

    Still...being stupid and winning lawsuits for said stupidity? Some people have all the luck?
    To be fair, the elderly woman who was burned by the coffee suffered life-threatening burns that required multiple skin grafts, more than a week of hospitalization, and more than two years of treatment after the incident. McDonalds was serving its coffee at extremely high temperatures that were not industry standard and had settled in hundreds of previous scalding cases, so they knew exactly how dangerous their product was. It's been publicized as a frivolous case, but that really isn't true.

    Edit: ninja'd by TootsieRolls!
  • soon2b_1fitmama
    ooohhh Nutella... i miss you
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    I love how in America, you don't need to have any sense of personal responsibility for yourself or your child. You're allowed to be some brainless moron who walks around just thinking what you're told by the commercials and not acting like an adult who's in charge of their own actions. And then, when your idiocy leads you make stupid decisions, you are allowed to blame others for your stupid decisions. Because hey, that's what it's all about.

    And people wonder why America is going only downhill these days.

    Agreed. The "personal responsibility" idea has seemingly gone out the window. It's ALWAYS someone else's fault.
    Shut the duck up and own up to your actions (however stupid they may be!).

    Here's a new lawsuit idea - all those dang bottle water companies saying I should drink their healthy water...well, too much water *can* kill you...(yes, I know, it's rare, but seriously, go with it for now!) you should pay me lots of money.

    Did any of you see the article online (I forget where I saw it) that talked about Coke or Diet Coke "playing a role" in some woman's death??? Of course, that's what the headline says..but when you read the article her diet SUCKED.

    Yep - it was here in new Zealand - she drank 7.5 liters of Coke a day - and smoke a pack and a half of cigarettes.......even 7.5 liters of water can kill you......and man can you imagine how many trips to the toilet......
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    It's not the people who do it, it's the damn lawyers.The lawyers encourage people to sue. They find loopholes to sue companies because they make 33% off a class action lawsuit.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    If I could eat one food for the rest of my life and die a fat and happy death it would be nutella. I cannot control nutella once I start. It is a legitimate drug.

    I tried to join NA but realized awkwardly in my first meeting that the N is not for Nutellaholics.
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    MUAHAAHHAHAHA I GET FIVE FREE JARS OF NUTELLA. YOU CAN TOO. Go to this link and read then fill out the form