how to recover from late night eating?

hey everyone! i was out with a few friends tonight and i had a piece of chocolate cake around 11pm! i feel guilty and i've been chugging water but i don't know what else to do! i was researching online and it said no carbs tomorrow morning? idk, tell me what you think i should do either now or tomorrow! thank you!


  • seamonkey789
    Late night eating is not bad. I would just enjoy your cake and eat like you normally would tomorrow
  • torontobaby
    I have been going over my target calories this week. Some weeks are like that. Just try to start again tomorrow to do better, don't beat yourself up about it at all, that takes the fun out of the indulgence. What is important is long term and trying to be as healthy as you can be. That is the secret to success in getting healthy.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Uh, I have things like Poptarts randomly around 11pm, if I'm hungry. Happens fairly often, actually, because breastfeeding makes me ravenous at night.

    But honestly, it doesn't really matter what time you eat. If it's fits in your daily allotment of calories, it's not going to make you gain 10lbs overnight. You'd have to eat a lot more chocolate cake than one piece to mess things up.
  • VanessaMFaulkner
    Everyone is different. I don't eat after 8...if I do I see a gain the next day. If I eat close to 8...I chug water directly after. Like I said, every one is different ;) good luck!
  • JessicaHoskins
    Go to bed & remember that tomorrow IS a new start, to a new day. :smile:
  • christenwypy
    christenwypy Posts: 335 Member
    Workout enough tomorrow to burn off those calories..or eat a little less each day to make up for it. You don't have to just have a deficit per day, you can have a deficit per week. So you can make up for it in the next few days either by a little extra exercise or a little less food.
  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member
    Don't beat yourself up about it... and maybe have a lower carb breakfast in the morning to balance out
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 616 Member
    I don't know what the rest of your week looks like, but if you have been at a deficit all week then no need to worry. Get a workout in tomorrow and eat like you normally would.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    tomorrow, be on point. that is all. don't try to compensate.

    p.s., i bet you've barely even gone over you calorie target, and if you did, you're likely to still be at or below maintenance level.

    p.p.s., it' nearly 11pm, and i'm planning to have some sort of snack in the next hour or two before bed. :glasses:
  • ttxqiu
    ttxqiu Posts: 27
    Whatever you do, DON'T SKIP MEALS or deny yourself food when you're feeling hungry the next day to make up for it. That's only going to create a cycle where you're hungry during the day and then eat a lot later at night.

    You just had a bit of cake, which is not something to worry about. :)
  • Iamjulez
    Iamjulez Posts: 48 Member
    Yep, I ate a giant piece of pizza... I was being strong until my husband left his pizza out in front of my face... for 15 minutes and then I couldn't help myself! I am trying to not eat past 8 pm, but I work retail so alot of times I don't get off work til 9:30 pm which means I don't get a chance at a last chance snack or dinner... and I usually need it (for normal reasons and I breastfeed). Eating late is NOT good for you, no matter what other people say. But don't beat yourself up, it's gonna happen every now and then. If you're awake and you're starving atleast try to pick a healthier snack next time. :) I told myself the same thing! I should of just had a banana lol.

    Tomorrow's a new day, shake it off and try to "prevent" your late night snacking by having some good protein before 8 comes around to hold you over. :) I'd just drink alot of water to flush your system...that's what I'm gonna do right now.

    Good luck tomorrow ;)