How to Do My First 5k?

Hey all, this is my first post! Also, I really really want to do my first 5k this weekend. The problem is, I'm not really a runner. I can do spurts on the treadmill but I'm not one of those people you see running through the neighborhoods. I'd like to be, one day. I hear horror stories of people getting hospitalized at marathons and those people are pretty professional. What's a good starting place? Do I have to be at a certain level of skill to do a 5k? If I can do it, are there any preparations I should do?


  • brooke741
    brooke741 Posts: 14
    I just started with an app on my phone to help build endurance. So far I love it, its called Ease into 5K. It vibrates your phone and alerts each time you have to switch from walk to run to walk, and the time gradually increases. That's all I've got though! I'm just starting myself. Good luck!
  • aswearingen22
    aswearingen22 Posts: 271 Member
    I agree with the PP, couch to 5k is how most nonrunners get started.
  • amberforlife
    amberforlife Posts: 10 Member
    So I started this couch to 5k last week and I am heavy it took me a whole week to complete week 1 day 1 but it's well worth it! I can't wait tell the day I can run a 5k good luck with your new venture!
  • princeza9
    princeza9 Posts: 337 Member
    C25K!!!! I just finished it today! Such a fantastic training program, IMO. It's great, just make sure you have great running shoes as well!
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    OK - some people here rave about C25K. I personally dont think its the be all and end all. Youve said you do spurts on the treadmill, so you're already moving. Right now - it seems to be a mental thing. And to be honest, I think for most people - it is a mental challenge - but there is a way to overcome that - RUNNERS HIGH!!

    Just start out, go outside, and tell yourself youre going to go for a jog. No time limit, no minimum distance - just a jog. Enjoy it, and try not tho think about how long its been or the distance covered. If you need to stop - take a walk, there is no harm in walking some of it - you never have to do the whole thing without stopping! Just ask yourself before you do stop - can I just get to the next light post, letterbox, street corner etc - push yourself. See how far you can go. If you have to stop and walk - keep moving, keep walking and once your breath has caught up, go again.

    I never did C25K. I started running in November last year - my first run, non stop was 3.6kms. A fortnight ago I ran a half marathon - and without stopping. Remember steps - take them and move and challenge yourself at your own speed. When I started running I was 170lbs - 40lbs more than now.

    One last thing. If you dont enjoy running - dont do it. Find something else. Running isnt for everyone - but there is something out there that is.

    Good luck! Let us know how you go - and if you do this 5kms this weekend - go you good thing!!!
  • katherinemcg
    I was stuck on a 3.5 plateau for MONTHS. I changed the music I listened to and went A LOT slower (keeping a jog but slowing down when I felt tired, going up hills etc) and just like that, 6.5K my next run! If you are able to move that much already it's a mental thing :) Good luck!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    So I started this couch to 5k last week and I am heavy it took me a whole week to complete week 1 day 1 but it's well worth it! I can't wait tell the day I can run a 5k good luck with your new venture!

    It is posts like yours that make me realize just how much courage some people have, you know.

    Kudos for persevering and it will not be long before you will not have to repeat any of the days and before you know it, you will be running the whole distance.

    Seriously, WTG xxx
  • angelajmrn
    angelajmrn Posts: 63 Member
    I too am a big girl. I started the c25k 4 weeks ago. I can not believe how much I am able to run now. That first week I wondered what the heck I was thinking. Depending on how I feel about the "week" I am on I may do an extra day or 2 before I move on to the next week. I want to be able to get through the weeks run without feeling like I need oxygen before I move on to the next week. I did w4d1 for the first time yesterday. I was actually running more minutes that I walked. It feels great. I would never have thought that I would be doing this due to my size. It can be done. Listen to your body and to how you feel.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Hey all, this is my first post! Also, I really really want to do my first 5k this weekend. The problem is, I'm not really a runner. I can do spurts on the treadmill but I'm not one of those people you see running through the neighborhoods. I'd like to be, one day. I hear horror stories of people getting hospitalized at marathons and those people are pretty professional. What's a good starting place? Do I have to be at a certain level of skill to do a 5k? If I can do it, are there any preparations I should do?

    If you want to do one this weekend, just do it! If you find that it's more running than you're able to do right now, walk until you feel like running again, and repeat as necessary. At every event, there's people who run, people who walk, and people who do intervals.

    Once you have one under your belt, you can decide if you want to continue running.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    26.2 miles =/= 3.1 miles. Keep hydrated, don't trip and fall, and you won't need medical attention.

    Sorry only really addressed one of your concerns. As others are saying C25K is a good program. Anything where you gradually increase running endurance will work well.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Do the 5k. If you can run some on the treadmill, you will be able to finish a 5k. You will be pleasantly suprised at the wide variety of people there, from sub 5min milers to those who walk the entire course, and everything in between. Run at a comfortable pace for as long as you can; if needed, walk until you get bored then resume running again. Eat a light breakfast a couple of hours before and make sure you are hydrated. When it is time to line up for the race, line up towards the back of the pack. If it is a large race and the have runners self seed by time, line up with the 10min milers or at the front of the walkers. Your time is calculated on a chip based on when you actually cross the start mat, so there is no need to be at the front. You will most likely find yourself amoung many others like you who are doing their first, and most people are very friendly. If music helps you, wear headphones. If you like to socialize, I can guarantee there will be others around you who will strike up conversation. Most importantly, just try to relax and enjoy the experience. Be proud of yourself for finishing, and if you decide it is something you want to continue, you can focus on running more/walking less and decreasing your time for the next one.
  • Alwaysnancy
    Alwaysnancy Posts: 51 Member
    I did the Couch to 5K app last year and did my first 5K on Jan 1st of this year. It was more of a fun run than anything and I would encourage you to pick one that is less serious first time. I'm over 50 and for me when my friend and I looked back and still saw lots of people behind us it made us feel good. I'm definitely not a fast runner but at least I'm running. I've continued to try to run about 3 x's a week since but did miss three weeks in the winter when the weather was bad and I lost a bit of motivation. I personally enjoy the outside runs and don't have a treadmill at home. My other exercise consist of hot yoga and some spinning classes. Next week my husband and I start a two month boot camp that we attended last year. It was a lot of running and although my husband was the star pupil kicking everyone's butt with his running I wasn't the slowest but definitely slower than most. I hope to do much better this year.

    Also I have a garmin watch that tells me how fast and long I've run and I have yet to top the time on the race. I think it's just the friendly competition that really gets you moving. If you have run on the treadmill it can't hurt to try the race.
  • sluedu09
    sluedu09 Posts: 107 Member
    I say do the 5k as well. Run when you can and when you get tired walk briskly. The atmosphere is amazing. I never thought I would like it, but people are supportive and you get wrapped up in it. I also started with C25K. No, it's not the answer for everyone, but I needed structure for my workouts, and it was perfect. I just went for a 3.3 mile run today after being out for several weeks because I was sick.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Lots of good advice so far. I would just add, that when you are training, to not worry about how fast you are running. The slower the better. Time on feet running is more important than distance covered.
  • bekinator
    bekinator Posts: 103
    Thank you so much everyone! I've been so busy lately that I actually messed up the date- it's called the Cinco de Miler and it's on 5/6, so I'm going to take all of this wonderful advice and put it to work this week! I'll check out the c25k thing. And that's great advice- the distance covered is more important than the speed, and push myself with near landmarks... I'll try my best to build up my endurance this week. A good friend of mine also told me to keep very hydrated the day before, and if I can run straight for 20min, I should be ok, and to do it every other day before the race. She also suggested a little plus on the carbs the day before. So this week, I think I'll do the treadmill on the 20min challenge every other day, and on alternate days try the outside jog for 20min. Maybe between the two I might be able to tackle it.

    I've heard shoes are important too to avoid injury & help posture, so I'm set there. But I do fear I have terrible posture. Is it good to think about how to hold yourself as you run? Chest out, hips forward, anything? Heel first or light on my toes (balls of my feet)?

    Thanks again!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    If I think about how I'm running (or breathing) I get all messed up. And I know I look absolutely ridiculous when I run - like I'm doing the Party Rock Shuffle - but I don't care because it gets me across the finish line. :laugh:

    Be sure to give yourself a day (or better, two days) of rest before the race.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Honestly for your first one I wouldn't worry too much about your form/body position (but bear in mind this is coming from someone with horrible form - run almost on my toes!). For now just go with your natural stride and if need be work on form later. Focusing on your breathing should help keep you relaxed, and keep you from going too fast. Remember to breathe! Run sl ow enough that you could carryon a conversation, but fast enough that it is slightly challenging to do so.
    Try not to worry too much. Don't overthink it. Stay relaxed, run what is comfortable for you, and enjoy the experience.
  • bekinator
    bekinator Posts: 103
    Great advice, thanks!!