From the Department of Duh, Nutella =/= Healthy



  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    I read this today and was floored by the idiocy of this woman. Some people just shouldn't breed. Having said that, I'm NOT going to claim my $20. I refuse to gouge the Ferrero company for this woman's foolishness. I bought the stuff myself, nobody put a gun to my head, and I read the label, went, "Wow," and bought it anyway. I'm no victim here.

    Now I think I'll go have a spoonful of Nutella just to show my support for Ferrero.
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    I just enjoyed some nutella - spoon to mouth.

  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    I read this today and was floored by the idiocy of this woman. Some people just shouldn't breed. Having said that, I'm NOT going to claim my $20. I refuse to gouge the Ferrero company for this woman's foolishness. I bought the stuff myself, nobody put a gun to my head, and I read the label, went, "Wow," and bought it anyway. I'm no victim here.

    Now I think I'll go have a spoonful of Nutella just to show my support for Ferrero.

    Ditto! I know it's not the healthiest thing in the world, but I love my nutella. ANYTHING can be part of a balanced breakfast, lunch, or supper, people... that doesn't mean we should let our kids gorge themselves on any one thing. Even something like healthy CARROTS can be bad if it's the only thing you eat. Maybe I should sue the carrot farmers... for turning my kid into an orange space alien-looking creature because all she eats is carrots... at least she has really good eyesight though. :p

    *edit. I'll definitely not be claiming my 20 bucks either, and I loathe that hooker for making my already expensive Nutella cost even more now. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Yet another "only in America" story.... we always get the impression that you guys will make a law suit about anything and these stories just reinforce that view!

    Nutella has been in Australia for as long as I remember - I first had it as a kid (about 35 years ago) and loved it, but I never thought that it was healthy - it seems a bit scary that an adult person would be sucked in that way.
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    Yet another "only in America" story.... we always get the impression that you guys will make a law suit about anything and these stories just reinforce that view!

    Nutella has been in Australia for as long as I remember - I first had it as a kid (about 35 years ago) and loved it, but I never thought that it was healthy - it seems a bit scary that an adult person would be sucked in that way.

    She wasn't! She was just a money hungry hooker who took advantage of someone! All these lawsuits are a giant pitfall in this country, IMO. Frivolous lawsuits piss me off. (and they should piss off all of America as consumers--since we pay for this crap in the long run!)
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    I'd never had nutella before tonight, but saw this today and went grocery shopping. It was on sale! I bought a jar and it is FABulous!

    I'll have to buy some more when I run out.
  • i know moms who slather that stuff on break and say its just as healthy as a PB&J and give it to their kids... grosses me out and really i look at them while they try to tell me how great it is and think... chocolate spread on bread... eww no thanks.

    omgosh i had one person who i thought was fairly smart (until this conversation) tell me it was chocolaty protein, i told her i couldn't eat peanut butter and was looking for almond butter (its my go to for a PB&J) but the store was out and she said o just use Nutella its just as healthy and it tastes good... it was a sad day ..i just shook my head and told i don't like chocolate, really didn't want to argue with her about it plus i really don't care for it :)