Need help!Back injury prevents excersise....senior years!

Hi, due to a back injury 3 years ago, and not being able to work for 2 years(I am a nurse, so used to being active!) ..... and 3 operations later, am worse than ever.....I have gained quite a bit of weight!..Despite limitting calories, due to my fairly sedentary lifestyle at the moment, I am still gaining slowly.Chronic pain limits what I can do.....basically can only walk and for a very short time. Anyone got any tips on what excersises I can do at home that do not involve any twisting of back etc?Is there anyone else with health problems that severely limit excersise?If so, what do you do, and how are you going?I am a young female in late fifties, so it is an uphill battle anyway.All help appreciated........thanks..........Heather


  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    strengthening your core will help your back.
  • Nan_
    Nan_ Posts: 83 Member
    I am so sorry you have to live with chronic pain, that can be so discouraging and pain just wears you down.

    When I injured my back my therapist gave me a list of exercises to do at home. Some were stretching exercises to increase mobility (mine was limited in the beginning due to the pain and the injury) and some were to strengthen the core, which then helps support your back.

    In the beginning I had a lot of pain (and muscle spams) but modified bedrest and pain pills (and muscle relaxers) helped (and physical therapy). Some days I'd be in pain and I noticed that my stretching exercises helped lessen the pain.

    Can you ask your doctor to recommend some exercises? I suppose the exercises would be based on your injury, so I don't know if telling you mine would help. And I'm not sure how to explain it in words anyway. However, when the doctor cleared me to walk again he said it would be one of the best exercises for me.

    At first, I walked really slow and even my 88 year old mother walked faster than me. I walked down to the mailbox and back and that was enough. But eventually my back got better and I can even do Zumba now. I still am careful with my back though, just in case.

    I suppose the best person to ask would be your doctor or physical therapist, as they know your limitations. But have you tried swimming?
  • Heatherdl52
    Hello everyone, Sorry, but i only just found these reply's!! Not too cluey with this site yet!Thanks for the advice....appreciate it.Dont want to sound like a complainer, but 6 months after last spinal fusion, I am in more pain than ever. Have tried doing the usual things adviced by therapists etc, but surgeon in now of the opinion, to just walk, due to pain levels, and also not to disturb the bone graft and fusion. Still doing core ex. and gentle, slow walks, but guess it all helps. Not able to work yet and doesnt look too good for the future.Am a reg. nurse, so used to running and eating on the run, and whatever you can find. So.....a big nibbler.....trying to stop that now that i have set my mind to doing this. So thats all, and sorry I didnt " find" you earlier!.....cheers Heather Aussies out there??
  • Heatherdl52
    sorry....think I missed these posts as still finding my way around this site. Thank you for the tips from your experiences.I have had so much therapy that have been told to do nothing til the pain subsides.....except walk. So, have been put onto a spronger painkiller as Dr hasnt a clue why so much pain still, but at least it seems to be allowing me to get out and walk a bit more, so that is great as I cant sit around gaining weight anymore.Probably good for my back too in the long run as strenthening muscles. Yes....been doing core excersises for what seems liek forever....a shame they dont burn calories! Thanks guys!
  • NoSharpei
    NoSharpei Posts: 73
    Hey Heather, I know this isn't at home (unless you have a pool)... but aqua-anything is good as the water both supports and creates resistance - think water walking, gentle aqua-aerobics etc If interested, your local pool or Council should be able to advise. A friend of mine recently undertook a bilateral knee replacement (yep - both knees!) She does water walking.
  • ecb1990
    ecb1990 Posts: 10
    Hi heather!

    You should look into pilates exercises, they were originally created to help patients in hospitals who could not move their core (stomach, back areas) They focus on legs and arm movements and are a great way to exercise. Good luck!
  • rjo921
    rjo921 Posts: 130
    Hi Heather.

    I have had two lower back surgeries and I am 45 years old. I know what it's like to have limited options for exercise. One thing that i have discovered that I really enjoy are the Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home DVDs. Low impact but you get quite a lookout. Good luck! :smile:
    LuLuSUPER Posts: 189
    Hi heather!

    You should look into pilates exercises, they were originally created to help patients in hospitals who could not move their core (stomach, back areas) They focus on legs and arm movements and are a great way to exercise. Good luck!

    :ohwell: my suggestion also. pilates and consult your doctor for exercise specific to your condition. good luck
  • emdeegan
    emdeegan Posts: 219 Member
    My mother has a similar ailment, with having an injury in her lumbar and therasic regions of her spine and has been in constant pain for almost 20 years.. She experiences a lot of numbness in her extremities so we've found the safest, most effective way for her to work out is to go mall walking! She grabs a cart to keep her balance and just keeps on going! Best of luck.
  • Heatherdl52
    Being new to this, I have only just checked back here! Thanks for all the tips and advice, and stories of similar experiences. I can relate to your mother so well emdeegan! That is me....mall shopping with shopping trolley(cart)It seems that walking is the best for me at the moment. Surgeon as said not to try anything else til the pain settles. Do have some gentle pilates DVDs from my daughter, but havnt looked at them afraid of losening the graft and fusin still. Done lots of hydrotherapy etc after previous fusion, and ended up in severe pain, so, staying out of that for another month or 2.Think walking in water is great. Will join up again and maybe stick to that, and not do all the other things they told me to before.Have done a couple of hours mall shopping today and did ok, but have to know when to quit.Seems a little better over the past week, but that could be the new painkillers, and also me gettting out and walking every day too. Oh and rjo, my daughter mentioned the Leslie Sansone DVDs, but have lacked the motivation,....but will try them seeing they helped you.Thanks everyone.No to try and find 'lost " messages!!!
  • mccarol1956
    mccarol1956 Posts: 422 Member
    Heather, I totally understand the pain issues. After my last back surgery I never got over the pain. Still dealing with it now. The one thing I can do it walk and hike. Start small, walk 15 or 30 or however many minutes you are capable of doing. Time the walk. Every day you walk add 5 more minutes. If you have a day that triggers more back pain, go back a few days do less but keep going re add from there. Also try to build speed. If it are only capable of walking 1 mile in an hours time try to up your speed build it over time.. relax its not a race! It worked well for me, perhaps it could for you as well. I can now walk about 5 hours at a 3-4 mph pace. Not too shabby.