Any help appreciated

Hello Guys im 42yrs Male and am sick of yo-yoing my weight, i am a 12hr shift worker Days/Nights so my diet is not the best and i have no routine when it comes to food whatsoever i have been on here for nearly a month after my Sister spoke to me about the site and have to say that i am addicted now and have lost 9lb so far, unfortunately all the weight loss took place in the first two weeks and it seems i have now hit a plateau and have only managed to shift a single pound since, I stick to my calorie intake quite well but still go out for a few pint maybe once a week. If any one has any ideas on how to kickstart the weight loss i am not a fan of the gym but do a quite a bit of walking and cycling already any help would be much appreciated and good luck to you all with your Goals :-)


  • Ralphrabbit
    Ralphrabbit Posts: 351 Member
    When it comes to dieting shift work is really hard. Been doing that for years but it is a case of getting a pattern of eating. Work out what it is you need in the way of food to take to work with you & make sure you have the sensible options or you will hit the machines for snacks. Not taking money with you will help! Understand what it is you need to do to change your diet & try not to make yourself eat stuff you do not like but find alternatives that you do like. I like to pick so I have made a dried fruit & nut mix to pick on so that I do not hit the chocolate too much. However, knowing that I will need chocolate I find the smallest snack bars with the lowest calorie count & have one of them in my packed lunch.
    The fact is it can be done. When you have decided it's time & you do it then the weight will go. Make sure you are eating the right level of calories for your build & add in a bit more exercise as you are able. Make it something you enjoy or you are doomed to failure!!
    Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like.
  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    bit of a daft question but are you eating enough? make sure you log all of your exercise and eat back some if not all of your calories.
    what are your sodium levels like? if they are high try drinking more water to flush it out of your system sodium loves to retain water

    im not an expert these are just a couple of the questions you will probably get asked, im with you, i hate the gym. but walking and cycling are good forms of burning calories i burn about 700 calories 5 days a week just doing the school run
    please dont get disheartened slow and steady wins the race every time
  • DaveC29
    DaveC29 Posts: 232 Member
    Just stick to it!

    I am similar, in that I work all over... my Diet before consisted of fast food for breakfast lunch and dinner when I started.

    I lost a lot really fast (10-15lbs for the first couple of weeks) then it slowed back and I am now at a pretty steady 1.5 pounds per week. I plateau about 5-6 weeks for a week or two, although lately it's been every 3 weeks or so.

    When I plateau, I go for a lot longer run than normal or do some different type of exercise to kind of kick my metabolism in the *kitten* and get it going again.

    If you are keeping the calorie deficit in check, limiting the adult koolaid and exercising, it will come off. You may also see some non-scale related things, like using the next smaller belt notch or things quit hurting as much. Also if you weigh yourself daily, use an average of the last 10 days to more accurately show your loss (Water comes and goes depending on what you eat and drink and when- If I eat late or drink a lot of fluids close to bed, I 'gain' several pounds overnight)

    Good luck- Stick with it!
  • snailers
    snailers Posts: 10
    I know what you're talking about I have the same problem too. I work night shifts so oftentimes I end up eating too much at the wrong time. Feel free to add me hopefully I can provide some support!
  • hello just ja thought could be your blood sugar level is not balanced - perhaps you could go to your gp and ask them to check your blood sugar and thyroid function
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You just need to hang in there. 9 lb in a month is a very respectable weight loss. Due to things like water retention (yes guys have it as well, jus not as extreme as women), it is often hard to get the real weigh loss week to week. If you are not losing for more than 3 - 4 weeks weeks, then you need to decrease your calories (assuming you were extremeley really low in the first place) or up your exercise. Also, there is nothing wrong with some beers over the week - but this also can cause water fluctuation - so bear that in mind when weighing. I would suggest you also take measurements - much more truthful than the scale!

    Walking and cycling are excellent - but I would suggest you start strength training if you do not already.
  • samjon01
    samjon01 Posts: 4
    Thanks for all the replies i am coping quite well with the calorie allocation and as some of you suggested i am prepering all my meals to take into work, i dont go hungry at all just cannot understand why all of a sudden i stopped losing the weight but will try and up the excercise a bit, i have also read on here that some people have mainly protein for their last meal of the day so will give that a try and see how it goes :happy:
  • maanctil
    maanctil Posts: 15 Member
    I was there !!!! one month plateau!! Frustration was not the word!! Someone on this forum gave me the BEST advice and I have since broke my plateau and lost 3 lbs this week!! Change your goals to custom; I modified my diet % to 20% carbs, 25% fat and 55% protein. Its hard work and I am close but dont always hit the goal; but the results are still there. I feel great, excercise and DRINK LOTS OF WATER!! SEIZE THE MOMENT!! BTW dont forget to EAT ALL YOUR CALORIES!!! I made this mistake; less is NOT better especially when you excercise!! :)
  • samjon01
    samjon01 Posts: 4
    Thanks for the advice and encouragement i dont think i have been drinking enough water or eating all my calories i will take on board what you said and hopefully see similar results :smile: