Moms with strechmarks....

Bmjnash Posts: 101 Member
How long did it take you to accept them? Wjen I was pregnant with my first son over 2 years ago I got them alot of them only on my belly. So now I have a lot of lose skin too.

I know they dont go away. And I am thankful that with my second one didnt really get any new ones . But my belly is yuckey looking.


  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    I'm 19 and have some stretch marks on my hips from gaining weight/puberty. I know they aren't on my belly like yours, but my philosophy is that as long as my body is a good shape, I could care less about the stretch marks :) Hardly anybody will see them anyways!

    Besides, just think of them as earning your stripes. Being a mom is probably worth it :)
  • EmilyDuby
    EmilyDuby Posts: 67
    My belly is hideous. Got tons of stretch marks and looseness with my son, and with my daughter she was bigger so I actually ended up getting more (didn't even think I had any more unstretched skin to get them on but SURPRISE!) I hate my belly and it sucks that bikinis are never a possibility now unless I get some plastic surgery...but I deal with it and am happy for today's world of Spanx and whatnot that'll help with the loose lumpiness until it gets more normal.
  • moepwr
    moepwr Posts: 335 Member
    I have not accepted them yet! My youngest is 5 months old. I hope they fad over the next couple of years and if they don't I may consider laser treatment. I also got the mask of motherhood while I was pregnant and that does not seem to be going anywhere either. Lots of makeup! I would also consider a tummy tuck!
  • prettybub
    prettybub Posts: 54 Member
    I have had them for 12 years now. My eldest shredded my skin. Seriously looked like I had been attacked. They have faded some now. And I have had 2 more kids and they didn't get any worse.. I figure I can't change them so I deal.
  • sharibob3
    sharibob3 Posts: 180
    15 years later and I am still trying to accept them.. I will never have the bikini body I want unless I go through some major cosmetic surgery. In which I am not completely opposed to but that of course costs!! So until I find myself a sugar daddy I have to deal with what god gave me..

    I have three kids 15, 9, and 3. Each of my children left me with some type of scar on my body. The first two stretch marks and the third one a c section scar. I call my body a mommy body... I think the hardest part for me is seeing all these women that have had children sporting their sexy bodies and honestly its emotionally hard to get past at times..

    Good luck to you!!
  • Bmjnash
    Bmjnash Posts: 101 Member
    I agree it is hard to see women who have had kids with perfect bodies. Before I had my first I had lost 85lbs. And finaly liked what I saw in the mirrer. And after 2 kids it has taken a big toll on my belly.
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    After twins, forget it! I don't think I will ever accept them. I put oils on them, lotions, etc. I have never had a bikini body but when I get there I will figure out if they are so bad that I don't want to show myself or not. I have 40 lbs to go so I will see how they look then!
  • KrystleKiri
    KrystleKiri Posts: 135
    I'm 21, and I've had stretch marks for 3 and a half years now. My daughter tore up my stomach. I've honestly accepted them. Tanning actually helps, and I don't wear anything that could show my stomach. They're really a badge of honor. I am a mama, and i have the scars to prove it ;) lol
  • kbtooke
    kbtooke Posts: 21
    As a mom of 4 girls I have stretch marks EVERYWHERE! I had a friend who had started using Celtrixa and had positive results. They don't go away of course but it did help with the redness and seemed to shrink them a little.
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,226 Member
    I've posted this before, but for all the AWESOME Moms:

  • shannairl
    shannairl Posts: 65
    I actually have less stretchmarks from my son than I do from my weight fluctuating over the years! I have had them since I was a teenager, I HATED them and I missed out on a lot of clothes fun in my teens because I didn't want to wear anything that showed my legs or arms. I just accept them now - they're there, they're not going anywhere, and it could be worse - hey if all else fails, cover them with Sally Hansen! Also they will fade a LOT over time.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I just had my third baby a little less than 4 months ago. I didn't get any new stretch marks with her, but I got them with my first two. I haven't accepted them and I don't think I ever will. As soon as I get a little extra money I'll be trying some collagen creams to see if that helps repair them. If they don't, I'll start saving for laser treatments. I got them on my thighs, butt, hips, and calves, in addition to my belly. I'd like to feel comfortable wearing shorts at some point in my life. My kids are wonderful and I wouldn't trade them for anything. But that doesn't mean I won't try everything to get rid of the stretch marks.
  • missfitp
    missfitp Posts: 33 Member
    I got stretch marks before I was even a mom so that's a harder pill to swallow for me. Then when I had my first I feel it got worst and they're all in my belly as well. My mom had 3 of us was smaller than me and she does not have one single one :/. I have always considered laser surgery but until I'm done having kids. They suck but I also understand that they happen so I don't get too depress about them. I'm hoping to loose all the weight and have them fade a bit or maybe try some of these special creams on them.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I got stretch marks before I was even a mom so that's a harder pill to swallow for me. Then when I had my first I feel it got worst and they're all in my belly as well. My mom had 3 of us was smaller than me and she does not have one single one :/. I have always considered laser surgery but until I'm done having kids. They suck but I also understand that they happen so I don't get too depress about them. I'm hoping to loose all the weight and have them fade a bit or maybe try some of these special creams on them.

    Same here. My mom has always been thin. She didn't get stretch marks from pregnancy either. Since people go on about how getting stretch marks is at least partially hereditary, I feel like I've been punished for being a little overweight with my first pregnancy. :(
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    My fear has always been that I'd never be able to show my stomach in public, that I'll never beable to wear a bikini. I still feel like that sometimes, but I think they have fade enough so it might be possible. I am still not sure I'll ever actually wear a bikini, but it's fun to think I might...


    Still a lot of work to do, but I think that once I start with more strength and work on abs which I still have about 15/20 more pounds to go to get there, I think then I might be able to wear it. However I'm ok with the stretch marks if they never go away, at least they have faded a lot. I'm a lot more comfortable naked now then I was before. The before photo isn't even the very start of it all, it's just in the process, and it's awful.
  • bananaface222
    bananaface222 Posts: 22 Member
    that coco butter is quite good
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,324 Member
    I have very few light ones, i was lucky
  • I don't think I will ever accept them. It looked like I had a belt of stretchmatks.. from my belly to my back.
    I use bio oil daily and almost 3 yrs later they have faded a lot.
    I had stretchmarks from puberty that after awhile were very hard to see.. I'm hoping the same for these
    I want to wear a two piece and not feel self-conscious(sp)
  • budhandy
    budhandy Posts: 305 Member
    not a mom but I am a dad who a ton a strecharks
  • Tybalt71
    Tybalt71 Posts: 1,064 Member
    Single moms need love to, oh mybad, wrong thread-Ty:flowerforyou: