30 day shred help please

Ok - I've just bought the DVD, i've done it twice now and it's really hard and i really ache - what do i do, aim to do it every day, and try to do 10 days of each level, and just see what happens in 30 days?
Or do i do it slower or every other day? I can't see me keeping it up every day for longer than a month!

What have other people done?

Also. I seem to go over my protein most days, does this matter?

Thank you x


  • peachpearl1
    just keep at it, day 1 and 2 were the worst for me but now im not sore at all :) also its okay to take days off it will just take you longer than 30 days to complete the whole thing!!
  • charlottehammerton
    charlottehammerton Posts: 19 Member
    thank you - does your body get used to not having a rest in between, you can keep going?
  • rose_ruby
    rose_ruby Posts: 37 Member
    hi. keep going! after day 4 / 5 you stop hurting and you see such a difference. I literally just finished day 6 now and feel great..if a bit a sweaty!
  • Amy_nz
    Amy_nz Posts: 145
    I'm a beginner at all of this, and I'm certainly not a personal trainer but: quite possibly the 30 day thing is a marketing gimmick. A body needs time to recover - my understanding is that when you work out your muscles get weeny tears in them that need to recover. The recovery time builds strength. So taking a day off shred won't be a problem - aim for perhaps five times a week, with the two rest days spread? Rest days haven't hurt me so far - have been losing weight with pleasing regularity.

    Edited to add that 30 day shred is awesome - I love it and hate it all at the same time! I do it with some regularity, but I don't consider it to be a 30 day in a row with no rest days programme.
  • llunchyka
    llunchyka Posts: 12
    The first time I did 30DS I ached a bit, I couldn't walk the stairs (downstairs was a bigger problem lol). Then it got a lot easier. However I think it is very very important to do a good stretch afterwards. It did miracles for me.
  • SandyQ229
    SandyQ229 Posts: 153 Member
    im doing the shred now. i spend 10 days total on each level. well i did for level 1. im on level 2 now and thinking its gonna bee 15. i take 2 rest days a week. wednesday and saturday. i read somewhere that jillain actually wants you to do it 2 days on rest and so forth like that. its on this site somewhere but can't remember where.'
    good luck and have fun!!

    i love it and hate it all at the time. lol im yelling at her more now on level 2 then i did on 1..but it does get "easier" if you can call it that.
  • cmckenzie2
    I'm a beginner to this type of workout and I'm personally doing it every other day at the moment. One the one hand I want to push through the pain and do it every day, but on the other hand I don't know how my body would respond to it and I'd rather not injure myself!
  • Moyer22
    Moyer22 Posts: 20 Member
    I am also going to buy the DVD today (hopefully I can find it at Walmart or Meijer, if not I'll get it online) and make that my goal for May! I keep telling myself I'm going to come up with my own workout routine and not "pay for some DVD" haha but I have procrastinated enough and I've heard nothing but good things about the 30DS so I'm just going to jump in!
    I just started posting on here but I'm definitely looking for friends if you want some extra motivation. :)
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    "quite possibly the 30 day thing is a marketing gimmick"

    Jillian herself pretty much said it was a marketing gimmick. I think the dvd is great (mainly because it's short and focused) but there is nothing magic about doing it 30 times.

    Personally I did level 1 over 30 times (taking off days on weekends, holidays etc) and then I moved on to level 2. I'm not in any sense trying to 'finish' it. I'm simply using it as a way to exercise every morning.
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    "quite possibly the 30 day thing is a marketing gimmick"

    Jillian herself pretty much said it was a marketing gimmick. I think the dvd is great (mainly because it's short and focused) but there is nothing magic about doing it 30 times.

    Personally I did level 1 over 30 times (taking off days on weekends, holidays etc) and then I moved on to level 2. I'm not in any sense trying to 'finish' it. I'm simply using it as a way to exercise every morning.

    seconded. I take rest days when sore, and I actually do it probably 3 times a week, try to do more serious strength 2 days a week, and serious cardio 2 days. i basically mix and match to work whatever is not tired.
  • tdj819
    tdj819 Posts: 41
    I too just bought it a week ago and started it 3 days ago, and I'm so friggin sore, but it's a FEEL GOOD sore cos I know I'm working my body to get in better shape. The worst part to me so far are the Jumping Jax because of my knee. The ACL in my left knew was torn and ripped and destroyed as a teen & I was unable to have surgery. So I baby that knee when it comes to jumping and running because I can't risk re-hurting it, but I wrap it tightly jump at it, but I don't do as many as Jillian requires us to do, until I get that knee strengthened more, I will continue to baby it. But keep it up! I feel good, sore has hell but I feel good