Gaining when FMP say losing

Do you know what frustrates me, is that every day my food log says I will weight less in 5 weeks but yet I freaking gain weight some weeks and it says I won't I wish there was a way to really tell this stuff.

Because my food log said losses since Wednesday yet I gained about 1 pound. And I ate no differently then I normally do and work out as much as I normally do too.

And I track everything that goes in my mouth. This really gets to me.

SW450 CW360.7 GW200

Does anyone know why this happens?


  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    Do you know what frustrates me, is that every day my food log says I will weight less in 5 weeks but yet I freaking gain weight some weeks and it says I won't I wish there was a way to really tell this stuff.

    Because my food log said losses since Wednesday yet I gained about 1 pound. And I ate no differently then I normally do and work out as much as I normally do too.

    And I track everything that goes in my mouth. This really gets to me.

    SW450 CW360.7 GW200

    Does anyone know why this happens?

    MFP is going by the average. That is, it is going by what the average person of your weight and gender would have as their BMR and has given you a daily calories allowance based on that.

    You, however, may have either a lower BMR than the average person and a lower Total Daily Energy Expenditrue (TDEE - the total amount of calories you burn each day in your day to day life) than many other people meaning you do not have enough of a deficit to lose your desired weight.

    In short, you either have to do a lot more exercise and not eat all the exercise calories back (only eat a small percentage back) or lower your daily calorie intake.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Have you tried tracking sodium instead of cholesterol or vitamin C? over 2500 sodium can cause water retention and a false scale reading. Drink more water and keep sodium down. Also if you worked out hard your muscles can retain water also showing a false gain...

    No WAY you gained actual weight with the little you've been eating. Take Wednesday for example...your body operated on 700 calories net? Not only are you NOT gaining fat, you are NOT trying to lose in the healthiest manner and may be doing serious long-term damage to your metabolism.

    Please reach your 2000 calorie NET goal every day if you want to stay healthy and not crash and burn!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member

    You, however, may have either a lower BMR than the average person and a lower Total Daily Energy Expenditrue (TDEE - the total amount of calories you burn each day in your day to day life) than many other people meaning you do not have enough of a deficit to lose your desired weight.

    In short, you either have to do a lot more exercise and not eat all the exercise calories back (only eat a small percentage back) or lower your daily calorie intake.

    He is a 360 POUND MALE.

    Did you even LOOK at his diary? He is STARVING. Please do not recommend LOWER calories unless you look closely first.

    He eats less than I do as a 118 lb 5'2" female. That is NOT right.
  • ekim724
    ekim724 Posts: 37 Member
    Do you know what frustrates me, is that every day my food log says I will weight less in 5 weeks but yet I freaking gain weight some weeks and it says I won't I wish there was a way to really tell this stuff.

    Because my food log said losses since Wednesday yet I gained about 1 pound. And I ate no differently then I normally do and work out as much as I normally do too.

    And I track everything that goes in my mouth. This really gets to me.

    SW450 CW360.7 GW200

    Does anyone know why this happens?

    MFP is going by the average. That is, it is going by what the average person of your weight and gender would have as their BMR and has given you a daily calories allowance based on that.

    You, however, may have either a lower BMR than the average person and a lower Total Daily Energy Expenditrue (TDEE - the total amount of calories you burn each day in your day to day life) than many other people meaning you do not have enough of a deficit to lose your desired weight.

    In short, you either have to do a lot more exercise and not eat all the exercise calories back (only eat a small percentage back) or lower your daily calorie intake.

    I am at both the 300min a week exercise most weeks that the fitness guy said not to go past and it all ready a fight to get to the 1800 cal I should have a day. So I am left scratching my head. But thank you for the reply it makes sense.
  • I get frustrated by that too, but you might be losing inches. As we work out and gain more muscle (which weighs more than fat does), the number on the scale might be increasing, yet you still may be smaller overall. Keep going, we'll get there eventually. :smile:
  • ekim724
    ekim724 Posts: 37 Member
    Have you tried tracking sodium instead of cholesterol or vitamin C? over 2500 sodium can cause water retention and a false scale reading. Drink more water and keep sodium down. Also if you worked out hard your muscles can retain water also showing a false gain...

    No WAY you gained actual weight with the little you've been eating. Take Wednesday for example...your body operated on 700 calories net? Not only are you NOT gaining fat, you are NOT trying to lose in the healthiest manner and may be doing serious long-term damage to your metabolism.

    Please reach your 2000 calorie NET goal every day if you want to stay healthy and not crash and burn!

    That is sooo hard and not go over the carbs and fat to. I am on a really tight food budget and can not afford good foods I need to eat as well so I stop my planning when I reach one of the three cal carbs or fat. So should I intake 400 carbs to get to 2000 cal???
  • caramkoala
    caramkoala Posts: 303 Member
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    It seems to me you should up your daily intake to about 2000 calories for about 3 weeks and see what that gets you.
    You definitely appear to be eating far too little calories. Your body has many tricks ups its sleeves to affect your weight loss.
  • ekim724
    ekim724 Posts: 37 Member
    Okay so if I up my calories to 2000 then what should my Carbs and fat be set at???
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    Okay so if I up my calories to 2000 then what should my Carbs and fat be set at???

    The most common answer is:
    40% carbs /30% fat/ 30% protein
    Edit: It is easiest to just focus on Total calories and Protein intake than all the other numbers, unless you have special dietary restrictions or red flags.
  • NekaLee
    NekaLee Posts: 51
    Ekim, my weight was stalling something terrible a few wks ago and I couldn't understand why until one of my MFP frds told me to up my calories. Once I did that my weight is still lingering but I'm losing crazy inches!!! I up'd my calories from 1200 to 1400. I exercise at least 4x/wk sometimes 6 because I'm doing Insanity and Jillian Micheal. Just like the one person had said, try eating more calories and congrads on your weight loss thus far!!!!
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    Cheap proteins:
    Beans, dried are cheapest, cans are most convenient. Dried lentils are quick cooking and cheap.
    Dairy. Greek yogurt is expensive, but high protein. Cottage cheese is relatively cheaper and a good source.
    Manager's Special/Sale meats. Buy them, repackage them, freeze them.
    Peas. Decent source of protein, relatively cheap.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Have you tried tracking sodium instead of cholesterol or vitamin C? over 2500 sodium can cause water retention and a false scale reading. Drink more water and keep sodium down. Also if you worked out hard your muscles can retain water also showing a false gain...

    No WAY you gained actual weight with the little you've been eating. Take Wednesday for example...your body operated on 700 calories net? Not only are you NOT gaining fat, you are NOT trying to lose in the healthiest manner and may be doing serious long-term damage to your metabolism.

    Please reach your 2000 calorie NET goal every day if you want to stay healthy and not crash and burn!

    That is sooo hard and not go over the carbs and fat to. I am on a really tight food budget and can not afford good foods I need to eat as well so I stop my planning when I reach one of the three cal carbs or fat. So should I intake 400 carbs to get to 2000 cal???

    your protein is only set at should be more like 200+ for you. Also, fat does not make you fat. Even 100g of fat in a day is fine as long as the fats came from nuts, peanut butter, avocado, olive oil, etc, and not from lard...
  • ekim724
    ekim724 Posts: 37 Member
    Cheap proteins:
    Beans, dried are cheapest, cans are most convenient. Dried lentils are quick cooking and cheap.
    Dairy. Greek yogurt is expensive, but high protein. Cottage cheese is relatively cheaper and a good source.
    Manager's Special/Sale meats. Buy them, repackage them, freeze them.
    Peas. Decent source of protein, relatively cheap.

    I can't do a lot of the chewy meats throat problem, and it says after rec cal that I am over my protein today and that I only need 85g a day that should be easy to get to. But I will add a lot of that to my list of stuff to by expect the Greek yogurt I can't find one with out aspartame in my local area.
  • ekim724
    ekim724 Posts: 37 Member
    ty you and keep the helping advice coming I have changed my daily goals now and will try to get to them as hard as that sounds, yes you would think at 360p I would have an eating problem but most days I just feel like not eating.
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    Lean ground hamburger is a good source, but again pretty expensive.

    Greek yogurts that have my seal of approval =).
    Fage and Chobani. Get the plain and then add frozen fruit/honey, or whatever at home.
  • ekim724
    ekim724 Posts: 37 Member
    As for the water my doctor told me not to drink more the 12 glasses a day because I wash or clean out my medications and I will start to see symptoms again, I take medication.

    This happened or was told the cause of my symptoms coming back about two months ago was me drinking a gal 1/2 of water a day.. So I drink between 9 and 13 glasses a day now
  • ekim724
    ekim724 Posts: 37 Member
    Lean ground hamburger is a good source, but again pretty expensive.

    Greek yogurts that have my seal of approval =).
    Fage and Chobani. Get the plain and then add frozen fruit/honey, or whatever at home.

    I am trying to lean how to make my own yogurts and is group turkey also a good source I can get that cheaply,
  • ImRadical4Jesus
    ImRadical4Jesus Posts: 144 Member
    Do you know what frustrates me, is that every day my food log says I will weight less in 5 weeks but yet I freaking gain weight some weeks and it says I won't I wish there was a way to really tell this stuff.

    Because my food log said losses since Wednesday yet I gained about 1 pound. And I ate no differently then I normally do and work out as much as I normally do too.

    And I track everything that goes in my mouth. This really gets to me.

    SW450 CW360.7 GW200

    Hello...I took advice from someone here and I went to to find out what I should really be eating in a day. When you go to this site, click under "Top Links" the All Calculators. Then click "Military Body Fat Calculator" you will need to know your measurements. Once you fill that out, it will give you your BF% (body fat).

    The you click on the BMR under Top Links. Fill it out. Look under the "Katch-McArdle Forumla" this will tell you what your BMR is.

    Then read the paragraph "How Many Calories Should I Eat?" There you will see a chart called the "Activity level". Find the level you are at and be honest. That will give you the total of calories you should be eating in a day for your body to get to your goal. This is a slower process which is better for your body. You didn't gain the weight just over night. You can set it 200 or 300 under what the "activity level " tells you, but once you get to your goal you need to eat what it tells you so you can maintain your weight.

    Then I set my own goals using these numbers. When I exercise , I eat back most of it "earned back calories". I have heavier work out days on MWF so I eat more those days. I also have Carbs at 40% Fat and Protein set at 30%.

    I don't know what you are eating in calories right now, but if you choose to re figure using these things I mentioned, your body will need to adjust so don't get discouraged. I gained at first but am now loosing. Never eat under your BMR!

    Once you loose weight, revisit and re-calculate again, the numbers will change, then you adjust your figures on MFP.

    I hope this helps, I was so frustrated when I first started and this has been very helpful to me. You are more than welcome to friend me. You can see my diary.
  • huntindawg1962
    huntindawg1962 Posts: 277 Member
    Why change up anything yet? One or two weeks in the overall scheme of things (even a couple) are not a good example of what is happening in your body. THe overall calories in vs calories out will work over time but your body goes through cycles that affect the scale in different ways. You have already lost a lot and I would guess it was anything but linear in its pattern. Are you also checking measurements? If you are doing exercises - especially any weight activities including even body weight you could be building muscle too. I would certainly not opt to up calories right out of the chute (as will be a lot of the advice you will see).

    I firmly believe that there are places that your body likes to hold its weight too - they seem to be the same numbers that you saw holding at on the way up. At least that is the case for me.