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I weigh every day :/



  • mcvalentine
    mcvalentine Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Sarah, you're so not alone.
    Me Sometimes twice a day :(
    Maybe ask someone to keep your scale for you and only give it back once a week at weigh in?
    As long as the numbers are coming down its not so bad. Keep going! :smile:
  • mfreeby
    mfreeby Posts: 199 Member
    I hide my scale - put it away where I don't see it. I only really need to make it past the morning because why weigh myself later in the day? So, ya. Hide it. Out of sight out of mind.
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    BTW - I love your ticker. Looks like your cat is trying to catch the fish :)
    Haha, thank you! I did it by accident at first, but now I laugh a bit every time I look at it!
  • amielizabeth1
    amielizabeth1 Posts: 57 Member
    I step on the scale every morning while brushing my teeth- I see no problem as incorporating it as part of the daily routine. Good luck!
  • kooky34
    kooky34 Posts: 4
    I weigh everyday as well. I don't think it's unhealthy, but it is if you obsess over the numbers. I have tried to put the scale away, but I find it every morning to see my latest weight. I think the only way to avoid everyday weigh-ins would be to get rid of the scale!!
  • I found that weighing myself everyday was starting to drive me crazy. If for some reason that scale showed a gained a little weight one day, I would get really discouraged. I've stopped myself by focusing on the positive and picking one day on the weekend that I do my weight and measurements. I'm so much happier now, and my weight is reflecting that.

    It's completely up to you, but if it is becoming an unhealthy obsession that is discouraging you from doing your best, put that thing aside during the week. Put it in a closet, have your significant other keep it under lock and key....anything that helps. I guarantee it will help. Good luck to you. By the way, your photo looks fantastic! I wish I had a body like yours!
  • wiginn
    wiginn Posts: 147 Member
    I weigh myself everyday too - twice actually - once in the morning and one more time before I go to bed. I use Tuesday AM as my official (tracked) weigh-in, but find that seeing the daily fluctuations keeps me more focused. As soon as I stop weighing daily, I find myself getting more relaxed in my food & exercise choices and then when I do step back on, the weight is up.
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Here's the graphic version... as I mentioned earlier, I record my weight every single day, fluctuations and all. If graphs like this would drive you mad, you probably don't want to weigh in as often. :smile:

    1 month:

    Looks pretty crazy. The first week, I was on vacation and not logging / recording, but since I've been back, lots of ups and downs with little overall apparent progress.

    Backing out to two and three months, it looks much better:


    Edit: Stupid case-sensitive IMG tags...
    Edit again: The photos were huge. Bear with me. :)
    Edit again: Here's hoping...
  • court617
    court617 Posts: 65
    I got on the scale today and was 1.3 lbs heavier than I was Wednesday. I don't even know if that's physically possible but it led me to think that maybe weighing in every day is the right thing to do so that I can keep track of those inconsistencies and try to figure out how that happens. Anyone else do that? And then only count the one day a week on here? I'm just very confused as to how I'm not losing weight... or maybe I am losing weight but the scale tricks me when it changes so much! I'm eating better, working out, I feel not lighter but narrower. But every day that passes I get more and more stressed that I'm not losing. I started out hoping for 20 lbs by June (started in March) now I'm just hoping for 10 because time goes by and the weight doesn't go down...

    Is it me? Is it the scale? What is going on? Losing weight is always hard for me but usually when I make the conscious decision to really try hard I lose at least a few lbs right away and this time, there's nothing. I'm not sure what to even change at this point!
  • imogenjade
    imogenjade Posts: 131
    could be a good habit? i used to weigh myself every day and lost weight. when i stopped i piled on the weight xxx
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    I got on the scale today and was 1.3 lbs heavier than I was Wednesday. I don't even know if that's physically possible but it led me to think that maybe weighing in every day is the right thing to do so that I can keep track of those inconsistencies and try to figure out how that happens. Anyone else do that? And then only count the one day a week on here?
    That is EXACTLY what I do and why. Weighing once a week doesn't give me enough information. I weigh "unofficially" every day just to have an idea of what's going on day-to-day, then record it once a week to track the larger trend. Definitely helpful for me, but not for everyone.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I weigh myself about 5-6 times a week. I don't think its a problem...I just like to know. I am really good at guessing my weight now lol
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I got on the scale today and was 1.3 lbs heavier than I was Wednesday. I don't even know if that's physically possible but it led me to think that maybe weighing in every day is the right thing to do so that I can keep track of those inconsistencies and try to figure out how that happens. Anyone else do that? And then only count the one day a week on here? I'm just very confused as to how I'm not losing weight... or maybe I am losing weight but the scale tricks me when it changes so much! I'm eating better, working out, I feel not lighter but narrower. But every day that passes I get more and more stressed that I'm not losing. I started out hoping for 20 lbs by June (started in March) now I'm just hoping for 10 because time goes by and the weight doesn't go down...

    Is it me? Is it the scale? What is going on? Losing weight is always hard for me but usually when I make the conscious decision to really try hard I lose at least a few lbs right away and this time, there's nothing. I'm not sure what to even change at this point!

    Over a weekend of high sodium...I can gain up to 10lbs...not even joking. It comes right off in 2-3 days though. So many things come into play when it comes to weighing in.

    If you go out drinking one night, with little food...you will actually see a good loss the next morning. Dont think you found a secret, because the next day it will be back. Alcohol dehydrates your body, and sodium is the opposite.
  • viser_haut
    viser_haut Posts: 97 Member
    I don't really see a problem in it :smile: I downloaded an app called 'libra', and input my weight everyday. Even though some days I'm up because of fluctuations, the general trend is going down, which puts things in to perspective :happy: maybe you could try something similar?
  • Sheila1968
    Sheila1968 Posts: 106
    As soon as I stop weighing daily, I find myself getting more relaxed in my food & exercise choices and then when I do step back on, the weight is up.

    ^^^ This is what happened to me. Went through a crazy period of time when my father-in-law was in the hospital dying, and didn't weigh in at all for ages. When I did finally get back on, I had gained over 15 pounds. Now that I'm back to weighing every day, it keeps me honest and focused. Yes, I know my weight fluctuates, but when I see it steadily going up, I know that I have to start exercising more. If I only checked it once a week and it happened to fall on a "light" day, I might be misled - or really discouraged if it fell on a "bloat" day. I like to know where I stand. Just my opinion.
  • 1toInfinity
    1toInfinity Posts: 68 Member
    I weigh everyday and I hate it. I wish I would do it once a week. Weight fluctuates so much that one day I am up a pound and the next day I am down 2 pounds.
  • livelongmama
    livelongmama Posts: 26 Member
    I weigh myself most days, but sometimes I forget. My question is: If you only weigh in once a week and your weigh in day happens to be on an "up" day, wouldn't that bum you out? If I weigh in every day and see the fluctuations, I get used to seeing the fluctuations and know that it is normal and it will go down again. :) Weighing in daily, I can see if my weight goes up and stays up, so I know that I need to adjust my eating/exercise. If I weigh in weekly, it might take two weeks to figure out if I'm actually gaining weight.
  • eryka86
    eryka86 Posts: 78 Member
    I get on the scale once a week and take measurments once a month
  • I weigh every day. That way I know when to scale it back and not let it get out of control. There is nothing wrong with weighing every day as long as you realize it IS going to fluctuate from day to day. And be happy with a 2-4 lb range. It's always nice to step on some mornings and find I've lost a little. I just throw my arms up and silently say "yes!" :)
    Don't worry about it :)
  • SweetNaughtyLips
    SweetNaughtyLips Posts: 374 Member
    I weigh myself every day, but for me ... it seems to help keep me focused. I understand that weight fluctuates and I don't beat myself up over a small weight gain. If you are having a negative reaction to weighing yourself every day, then please limit yourself to either once a week or maybe even once every two weeks. No one needs or wants added stress, this will not help you accomplish your weight loss goal.
