1000+ cals left and just not hungry?



  • Marquism123
    Marquism123 Posts: 152 Member
    I would like to think you have enough intelligence to be perfectly capable of seeing for yourself the damaging nature of your diet, without needing to be told... or maybe not.
    It would be pointless trying to give advice to someone who most likely is fully aware of what they are doing and simply want to hear others tell them how low calorie their diet is, and how bad it is, etc. I have no sympathy. If you want to starve, that is your choice and yours alone.

    this. Sorry to be harsh but this OP strikes me of teenage attention -seeking nonsense. I don't believe for 1 second you don't know it is dangerous to eat so little. Stop wasting time on websites and get to a doctor if you are genuinely over your anorexia but "genuinely not hungry"
  • mikericks
    mikericks Posts: 2 Member
    I am confused. I had a bowl of oatmeal with a table spoon of brown sugar and a tablespoon of skim milk and a banana for breakfast this morning and that was 312 calories. How do you eat two meals and only eat 260?

    I admit I am new here and just got back to the Gym and counting calories a few days ago. I am at least 120 lbs overweight and want to loose it as quickly as possible but I also know that to do so I need to eat a healthy, balanced diet. There is no way to do that on only 130 calories a meal, even if you are eating 5-6 times a day.
  • I don't think people are "calling you names" and being judgmental to you...they are being honest and concerned. You posted the question on a site where the main purpose is HEALTHY living and weight loss. I would have expected the responses you received. I also agree. I think you may have deeper issues for your weight and could use some professional help. I'm saying this out of concern and kindness. Please help yourself.
  • Frankly, I think you know quite well that your calorie intake today is inadequate. This is a site for people who want to lose, gain or maintain weight in a healthy way. That's why fitness, not diet, is in the title. You may feel you have beaten your eating disorder, but unfortunately it's quite plain that you have not. This site will be a great support to you as you recover and learn to eat and exercise in a healthy way, but posting threads like this will not gain you the support you need. Ask about healthy fats, or densely packed food, so you can increase your calories without having to have huge portions or eat junk. People will be delighted to help you. Good luck :)
  • Me too! I mean, I can eat very little and not be hungry. Sometimes I push myself to eat, other times I just let it go.

    I think once in a great while it is OK. But I do heed that little warning at the bottom of the food log that says it's not a good idea to eat fewer than 1200 calories.

    Over time, it is not.

    I do find that if I load my early and mid-day meals (they don't look much like breakfast and lunch sometimes) a bit heavier, then if I am not hungry in the evening, I don't have to worry about pushing myself to eat more.

    I also (and don't gag!) have discovered that I realy enjoy the taste of celery and lettuce and carrots and sweet peppers (particularly the red ones). And my one ounce individual servings of very dark chocolate or a bag of popcorn (a whole bag! whoopee!) can round out just about enough calories and not overwhelm me at the end of the day.

    Ideally, we would eat five small meals a day, all of them balanced, satisfying, roughly the same number of calories, roughly the same in terms of fats, carbs and proteins. Ideally. But I can get busy reading or working sudoku puzzles, or washing dishes or whatever, and suddenly it is 11 and I have not eaten. And it happens again and all of a sudden it's 3 and I haven't had lunch. Not unusual for me to look up and it's 8 or 9 and no supper yet.

    Actually, I think it's neat not to be hungry if I don't eat a lot. My stomach is getting smaller (gastric stomach, not necessarily belly, although that's getting smaller too), and I get fuller faster. Kind of my own, free gastric sleeve. And my reflux is down to practically nothing.

    So, yeah, I have the same experience, but I also think it's better to look at the log at the end of the day and make sure I eat something, anything to at least get close to those required calories.

    But I do feel like you, and I am tempted not to eat, maybe I'll lose faster. I get it. And I respect it. Maybe eating enough is just as challenging to us as not eating too much.
  • I would like to think you have enough intelligence to be perfectly capable of seeing for yourself the damaging nature of your diet, without needing to be told... or maybe not.
    It would be pointless trying to give advice to someone who most likely is fully aware of what they are doing and simply want to hear others tell them how low calorie their diet is, and how bad it is, etc. I have no sympathy. If you want to starve, that is your choice and yours alone.

    This is not supportive, educational or caring. It's insulting and unnecessary. Why waste your time and effort hurting others?
  • When I was in my preteens, I'd starve myself for a few days at a time. When i was 15, I had anorexia and weighed my all time low of 82 pounds. Through support and recovery, I gained some weight but felt horrible about it I didn't know how to be healthy. Now I'm in college, struggling to fit grades, sleep, social life, a relationship, pets, happiness, creativity, music, and fitness all into my days. I need to teach myself how to be healthy without starving.

    From your profile... and THIS is your idea of being healthy without starving ? You are apparently still anorexic, and I would suggest professional help.

    This is not supportive, educational or caring. It's insulting and unnecessary. Why waste your time and effort hurting others? If you have nothing useful to say, please just shut up.
  • I'm not anorexic! An anorexic person wants to lose a bunch of weight and hates themself, I remember what it's like and I'm there now. I am on MFP to remember to eat, because when I'm busy and stressed I forget, and to healthy when I do.

    I came here asking for advice of whether it's healthy to eat when one is not hungry or not. I did not come here to be judged and called names.

    An anorexic person thinks they are fat when they are horribly thin, and goes to extremes to keep from eating calories. From your post today, I don't see that. And I doubt any of the ruder posters here have any qualifications that give them the authority to diagnose you without your permission!

    I have seen some nasty people in my day, but these guys today are real gems. Ignore them.
  • I have eaten about 260 cals today. I know, it sounds like nothing, but I'm honestly not hungry. I've worked out, and I ate three meals. On the smaller side yes but they were all healthy and I was full.

    I'm not sure what to do. Isn't it bad to eat when you're not hungry? My diary is open, thoughts welcome...thanks.

    Okay I scanned a few days of your diary. If you keep this up, you will damage your body beyond repair! With out protein, your muscles will atrophy, including your heart muscle. Without carbs, your brain can't work. You will lose bone mass and eventually your body will feed upon itself. Ever seen pictures of people from concentration camps? They are not attractive.

    If you really have such a small appetite, you need to seek medical help.
    This is a great reason to keep your food and exercise logs private. The last thing you need is someone with absolutely NO credentials or credibility, who is arrogantly shoving opinions at you. And that's all this is, the opinion of people who, if they could manage their own weight issues, WOULD NOT BE ON THIS THREAD OR SITE!

    Take what is supportive, OP, and leave the rest.
  • Marquism123
    Marquism123 Posts: 152 Member
    I would like to think you have enough intelligence to be perfectly capable of seeing for yourself the damaging nature of your diet, without needing to be told... or maybe not.
    It would be pointless trying to give advice to someone who most likely is fully aware of what they are doing and simply want to hear others tell them how low calorie their diet is, and how bad it is, etc. I have no sympathy. If you want to starve, that is your choice and yours alone.

    This is not supportive, educational or caring. It's insulting and unnecessary. Why waste your time and effort hurting others?

    You seem like an incredibly nice person! Much nicer than me :-)
    Personally I agree with this poster. I have extensive experience of people with eating disorders. They tend to go to great lengths to conceal how little they are eating. They tend not to post it on an international public website and seek advice from complete strangers. People who do that tend, in my experience, to be seeking attention, not advice
  • SkyMusic
    SkyMusic Posts: 43
    I would like to think you have enough intelligence to be perfectly capable of seeing for yourself the damaging nature of your diet, without needing to be told... or maybe not.
    It would be pointless trying to give advice to someone who most likely is fully aware of what they are doing and simply want to hear others tell them how low calorie their diet is, and how bad it is, etc. I have no sympathy. If you want to starve, that is your choice and yours alone.

    This is not supportive, educational or caring. It's insulting and unnecessary. Why waste your time and effort hurting others?

    You seem like an incredibly nice person! Much nicer than me :-)
    Personally I agree with this poster. I have extensive experience of people with eating disorders. They tend to go to great lengths to conceal how little they are eating. They tend not to post it on an international public website and seek advice from complete strangers. People who do that tend, in my experience, to be seeking attention, not advice

    Yes, I guess in a way I am seeking attention... Just like ALL the people that start topics in a forum. We would like some attention in the form of answers.

    My god, clearly I should not have posted anything. I was asking for healthy ways to raise calories and an honest question of whether or not to eat when hungry. I have already acknowledged previously - i KNOW eating 260 cals is unhealthy and that is WHY I came to this forum.

    Thank you to those who have given sincere, positive advice :) It really does mean a lot.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    I would like to think you have enough intelligence to be perfectly capable of seeing for yourself the damaging nature of your diet, without needing to be told... or maybe not.
    It would be pointless trying to give advice to someone who most likely is fully aware of what they are doing and simply want to hear others tell them how low calorie their diet is, and how bad it is, etc. I have no sympathy. If you want to starve, that is your choice and yours alone.

    This is not supportive, educational or caring. It's insulting and unnecessary. Why waste your time and effort hurting others?

    You seem like an incredibly nice person! Much nicer than me :-)
    Personally I agree with this poster. I have extensive experience of people with eating disorders. They tend to go to great lengths to conceal how little they are eating. They tend not to post it on an international public website and seek advice from complete strangers. People who do that tend, in my experience, to be seeking attention, not advice

    Yes, I guess in a way I am seeking attention... Just like ALL the people that start topics in a forum. We would like some attention in the form of answers.

    My god, clearly I should not have posted anything. I was asking for healthy ways to raise calories and an honest question of whether or not to eat when hungry. I have already acknowledged previously - i KNOW eating 260 cals is unhealthy and that is WHY I came to this forum.

    Thank you to those who have given sincere, positive advice :) It really does mean a lot.

    There is a Search function in the forum posts and at least 200 topics asking for healthy ways to add calories to a diet. When you tell people you're full after 200 calories ya gotta expect some of the answers you've received because honestly it's not healthy. So always look for answers in the Search function before putting yourself out there when you know that there will be people with negative reactions to a post like this.
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    My top 10 high calorie foods:
    1.)Almonds(my favorite)
    2.)avocado(can I have 2 favorites?)
    3.)Pepitas(hulled green pumpkin seeds, great on salads)
    4.)low fat cottage cheese(low fat more out of concern for saturated fat levels than overall calorie levels)
    5.)sunflower seeds(also great on salads)
    6.)Olive oil(make your salad dressing with a little of this and some red wine or balsamic vinegar)
    7.)Whole grain pasta(about 200 cal per serving and packed with way more fiber than white pasta)
    8.)smoked tofu(yum! 200 cal for 1/2 the package)
    9.)greek yogurt, (I go for plain non fat and mix in my own fruit, but I don't like it really sweet. Go for flavored if you do like it sweet. Higher calorie than regular yogurt, but also much higher protein)
    10.)dark chocolate( I like 70%-85%, it's lower sugar than milk chocolate, but high calorie and has great phytonutrients)

    Try adding just a couple new things here and there until you get your calories up to a healthier range. If you really are having trouble eating enough to get your calories up after giving it that extra effort, perhaps visiting a doctor wouldn't be a bad idea just to see if you have any underlying health issues you are not aware of. But for now, give it a shot and good luck :smile:
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    The answer to your question is yes, it is good to eat when you are not hungry. This especially true for people with weight problems because the hormones that trigger hunger and fullness are usually messed up in both overweight people and people who have had an eating disorder. That means you need to use your brain to override your feelings so you eat the correct amount.

    In your case you need to eat more, a lot more. Eating this way is just going to lead back to an eating disorder. You need to broaden what you eat including nuts and good sources of protein. Right now you are undereating not only in calories but in protein and fats as well, and in nutrients. All this will lead to hormone changes that will take years to correct.

    If you are struggling so much with what to eat, I would suggest that since you are in college, and most colleges provide various health services for their students, that you check out if they provide the services of a dietitian or even a nutritionist who could put a meal guide together for you at the appropriate calories that is balanced in macro nutrients and dense in vitamins and minerals.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I think it's fine to eat when you are not hungry as long as you are eating to reach a healthy amount of calories. Maybe you could try thinking of it as fuel rather than food during those times. A car will not give you a warning sign that is out of gas until it sputters and dies if you aren't paying attention. Keep the tank full enough to keep running, stop pumping for the sake of pumping once it starts to overflow. :) Maybe thinking of it that way will help you?

    But I have to say I agree that your medical doctor should evaluate you if you are not getting hungry. Just to rule out any medical problems preventing you from getting hungry.

    I am a strong believer in smoothies for people who can't eat enough of "normal food." A healthy homemade smoothie that includes a protein source, blendable veggies like spinach, a milk of choice, fruit, and if needed, something like a peanut butter to raise the calories. You can sip on that and avoid feeling overfull.

    A couple of high calorie recipes I use:

    Chia Seeds + Milk (I use flax milk but I'm vegan) + tropical Emergen-C + dole immunity blend (frozen) + protein powder + spinach = 345 calories (and that's with a very low calorie milk)

    Chia Seeds + Milk + Black Cherry Emergen-C + Frozen Cherries + Protein Powder + Peanut Butter + Spinach (or whatever green) = 550 calories
  • i hope u get the help u need to,cause that is not enough food for a baby. my grandkids eat more then that and they don't eat alot of junk food. i'm a big person and sure don't want them to get that way. i know on the days i exercise i have a hard time eating the extra calories but the i eat 4 cuities to at least cover some of them.when i'm not hunger i eat fruit cups.but like all have said eat alot of little meals it should help. good luck i hope u can get up on your calories.
  • ty for your ans. i'm staying at 1,300 or more on most days.but the day i do my zumba class its at 5;45 to6;20 and i burn 852 cal. thats the worst day. but i love that class its in the pool so after the class we stay in the pool and swim then my cal. burn moves up to950 . some days i just do house work and take care of grandkids so i do try to keep cal. above 1,380
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    Are you trying to kill yourself? This is not a 3rd world country where you are forced to eat barely anything to just survive. It looks like you have your priorities out of whack. Your body needs fuel. Did you ever try driving your car 500 miles on a gallon of gas? That is what you are doing to your body. What do you think is going to happen if you keep it up. You will run out of fuel. Your body will start shutting down. STOP IT. Start eating like a normal person. It is not funny. You are not hungry because you are damaging your body and it thinks you are starving. It is adapting to your poor choices. Yes, I said it, POOR choices. What you are doing is just DUMB. Look at some other people's diaries. You need to eat a minumum amount of fat, protein, carbohydrates and fiber to fuel your body and keep it working for you. Your body is the most precious machine you will ever operate. Treat it with respect and give it what it needs to keep running.

    First of all- this comment above was incredibly rude and insensitive. Eating issues can be a very serious and sensitive issue and trying to put someone on a guilt trip and saying they are being dumb is uncalled for. This person came on here asking for help and advice, not bashing and rudeness.

    to OP: since you have been eating so few calories for a while it could be that your stomach capacity is smaller now (hence why you feel full). Along with the advice about eating calorie rich foods (healthy ones), you could also try to gradually increase your meal sizes and spread you food intake throughout the day. It takes time to accustom your body to eating more again. A check up with the doctor might be a good idea just to make sure there's no other underlying medical condition contributing to it. Good luck!
  • sissy112553
    sissy112553 Posts: 18
    i do eat my three meals every day plus snake ,i tryed eating 2 meals befor my class they came to 1236 cal and when i add exc. brings it right back up to a little over a 1000 cal, i tryed to eat to cover them but still had 140 left,cal 2209 and still left 125, but other days my cal in take runs between 1400 1500 .zumba class i a killer that one day but i love it.