Please don't judge me

So I went from seriously over eating. (anywhere from 3-7K cals a day) to now under eating.

It is seriously a struggle to put food in my mouth at all.

I usually get to 900, sometimes 1K.

I know I need to eat more. I know this isn't healthy and is going to hurt me in the long run.

I set goals for myself to eat more through the day. They don't work.

I have had days when I've gotten over 1200. But that's usually on a day I'm sick or too busy to cook and the husband comes home with tacos. Which is rare.

I'm really unsure what to do at this point. Maybe I should stop buying the lower calorie cereals and stuff to get more calories?


  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    Have you sought professional help to address any underlying issues which have led to these eating behaviours? I think it could be very helpful. Best of luck.
  • dellieve
    dellieve Posts: 35 Member
    If someone judges you for that, then you should completely ignore them.

    If you want help raising your cals a bit, try getting some protein shakes, and add a spoonful of peanut butter in.

    One shake a day with peanut butter can add anywhere up to 350cals into your diet :)

    Edit: For reference, I would use something like Optimum Nutrition Double Choc with a teaspoon of peanut butter.
  • Yes, beyond seeking professional help for an eating disorder, you could definitely stop buying the low calorie version of foods. If you're way under your calorie goals for the day, why buy low-fat or fat free foods? Higher calorie cereals would work too, I suppose.
  • bluemorpho1247
    bluemorpho1247 Posts: 300 Member
    Its not to the point of needing help yet, you just need to figure out a balance.
    I began in the same way, buying low calorie stuff and reachin 1000kcal max but i swapped them for more healthy fat filled things, higher kcals, more protein and so on and now im losing so well!

    Take a look at my diary and see how u can improve :) Its as simple as adding oils to foods, drinking some fruit juice to add kcals and just maintaining that :) Good luck :D
  • mamitosami
    mamitosami Posts: 531 Member
    Can you make a goal of upping your calories slowly each week? Even by 20 or 50 to get to where you're supposed to be? And yes, don't buy low calorie foods.

    Take care, and good luck...

    Oh, and just for relativity, I know everyone is soooo different, I'm 5'11" and weigh about 165, so I'm big and tall, but I generally consume more than 2000 calories a day, and generally about 2500 a day. I consider myself to be slim. Try not to be afraid to nourish your body. Your body will perform so well it will surprise you if you find the right balance of calories to nourish it to function at its optimum...

    (My diary is also open if you want to check what foods I eat...)
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    And that does happen. Happens to me alot. I keep yogurt in the house in the freezer, skinny cow ice cream too and a spoonful of peanut butter works too. On those days when I know I'm not going to come close to hitting the mark, I eat protein bars (special K is my favorite). They are 170 calories and I feel like I'm not only getting to the mark faster, but I'm also adding the protein that I need for exercising those muscles to build them back.

    For some reason, ice cream and popcorn have helped me get to where I need to be calorie wise. Maybe it is just a habit I had as a kid--long days in school and activities and a treat at the end of the day. Try that--think of something that made you smile, transfer that to a food. I know we are supposed to be using our brains for a lifestyle change, but sometimes child-like thought can get you through.

    It works for me at work so often I have considered myself to be a tall child...LOL
  • niksinnotts
    niksinnotts Posts: 62 Member
    if people judge you for this then ignore it, you have acknowledged that your eating is not exactly healthy and are seeking advice, thats great and i hope that you succeed, :flowerforyou:
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I've been looking into getting a protein powder to make smoothies in the morning. I found a recipe online that uses plain yogurt, a banana a scoop of protein powder and milk. I would sub out the milk for almond milk though.
  • meghan1789
    meghan1789 Posts: 81 Member
    Don't just look at where you are missing out on calories but look at the other stats too and see what you're low on - protein, carbs, sugars etc. Try to get those things up and the calories will come naturally.

    If all else fails, just add some cheese to it! lol If I am low on calories for a day, I just add a slice or two to whatever I'm eating :)
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    I was the same way when I started. I think in the beginning it was just learning that normal food is ok to eat. You don't have to eat "diet" stuff. It's ok to put some cheese on your salad, or sour cream on your potato. Incorporate some of your old favorites (in moderation of course) back into your diet and you shouldn't have a problem hitting your goal. It's not an "all or nothing" thing! Took me a while to figure that out. Ignore the idiots who are saying "eating disorder" and "mental problems". I got the same bull when I asked the exact same question when I started. Good luck!
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I was the same way when I started. I think in the beginning it was just learning that normal food is ok to eat. You don't have to eat "diet" stuff. It's ok to put some cheese on your salad, or sour cream on your potato. Incorporate some of your old favorites (in moderation of course) back into your diet and you shouldn't have a problem hitting your goal. It's not an "all or nothing" thing! Took me a while to figure that out. Ignore the idiots who are saying "eating disorder" and "mental problems". I got the same bull when I asked the exact same question when I started. Good luck!

    I was eating fast food for pretty much every meal of the day before this.
  • bluemorpho1247
    bluemorpho1247 Posts: 300 Member
    I was eating as bad too! Trust me, the change is not THAT bad unless you make it seem that way...
    It takes time and patience
  • You don't have an eating disorder, you are just scared.

    I am still struggling, I used to eat massive bags of chocolate and crisps every night, I used to have takeaway loads and drink vodka and full fat coke.

    Now I find myself eating hardly anything during the day in an effort to save on calories, I love to see around a 1000 left for dinner and evening. Then I find myself struggling to eat them all. Stupid eh! I am trying really hard but am failing miserably today.

    I think a good way is to try to plan your day, take your calorie total, divide by 4 (breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack) choose a meal that hits those calories, that's the plan for me anyhow.

    Cheese was mentioned, I love cheese and try to have some if I'm low for the day.

    Good luck, admitting you are struggling is half the battle, you can do this. xxxx
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    I was the same way when I started. I think in the beginning it was just learning that normal food is ok to eat. You don't have to eat "diet" stuff. It's ok to put some cheese on your salad, or sour cream on your potato. Incorporate some of your old favorites (in moderation of course) back into your diet and you shouldn't have a problem hitting your goal. It's not an "all or nothing" thing! Took me a while to figure that out. Ignore the idiots who are saying "eating disorder" and "mental problems". I got the same bull when I asked the exact same question when I started. Good luck!

    I was eating fast food for pretty much every meal of the day before this.

    Well fast food isn't evil. I have a cheeseburger every Saturday (I skip the fries and soda and have a salad and water instead). But everyday would likely put you way over.

    You mentioned tacos... Make your own at home, heavy on the veggies and lighter with the cheese and hamburger. Or I do a taco with chicken breast sliced up and cooked in the same spices (I usually just buy the kits). If your a burger fan, use extra lean beef, or switch it up and do a chicken burger. You can do fries in the oven, just not a heaping pile.

    My point is not everything you eat has to be "diet" or "low cal". Regular cereal is fine if you stick to one portion. Full fat cheese is fine if you have the calories for it. Just buy regular food and you should be able to get your calories up. It's really hard for some people to eat their calories in "diet" food. I'm one of them! I only do diet stuff for things I tend to overeat. Like popchips instead of regular chips (chips are my major weakness). It took me a few months to figure out what I could fit into my calories. It's a learning curve. You just have to watch the portion size or go for "diet" if you find one portion not filling enough.
  • Smoothies are a great way to go! I found Whole Body Green on line which is my favorite protein powder by far of the many I have tried. You can use milk or water with fruit, Greek yogurt, and the powder. Adding peanut butter sounds like a good way to add some calories too. Best of luck to you!
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Can you try and eat healthier foods high in calories like nut, avacado, meats or a protien shake.
  • jroja021
    jroja021 Posts: 74 Member
    Fast food doesn't have to be unhealthy. At taco bell theres the fresco items that are lighter yet still taste like fast food.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Wow, from eating fast food all the time to eating way healthy. Amazing to begin with!

    Don't worry about buying "diet" and "light" foods. Go with the full fat, full calorie versions. That will boost your calories without eating more. Next, try adding more fat and oils to your diet. Things like olive oil, coconut oil, avocados and nuts/nut butters. Great, healthy way to increase your calories and fat intake without increasing much food.

    Good luck! I'm in the same boat. I only eat enough if I eat out, or pig out on ice cream. Not the healthiest habits!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Have you sought professional help to address any underlying issues which have led to these eating behaviours? I think it could be very helpful. Best of luck.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    So I went from seriously over eating. (anywhere from 3-7K cals a day) to now under eating.

    It is seriously a struggle to put food in my mouth at all.

    I usually get to 900, sometimes 1K.

    I know I need to eat more. I know this isn't healthy and is going to hurt me in the long run.

    I set goals for myself to eat more through the day. They don't work.

    I have had days when I've gotten over 1200. But that's usually on a day I'm sick or too busy to cook and the husband comes home with tacos. Which is rare.

    I'm really unsure what to do at this point. Maybe I should stop buying the lower calorie cereals and stuff to get more calories?

    Do you feel well? Is your diet usually nutritionally balanced? Do you have nutritional deficiencies? Are you active? Are you losing weight? I'm in no position to judge whether or not you are eating too little.