The 17 Day Diet

Has anyone tried this and if so what kind of results did you see?


  • I have an aunt that does this diet regularly and she looks amazing at the age of 45. I tried doing it but couldn't get it done. I kept cheating and faaling off the wagon then tried to start over again... a month later I gave up. I just couldn't do it.
  • BekahLuv
    BekahLuv Posts: 164
    I tried it last year, lasted about 2 weeks. I lost about 5 pounds in that period then fell off the wagon myself. I'm going to finally start doing Zumba and I don't want to pay all that money and continue a poor diet, so I think I am going to start this diet again.
  • BekahLuv
    BekahLuv Posts: 164
    Bump :-)
  • kungfuflyer
    kungfuflyer Posts: 29 Member
    Diets don't work and are temporary. It's all about healthy eating habits and lifestyle changes. If you can't do something 365 days a year you will have a life long struggle of getting in shape. This is a marathon not a sprint. Don't look for quick fixes because they don't work. Make small changes and then keep on building off of that. You will maintain your results and be much better in the long run.
  • jeaninemckinney
    jeaninemckinney Posts: 191 Member
    My bfs mom bought the book and shes probably never going to use it lol...ive been thinking about it! However i would love to lose weight quickly i need to be careful cuz my belly pooch from kids im scared if i lose weight to quickly it will get crazy saggy lol! But i think it might be a great quickstart! Why not try it along with working out! It might teach us some things! Good luck!:drinker:
  • My M-I-L recently just did this a few months ago. She lost about 8 lbs. in 17 days and continued until she lost 15 lobs. She went down a size from a tight 4/ loose 6 to a size 2. She looks good! She has maintained all of the loss and indulges in the occasional treat. She doesn't do any strength training nor did she do the DVD that came with the diet. She has always been an avid walker...Walks 60-90 minutes every day.
  • BekahLuv
    BekahLuv Posts: 164
    Diets don't work and are temporary. It's all about healthy eating habits and lifestyle changes. If you can't do something 365 days a year you will have a life long struggle of getting in shape. This is a marathon not a sprint. Don't look for quick fixes because they don't work. Make small changes and then keep on building off of that. You will maintain your results and be much better in the long run.

    I'm not looking for a quick fix... just a quick jumpstart. I feel if I can start off dropping pounds quick in the beginning, that will help to keep me motivated to maintain and workout in the long run.
  • BekahLuv
    BekahLuv Posts: 164
    My M-I-L recently just did this a few months ago. She lost about 8 lbs. in 17 days and continued until she lost 15 lobs. She went down a size from a tight 4/ loose 6 to a size 2. She looks good! She has maintained all of the loss and indulges in the occasional treat. She doesn't do any strength training nor did she do the DVD that came with the diet. She has always been an avid walker...Walks 60-90 minutes every day.

    How long did it take her to loose the 15 lbs?
  • lowash67
    lowash67 Posts: 33 Member
    I so agree with you. The thing about quick fixes they don't last long. This time I decided to just eat healther.
  • kungfuflyer
    kungfuflyer Posts: 29 Member
    Everyone is looking for a quick jump start and ends up jumping of the bandwagon because it is to much for them to make huge changes over night. Make small goals and changes daily so that you can keep the results in the long run. It is better to loose and maintain in the long run then loose quickly just to gain in all back because you can't maintain it. Don't look to make extreme changes in what you do. Make a small goal that is easily to obtain for the week and then add another small goal that is easy to obtain the next week and so on.
  • BekahLuv
    BekahLuv Posts: 164

    Day one is off to a great start! I can't wait to weigh myself on day 17 and see how I did.

    Anyone else try this diet??
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Sounds like a fad. To be successful, you're gonna have to make some permanent lifestyle changes in order to lose it and keep it off.
  • sabinecbauer
    sabinecbauer Posts: 250 Member
    Diets don't work and are temporary. It's all about healthy eating habits and lifestyle changes. If you can't do something 365 days a year you will have a life long struggle of getting in shape. This is a marathon not a sprint. Don't look for quick fixes because they don't work. Make small changes and then keep on building off of that. You will maintain your results and be much better in the long run.

    Which is exactly the philosophy of the 17 Day Diet. It's a life style change :happy:
    DANCHAN1 Posts: 113 Member
    My 25 year old daughter did this and quite succesfully. She lost 30 pounds in around 7 weeks. The whole premise is the first 17 days is strict basically fish, chicken & Turkey lots of veggies, 2 fruits and 2 yogurst per day. You eat unlimited veggies and meat until just before you are full.

    The 2nd 17 day cycle adds red meat and some limited high glycemic carbs brown rice, 1/2 potato etc.

    Cycle 3 adds even more back to your repertoire

    Cycle 4 you begin to add in all of the foods in moderation.

    The entire purpose of this program is to give you a jump start and help you get to your goal in a healty and safe manner. This diet is endorsed by Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz and the Doctor's show. The Doctor's has a great website that has recipes for each cycle.

    If you cannot be strict with your food choices for a short amount of time then this diet is probably not for you.

    Many options out there for us we just need to find what works for US!
  • Moniquifee
    Moniquifee Posts: 14 Member
    I just borrowed this book from the library. I'm very interested. I'm already doing the low carb thing and the weight its coming off very slowly. But I want it to come off a little quicker. So I'm going to give it a try. It sounds easier than what I'm doing now. It's just a matter of whether our not it actually works. I will find out soon enough!
  • BekahLuv
    BekahLuv Posts: 164
    I had to have some major dental work done... a dental implant for my top front tooth... so now I am only allowed soft foods until it heals. Once it does, I'm going to go back to strictly following this diet!
  • Diets don't work and are temporary. It's all about healthy eating habits and lifestyle changes. If you can't do something 365 days a year you will have a life long struggle of getting in shape. This is a marathon not a sprint. Don't look for quick fixes because they don't work. Make small changes and then keep on building off of that. You will maintain your results and be much better in the long run.

    :flowerforyou: Couldn't agree more
  • krlister
    krlister Posts: 3 Member
    I did it! I lost 18 lbs on it. It was pretty tough, but it gave me a jump start on my weight loss. I don't follow it anymore, but I would do it again. ;)
  • Rosa1213
    Rosa1213 Posts: 456 Member
    I've never done this diet before, but I can see how it can be a way to jumpstart you into a healthier lifestyle.
    Hope all works out well for you, and here's to getting healthy :flowerforyou:
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    I've been doing the 37 Year Diet, and I feel great!