Really struggling with motivation

At the beginning of this year I was really motivated, signed up for the gym, started using mfp (again) and was on track, I felt really good and worked my way up to running nearly 15 minutes before needing a break. But unfortunately I had some bad news within the family and then University finals hit and I've lost all motivation, i'm snacking alot on food because it's easier and quicker since I spend the majority of my day in the library and haven't got time to go to the gym. With all of this i've gained weight, whilst a good friend of mine has managed to keep going and looks amazing...I just can't seem to make myself do anything, even as I snack I feel guilty.



  • You are like me. A stress eater. I snack when work gets stressful. I feel good at the time but regret it later. I have learned that I need to start a work out "Habit". I am just starting again. I can usually eat whatever I want as long as I excersise. Start that habit again, work out. Make time for yourself everyday. Best of luck!
  • migoi357
    migoi357 Posts: 173 Member
    Resolve, right now, to do one thing to put yourself back on track. It doesn't have to be a big thing...something small but something that is definitely in the right direction.

    Don't make it into this huge, overwhelming small step, one tiny turn toward your goal, one alteration. That's where you go. When you do that one small thing...immediately find a mirror and congratulate yourself on making the change you need to make. Look yourself in the eye and say "You're doing good. You will get to where you want to be."

    You can do've already demonstrated that in the past. This is just a speed bump in your journey.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Maybe just pick one or two things to start. I would personally chose not drinking calories anymore (no soda, juice etc) and add 30 of exercise a day - you can even split it up into 15 in the morning and 15 later on. Of course your 2 things can be anything that you think will get you results.

    Mostly though you are just going to have to decide that you are worth taking care of! You are going to school so you will have a better future and a career what type of body would you like to have in that future life and what do you need to do to get there....

  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    me and my friend where both seriously overweight, january 2010 we both for our own reasons decided to lose weight at this stage i was 262 pounds. 2 weeks after making this decision i found out i was pregnant and decided to put off losing weight until the following january (my daughter was born om 18th october and gave myself some time to get over the birth)
    meanwhile my friend had done fantastic, she had started out weighing more than me but was looking really good did it bother me that she had managed what i wanted......hell yes im only human, despite being unable to diet seriously i was really jelous.
    january 2011 i started my diet slow but steady, i started walking a lot and gently exercising on the wii. by july i started to feel good about myself, it was also about this time that i started to notice my friend was gaining weight.
    january 2012 by this time i had lost about 50 pounds and my friend had gained all of hers back and then some, i joined mfp and kicked the exercise up a notch and lost another 30 pounds, meanwhile my friend is researching every available diet pill because she just cant be bothered

    the moral for my story is life happens be it bad news, exams, family problems etc. its not always possible to stay true to a diet
    what i want you to do is please stop comparing yourself to your friend it will only make you feel worse
    if you fall off the wagon dont beat yourself up about it when your ready you will climb back on
    please please please stop feeling guilty about food, yes snacks arent always healthy or ideal but sometimes there is no alternative
    i can see your having a really bad time at the minute it will get easier
    good luck x
  • miss_dreamer
    miss_dreamer Posts: 50 Member
    Thank you, I like the idea of, if nothing else, not drinking any more calories. That will probably be the easiest thing for me to cut out right now. It's nice to hear that even though other people really struggle, they've still managed to gain amazing results. Makes me feel a bit better about myself :)
  • CodeP1nk
    CodeP1nk Posts: 3 Member
    Empty calories are good to get rid of! Great way to start. Just take one day at a time. I am really good during the week, I find it difficult to stay on track on the weekend.

    I find that smaller portions help too. For example pasta, instead of having the whole bowl of yummyness, start with half, and if you are still hungry, water water water!`
  • krnmrn
    krnmrn Posts: 5
    Good luck, you're doing so well already.
    Just remember that I'm here for you :)
    Baby steps! xxx