Insanity Questions

Hey everyone, it's been 3.5 months now, and I am just not seeing a very big difference in my body. I've heard a lot of you have had a lot of success with Insanity, so I just wanted to ask a few questions! I'd love to hear from anyone who has completed the program, but if you're on it right now, feel free to respond also!

Did you do Insanity alone or in addition to your regular workouts? What did you combine it with (strength, cardio, stretching, walking, etc)?

How soon did you start to notice results (even minor ones)? Or how soon did others start to notice results? I do realize this is different for everyone, I'm just interested to hear your experiences.

Did you follow a special diet plan along with it or just your normal calorie counting?

If you own a hrm, how much did you burn on average?

Before and after pics would be awesome too! THANKS!!! :smile:


  • JDKD82199
    JDKD82199 Posts: 106 Member
    Wow, 3.5 months? I am currently doing Insanity and am at the end of week two. Although I havent seen any changes yet, I feel changes going on. I also jog/walk a couple of miles a day and am following a pretty strict diet (not the one that comes with it). Are you following the diet plan? I am interested to hear what others have to say about their results.
  • JDKD82199
    JDKD82199 Posts: 106 Member
    Oh, forgot to add that according to my HRM I burn about 400 calories a workout.
  • fatbutgettingthinner
    fatbutgettingthinner Posts: 38 Member
    Hey everyone, it's been 3.5 months now, and I am just not seeing a very big difference in my body. I've heard a lot of you have had a lot of success with Insanity, so I just wanted to ask a few questions! I'd love to hear from anyone who has completed the program, but if you're on it right now, feel free to respond also!

    Did you do Insanity alone or in addition to your regular workouts? What did you combine it with (strength, cardio, stretching, walking, etc)?

    How soon did you start to notice results (even minor ones)? Or how soon did others start to notice results? I do realize this is different for everyone, I'm just interested to hear your experiences.

    Did you follow a special diet plan along with it or just your normal calorie counting?

    If you own a hrm, how much did you burn on average?

    Before and after pics would be awesome too! THANKS!!! :smile:

    Hi - can you post a typical day's diet?
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    I definitely did not word that correctly!! Let me clarify, it's been 3.5 months since I started cal counting and trying to lose weight again, not 3.5 months doing Insanity!

    Sorry for the misunderstanding!!
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
  • ems1583
    ems1583 Posts: 180 Member
    Hi! I just started with Insanity and today is my 13th day. I reached my highest average HR today which is 150 bpm, but usually I'll get 140-145 on average and max HR of 170-171. Its only 2 weeks but I kinda feel and see that my belly/abs they're slowly getting some definition, esp whenever I woke up in the morning. My arms, just very little starting to slim down. But my thighs & legs no noticeable improvement. Last week I combined it with turbofire & some treadmill but my weight loss slowed down (eating less as well) so now, I'm just focusing on Insanity as my cardio (except yest I did Fire 45 with Insanity's cardio recovery coz I want to eat more lol). You can add me if you want :) I just started MFP a month ago. And I have no special diet, I just try ko maintain 1400 cal now, trying to eat healthy foods.
  • emilynicole02
    emilynicole02 Posts: 355 Member
    I am currently on day 16 of insanity. Have you taken before pictures at all? If not, you really should! I cannot see a difference looking in the mirror but I compared my 16 day pictures to pictures from about 3 months ago when i was 8 pounds lighter and they both look almost identical!

    basically saying i am starting to gain muscle and tone up and prolly losing some inches as well...

    as far as my eating, i am not following the diet plan that came with the workout... i am just counting my calories on here and trying to eat as clean as possible.

    there is one thing that i have just found out...eating more is the key! i was originally eating 1200 calories plus a 400-500 calorie burn... which was putting my NET at about 800 turn i was starving myself.. i didn't even realize it!! so now i have upped my calories to 1650.

    this is the only workout i am doing and i have a HRM and am burning around 450-500 calories every day.

    no before or after pictures yet because i am not currently finished with it.

    maybe in a month ;)

    hope this helps!!
  • ems1583
    ems1583 Posts: 180 Member
    Hi! I just started with Insanity and today is my 13th day. I reached my highest average HR today which is 150 bpm, but usually I'll get 140-145 on average and max HR of 170-171. Its only 2 weeks but I kinda feel and see that my belly/abs they're slowly getting some definition, esp whenever I woke up in the morning. My arms, just very little starting to slim down. But my thighs & legs no noticeable improvement. Last week I combined it with turbofire & some treadmill but my weight loss slowed down (eating less as well) so now, I'm just focusing on Insanity as my cardio (except yest I did Fire 45 with Insanity's cardio recovery coz I want to eat more lol). You can add me if you want :) I just started MFP a month ago. And I have no special diet, I just try ko maintain 1400 cal now, trying to eat healthy foods.

    I forgot to put the cal burned/workout. Mine is around 365-380 calories...
  • jcan1588
    jcan1588 Posts: 26 Member
    i use insanity to supplement my skating( roller derby) after about two weeks one of the coaches pulled me aside and told me i was looking like a different skater and was much inproved. I noticed changes more in inches not weight. Also in my preformance for derby i'm much faster and the plyometrics helped my leg strength. to balance it out i lift 2-3 times a week in additiion to it.
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    Definitely think I will be starting today :) I think this is the motivation I've been needing!

    I'm going to Brazil to see family in a little over 1 month. Do you guys think I'll be able to see results by then? Combined with some more cardio and netting about 1200-1400?
  • NekaLee
    NekaLee Posts: 51
    I was doing Insanity. I stopped because I was working out barefoot in my house and my feet were NOT happy about that. I had to pause Insanity and all intense cardio for a few wks to give my feet time to "heal". But I did lose inches with the 3wks I was doing Insanity. I recently purchased a HRM so I'm sure how many calories I've burn, but today will be my first day back so I'll post it later. Insanity is very insane but I enjoyed it and didn't get bored because I was trying to push myself to not take so many breaks (to catch my darn breath) lol......I can't wait to start back up and see what kind of results I'll get *crossing fingers*
  • GoMizzou99
    GoMizzou99 Posts: 512 Member
    I did Insanity for 3 months. I gained 3 pounds in the first 10 days, then lost 8 (total loss of 5 pounds)...but I was at my goal weight so no biggie there.

    My average heart rate dropped from 150 bpm during the first few workouts to 138 bpm after just a few weeks an stayed that way.

    My resting heart rate dropped from 75 bpm to 66 bpm.

    Since I was in maintenance towards the end, I got to eat my extra calories...but I only ate about 1/2 of them...that was a nice treat.

    6' 0" tall and 175 lbs...average burn was about 13.5 calories per minute...or 550+/- calories per 40m workout.

    Clothes got looser...

    I didn't lift a single weight for 3 months (a nice break!)
  • GoMizzou99
    GoMizzou99 Posts: 512 Member
    there is one thing that i have just found out...eating more is the key! i was originally eating 1200 calories plus a 400-500 calorie burn... which was putting my NET at about 800 turn i was starving myself.. i didn't even realize it!! so now i have upped my calories to 1650.

    This is absolutely correct. When I got to maintenance and increased my calories from 1650 to 2200, I actually dropped 3 pounds.
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    I'm 4'11," 122-124 lbs and just changed my goal to 1300 (NET). I've tried 1200, 1000, and 1400 and have not had a steady loss with any of those :-\

    I was wanting to try 1300 but aim more for a weekly deficit rather than daily. I haven't tried this yet but I think it would work better for me since I tend to have a hard time eating back my workout cals on high burn days, but then I'm starving on rest/low burn days.

    Does this sound like a good plan or is 1300 still too low? Keep in mind, I am short!!
  • irefusetoquit
    I just completed my first round of Insanity on 05/08/2012. As my results, I lost a pound, but I lost 2%bodyfat, leaned out, and lost inches. You can visibly see the changes in my before/after photos of the program.

    Yes, I did ONLY Insanity. It was the hardest program I've ever done, so I wasn't going to do anything else while doing this program. I didn't combine it with anything other types of physical activity.

    In the first 2 weeks of the program you notice results. You take a fit test on day 1 and again on day 15. I saw changes in my numbers of the fit test - IMPROVEMENTS! My girlfriend noticed the physical changes first. She said, "your face is leaning out!" Of course my parents and relatives said, "you're getting to skinny..." (while they have a gut). When I first started Insanity, I went for it and workout out HARD. But I burned myself out. Then something ShaunT said in in the MAX workouts that grabbed me. He said, "Form over speed". That resonated with me! And I chose to focus on form instead of speed. By doing that, I focused on doing it right, and by doing so I increased my calorie burn, AND I got leaner.

    There is an amazing nutrition plan that comes with the program.
    I've been working out using Beachbody's products for five years, and I've done a lot of research on nutriton. So I put together my own meal plan of healthy nutritious foods, and foodsd that I WILL eat. Its always been challenging being a fincky eater, but I've learned a lot of information about food and I'm grateful for it! :)

    Actually, I have to do both. I use MFP to enter my foods/calories (or I can scan the barcode and find it). When I workout I wear a heartrate monitor to track how many calories I've burned and what my average and maximum heart rates are. Then I go to EXERCISE and choose CARDIOVASCULAR. I enter the name of the program I'm doing and the workout name (for example - Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit), how long the program is and how many calories I've burned. If the program isn't in there, I add it. Then the next time I do that workout, it will show up.

    Usually, its difficult to determine how many calories you burn per workout because you don't know how hard you'll be working out that day. On average, I've burned about 393 calories per Insanity workout. Some workouts are less, most workouts are more. My highest calorie burn for an Insanity workout was 773 calories. I HIGHLY ENCOURAGE getting a heartrate mmonitor - no matter which workout program you'll be using.

    Since I've been working out with Beachbody programs about 5 years, I planned to increase my calories for Insanity. In the first half of the program, I ate about 2200calories a day. I usually burned about 450 calories a workout. 2200-450=1750. When I got into the MAX workouts (the second half of Insanity), I increased my calories to about 3000 calories a day. Doing this, I was WAY out of my comfort zone. But I have to tell you, it was worth it!! Burning over 700 calories in the MAX workouts, 3000-700=2300. It was difficult but it was absolutely worth every calorie!!

    When I started working out in 2007, I weighed 176pounds. I now weigh 142. So I've already lost a lot of weight in the past 5 years. I didn't have a lot to lose. I had more inches (or bodyfat) to rid of.

    From Insanity, I've lost 2% bodyfat, 2pounds, and about 4 inches. I've also toned up, and leaned out.
  • JDKD82199
    JDKD82199 Posts: 106 Member
    Sorry about that! I think you worded it fine, I just didn't read it right. lol I am following a 1200 calorie diet but, as others have mentioned, this may be too low for this program. I am going to listen to my body and if I begin to feel fatigued or if I am not getting the results I want I will up my calories. Good luck to you on your journey!
  • Mommy_Time
    Mommy_Time Posts: 256 Member
    I will be starting it in about 12 days. My calories say 1200 but you need a HRM to see the calories u burn and need to eat those back to refuel your body.

    feel free to add me anyone.
  • reducedfatgirl
    reducedfatgirl Posts: 2 Member
    I've been eating right and working out regularly for about a year now, but just started Insanity two weeks ago. It is a pretty intense program so I've halted my weight lifting and running programs while I focus on improving my Insanity workouts. I took before pictures but nothing too noticeable yet, except maybe in my arms/upper back/shoulders (those pushup workouts are KILLER).

    An average workout for me burns about 375 calories, my max heart rate is 168-170, but usually lingers around 160 during a circuit. Including the stretches, rests and cool downs, my average heart rate in one workout is about 135.

    Definitely have to make sure to fuel your body; don't be afraid to eat more of the RIGHT calories.
  • tracybewick
    hi im also 4 11" and weigh 124lb, im on week 3 of insanity

    so far i have lost no weight but my body shape is definately changing, people are saying i look slimmer!!! i really wanted to do this to look better and feel more confident wearing a bikini in june and feel im on track.

    I was monitering my calorie intake before and kept it to1200 cals but did my research and upped it to 1400 with insanity. For first two weeks i followed the insanity diet, although it doesnt feel like a diet and the food is delicious, but struggled to eat as regular and as much as it suggested. this week ive adapted it to try and suit me better.

    I am a regular gym addict so am using insanity along with body combat classes/zumba and trx and a weekly 5k run.
    The insanity workouts are insane but you can adapt them to meet your own needs.....but i love to sweat!! lol

    I did the fit test on day one and after two weeks i made big improvements, i also feel in the other classes i do that my fitness level has soared so its doing something right.

    Its definately worth a go and stick with it, please add me and we will do this together!!
    Beach bodies here we come!!!

    tracy x
  • skyelogan816
    I've been wanting to start Insanity myself, but I'm really bad at getting the proper amount of calories, even without exercise!