New to tea

mmstgr Posts: 578 Member
I haven't been feeling well, so I just made my first cup of tea (EVER) and was hoping it would help me feel a little better.
How does the majority of the planet handle it?
This kind I'm trying to have right now is a ginger peach green tea. I ever put a bit of honey in it. :(
I"m not a coffee drinker either. Any recommendations for some teas being better than others?


  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    Tea is the piss of the devil....
  • CharlottetheHarlot
    Mercy! Are you sure you are a Maritimer? Never had tea? GASP!! I love a good cup of orange pekoe (Red Rose, David's Tea, PG Tips) or if I'm sick I go for lemon or homemade ginger and honey tea. I'm a fan of pretty much all teas but tend to favour the black and green variety. My current favorite is brown rice green tea.
  • momma2Lulu
    when i'm sick my go to is boiling water then adding just a little honey (to taste really) and leaving it at that no tea for me when sick just never tastes right....

    my fav tea is a chai tea latte ... any chai tea is a pretty good choice to me :)

    outside of that i'm not really sure as i'm new to the tea drinking world but it seems to depend on your flavor style as i kid i loved this orange tea and as an adult i'm thinking what was i thinking!?! as a kid its so strange tasting lol... wish you luck and hope the first part helps and that you feel better soon :)
  • vittelsnacks
    mmstgr, you probably didn't like tea because you're not used to it. What kind of tea did you try? Look for different tastes. There's berries, mint, fruits and many more. The peppermint tea is my favorite, since it's refreshing and really delicious. I sometimes add frozen berries or milk to the drink, so you can experiment with tea until you find your perfect taste. I'd advice you to try Tazo Vanilla Rooibus tea from Starbucks. It smells so wonderful that I can't imagine not liking it, lol

    Let us know how it goes :)
  • student94
    student94 Posts: 120 Member
    I love Stash teas. The earl gray and chai spice are my favorites.
  • mmstgr
    mmstgr Posts: 578 Member
    It's Stash Premium. I bought a green tea sampler box. There's a bunch of different ones in there, and I plan to try them all before giving up on it.
    I may try that vanilla one you've suggested, vittelsnacks
  • caroljoy08
    caroljoy08 Posts: 6 Member
    I love tea - strong, earthy, nutty flavors. I do not like the fruity flowery teas. Darjeeling is one of my favs, along with oolong.
    I also enjoy the ginger teas and Mate. The green with roasted rice is also very good. I prefer Japanese green teas. I have also tried the PG Tips and they are very good. I also add unsweetened coconut milk and a vanilla stevia sweetener to my black teas.

    Is there a tea shop near you? Check it out and try tasting some different types of teas - white, yellow, green, red and blacks.
    BUT BEWARE! Some teas can be VERY expensive. Just a note that a lot of people do not know, each variety of tea has a different brew time and water temperature. Both can affect the flavors and the amount of caffeine in the cup of tea.

    I had a habit of wanting something sweet after lunch. I started drinking a cup of Oolong tea instead. Now I crave the tea instead of a sweet. I think it became more of a habit than a craving.

    This site has some good information - but there are several others online.

    Sometimes our taste buds can be dulled by other 'junk' that we have eaten. Give you buds some time to 'wake up' to the flavor of tea. Enjoy!
  • Cheryl188
    Cheryl188 Posts: 114 Member
    I have never like tea or coffee either, but I do now. I started with peppermint tea. It's delicious with a little vanilla soy milk. I find drinking tea in the evening helps me to not snack on junk.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I haven't been feeling well, so I just made my first cup of tea (EVER) and was hoping it would help me feel a little better.
    How does the majority of the planet handle it?
    This kind I'm trying to have right now is a ginger peach green tea. I ever put a bit of honey in it. :(
    I"m not a coffee drinker either. Any recommendations for some teas being better than others?
    You can't judge all tea based on your one cup of tea ever. There's a myriad of flavors and types. Some are better with something to sweeten them (I use honey) and some need some milk or cream or something.

    I can't really say what's better than another because it's all about what you personally like. I don't like peach so would never have tried what you made. Chamomile is nice and mild and good for when you're sick, though. You might like something like that -- less adventurous for your initiation.
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    The only tea i drink is 'normal' tea with 2 sugars and milk - try that :)

    As above posters have said there are LOADS of different tea's out there - you're bound to find at least one that you like, if you don't i'll be shocked.
  • Mzfoster0517
    Mzfoster0517 Posts: 83 Member
    A tea that is good for you and have a nice taste, it is also great for stomach trouble is peppermint (herbal) tea. I use a brand called Market District, but it's sold at Giant Eagle. You can get it in other brands. as with all tea it needs sugar. I would recommend Truvia or Stevia as a no calorie, and made from real sugar subsitute.
  • Perisylpha
    Perisylpha Posts: 139
    I just like regular decaf tea,,don't like fruit/herb teas much...but used to drink Chamomile alot for anxiety, it helped me sleep : )
  • EmilyTwist1
    EmilyTwist1 Posts: 206 Member
    I guess it just depends on the person and the kind of tea. I like black teas with a little milk and sugar. There are some herbal teas I like, but I've never cared for green tea.

    Tea is something you have to experiment with to find out what (if any) you like. The first time I tried tea, I tried it the way my parents drink it: lots of sugar, no milk. I didn't like it. Then I tried it with milk and I loved it. Over the years I've come to like my tea much stronger and with less sugar.

    Don't give up on tea after one try. Keep experimenting and you'll find something you like :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    A tea that is good for you and have a nice taste, it is also great for stomach trouble is peppermint (herbal) tea. I use a brand called Market District, but it's sold at Giant Eagle. You can get it in other brands. as with all tea it needs sugar. I would recommend Truvia or Stevia as a no calorie, and made from real sugar subsitute.

    Neither of those is made from real sugar. They are made from the stevia plant. A lot of people like it, but I can't stand it. I don't use a lot of sugar to begin with, so to me it's worth using honey or actual sugar to sweeten something like my tea.
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,677 Member

    yes, chai.

    recipe for Poppie's home-brewed chai

    2 table spoons rich black china tea
    several black cardamom pods
    some cloves
    a few slices of ginger root
    a couple star anise pods
    3-6 large cinnamon sticks
    a teaspoon ground nutmeg
    half a teaspoon black pepper
    a pinch of red pepper flakes
    a bit of vanilla extract (or a vanilla bean pod scraped)

    boil until black, evil-looking, and your whole house smells like Amazingness

    add sugar! (or honey)
    add WHOLE milk, but cream makes it better, until a heavenly brown

    die of happy
  • mbts08
    mbts08 Posts: 284 Member
    My favorite tea is Tazo Zen and Chai.
  • iqnas
    iqnas Posts: 445 Member
    Tea, Tea, Tea! :)
  • mmarin81
    mmarin81 Posts: 241
    I'm currentl on a green tea binge myself. I like a nice cup of hot green tea, no sugar or anything just the tea, right after a big meal. I feel it helps things to settle. Could be all mental but I like it. :happy:

    Currently as I read this I am drinking Bigelow green tea with jasmine. Was a little weird at first but it grew on me.
  • Daisy374
    Daisy374 Posts: 539 Member
    I think you just picked the wrong one to try for your first time.. I am not a huge fan of peach tea either, but I love tea.
    I love Starbucks Tazo tea (it's a mint tea) I prefer spearmint to peppermint tea, but you should try both to find your preference. I love jasmine tea also... it has a slight floral flavor/scent and is a green tea. I also like chamomile tea with a little honey in it. I am always trying new ones, but they aren't all keepers lol Don't give up yet! lol :drinker:
  • Daisy374
    Daisy374 Posts: 539 Member
    I'm currentl on a green tea binge myself. I like a nice cup of hot green tea, no sugar or anything just the tea, right after a big meal. I feel it helps things to settle. Could be all mental but I like it. :happy:

    Currently as I read this I am drinking Bigelow green tea with jasmine. Was a little weird at first but it grew on me.

    I LOVE the Bigelow green tea with jasmine! The scent is lovely before each sip :)