Moms with strechmarks....



  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Oh I think I got enough to share with two other moms. Any takers?
    I think once I'm down to my goal weight, I won't really care about them. I don't wear bikinis anyway, and my husband just likes the fact that the last baby gave me some hips. Lol I want them smaller of course, but at the same proportion to my waist that they are now. We'll see.

    The thing I'm somewhat worried about is extra skin. When I'm down 20 more pounds, I want my skin to tighten up. It takes a while , like a couple of years, but apparently skin can retract quite a bit. Si for now, I'm just concentrating on losing the fat and gaining the muscle, and the skin is future Mama's problem. :-P
  • annameier8706
    annameier8706 Posts: 572 Member
    I've totally come to accpet mine and I have them BAD, like almost to my waist bad. My theory is You should feel sexy, you've done something that HALF the population can't- carried and birthed a child, and if a person thinks stretch marks make you NOT sexy they're not worth your time.
  • mnharrington
    mnharrington Posts: 26 Member
    I have just accepted mine after all I had some on my arms and hips long before I had my daughter. Having my daughter left me with plenty more on my abdomen, thankfully I am very fair skinned and they faded fairly quickly. I am probably going to have some tattooed over once I reach my goal weight.
  • fitagainmichelle
    I'm sorry to jump in, but have you really lost all of your weight following the guidelines on this website? I am new to fitnesspal!!!
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    My son gave me the majority of mine and then I didn't take care of myself for the four years afterward, so I got more. When I had my daughter, I didn't notice any new ones. I don't think I'll ever like them, but I have accepted that they'll always be a part of me. I'm not the type of person to show off my tummy anyway, so as long as I don't have too much extra skin sag, I think I'll just ignore them. I have others on my arms and breasts from fast weight gain, but those haven't bothered me as much.
  • JesiDM
    JesiDM Posts: 268 Member
    When I was pregnant I was so happy because I didn't get any strechmarks (or so I thought). Then one day I was changing in my room that had a full length mirror and I wanted to cry! The reason I thought I didn't have any strecthmarks was because they were all hiding under my belly so I couldn't see them!! I've gotten more since I've gained more weight but they have gotten ALOT lighter. I hoping that lifting will really help tighten the area(I haven't started yet). So hopefully when I hit goal I won't be all saggy lol.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    At least you women with kids have a good reason for them.

    Trying being a guy with them. A lot of people don't even realise guys get them...
  • jroja021
    jroja021 Posts: 74 Member
    Im 19 and my pregnancy last year really made my stomach worse. The marks are wide and right at my belly button level. Plus I have a little extra skin pack on the lower abdomen. Hopefully with toning they will go away.
  • MissingPixies
    MissingPixies Posts: 316 Member
    I haven't accepted them fully, I still have my moments of non-acceptance. I have them all over (stomach and hips, upper legs, upper arms, and even under my breasts), my first born did a number on me but my second child was generous enough not to give me any new ones. I'm just worried about getting the loose skin all tightened.
  • jhp2007
    jhp2007 Posts: 6
    :heart: I have come to accept my stretch marks. I have stuck up family members who think that stretch marks are disgusting. My body is real. I have 3 wonderful children and the stretch marks and c-section scars to prove it! My ex husband used to make fun of them and treat me horribly. When i left him he would tell me over and over how nobody would ever want me with such an aweful belly. He could not have been more wrong. I am now married to a wonderful man who sees me as "sexy"! I had to learn to be comfortable in my own skin. Who says i need a bikini to be sexy on the beach? My husband told me how attractive i was this morning as i was standing next to the coffee pot with a sick toddler in one arm and wearing a old tshirt and shorts!
  • freyaandcorysmum
    I can honestly say that I dont mind mine at all......... growing a healthy baby is hard work !!! wear those stretch marks with pride !! lol xx
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    Ive had stretch marks since grade school. I was exceptionally tall as a child (5'4" in 3rd grade and then I stopped growing because I hit puberty the next summer). I had them all across my shoulders, breasts, forearms, hips, backs of knees and ankles. Then, I started getting fat. Ive had pregnancy looking stretch marks eons before I ever got pregnant - with twins. I don't like them... they will never completely go away without some sort of massive cosmetic procedures, but they're there. They have been part of me and accepted as part of my body since I was about 17. After I graduated high school, no one really gave a flip what my skin looked like as long as I was a cool person. Growing up in a small town, everyone spent their days trying to find a reason to pick on someone.... that was very hurtful for a lot of years especially being the tall kid, or the fat kid, or the kid with glasses or the kid with boobs in the 3rd/4th grade. You should love yourself even when others don't, but I know how hard it can be
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    I have BAD stretch marks ALL from my first pregnancy. After 12 years with them I can now where a bikini and feel good.

    It changed for me when I saw another mother with a GREAT body. Her stomach was SO toned and looking closely I realized she had stretch marks as bad as mine. Seeing how great she looked gave me the courage to wear a bikini.

    I don't LOVE them. If I had the money I'd get a tummy tuck and get them removed. But since I can't afford it I live with them and have accepted them.
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    My belly is just a maze...or a roadmap...or tiger stripes...or.... LOL

    I don't know if "accept" is the right word - I know they are not going anywhere and I tolerate them. I will NEVER wear a bikini anyway, so it's more just my distaste of them.

    And if it makes you feel better, I have the deep ones that aren't really discolored, but when you catch them in the light, it looks like someone tried putting grooves in my arms. And legs. And gut. And... well, you get the point.
  • Karalopolous
    I'm 19 and have some stretch marks on my hips from gaining weight/puberty. I know they aren't on my belly like yours, but my philosophy is that as long as my body is a good shape, I could care less about the stretch marks :) Hardly anybody will see them anyways!

    Besides, just think of them as earning your stripes. Being a mom is probably worth it :)

    Also not a mom, but I have them on my *kitten*, my boobs, my thighs, my hips bc of growing. I also don't have them on my tummy, but they honestly don't bother me.
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    They will fade and lighten over time but never go away, it sucks I know, part of having kids and weight changes or just plain genes, very few woman do not have them........
  • krissagirl0709
    krissagirl0709 Posts: 291 Member
    I got a ton with my daughter! They are just all over. I accepted them almost right away however, Ive called them names like "pregnancy battle scars" or "babys first artwork" I have to say they have faded more since Ive been loosing weight but they will never go away and im okay with that. i just want to feel healthy and have a flat stomach. What really will bother me is the loose skin.
  • MLgarcia3
    MLgarcia3 Posts: 503
    When I started lifting and my body started changing is when I finally accepted them.. I'm covered in them, and there's nothing I can do about it.. so why let it bother me anymore?
  • jefflturn
    jefflturn Posts: 41
    Since bringing a child into this world has to be the bravest and most unselfish thing anyone can think of I would hope that any strech marks you may have should be a non-issue and overshadowed by your motherhood.
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    I have stretch marks from yo yo dieting and my son. I am allergic to all the so called lotions that work. So I just deal. It is life. I look around and try to see if I notice them on other woman and unless someone has their muffin top hanging out I really don't notice them on others. So I figure of I look for them and do not seem to notice unless someone is eyeing me no one probably notices mine. We are our own worse critics. I hate all my surgery scars more than my stretch marks. Mainly because I informed the doctors about my latex allergy and because I can touch a balloon or eat banana I am considered low risk well were they used certain products looks like I was a burn victim. Those scars bug me way more.