I need to quit snacking!!

My meals today weren't too bad--it was all my snacking that killed me! Somehow I need to always think through what I'm snacking on rather than just grabbing what I see that looks good...any ideas that have worked for you guys? Thanks in advance. :smile:


  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    I try to snack on carrots, not always satisfying but it helps also chewing gum helps me too. There are 100 calorie popcorn bags that seem to last forever :happy: Hope this helped!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • fishtetris
    lol i love those 100 calorie popcorn bags, they do last forever
  • 1Sweets
    1Sweets Posts: 395
    Different kinds of Fruit:tongue: It's the least in calories & a little sweet too:heart:
  • amess
    amess Posts: 3 Member
    Good to know. I have a problem with snacking too. I eat while I'm making dinner, then I shovel up anything the kids missed. Arrgh.
  • 1Sweets
    1Sweets Posts: 395
    also chewing gum helps me too.

    Yes...I chew lots of gum till my teeth hurt:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: not good for the teeth though:noway: ...but your young so it's all good (as my teens say)
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Celery and all natural peanut butter, Carrots with hummus , cucumbers dipped in non-fat ranch dressing, Bell peppers with hummus , String cheese, Soybeans in pods so you have to work for the bean :) , Apple slices , o i could go on and on.... :bigsmile: :laugh: :laugh:
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    What I do is log all my food for the day the night before. That way I know what I'm eating and when so I can control the calories. Take today, for example. I wanted ice cream last night but decided to save it as a treat for tonight because I didn't have the extra cals yesterday. So today I ate a lighter lunch so I could have my ice cream. It's all about planning!
  • celineviolette
    Hopefully eating more fruits and veggies would help, but yeah, it's not always satisfying. One other thing--usually I eat dried fruit just for the convenience because I can't stand bruised fruit; does it have all the same benefits dried?

    Courtney--that's a really good tip! Thinking about it, it's when I don't have anything planned out that I just snack like mad. I watch what I'm eating when it's all right in front of me--like a meal--but when I'm casually grazing I slip up big time. So that plan would probably work wonders for me!
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
  • LadyLouise
    cleaning up the kids plates is a main reason a lot of Moms gain weight without realizing it. You might try giving smaller portions to the kids to start with so there will be less left on the plates to tempt you.
  • kankan213
    I hear ya! I snack instead of eating meals and my problem with that is that I don't measure anything out! So I end up eating 1000 calories extra in snacks (like chips__stear clear!) today I ate over 2700 calories!!!! But I'm still losing weight because I just pretend like it didn't happen and I naturally am not as hungry the next day. So say I'm eating goal of 1600 a day, and one day I eat 2700, I just go back to 1600 but end up eating only 1300 and then call it good. It spikes my metabolism and I usually drop some extra lbs! Good luck!!!!!!!!!
  • JenC
    JenC Posts: 5
    Dried fruit has a TON more sugar per serving than eating a fresh fruit. Think about 20 grapes, and 20 raisins, to get the same amount of satisfaction from the raisins you'd need to eat a lot more than the grapes - the volume just isn't there! Same thing with fruit juice.

    I love apples with peanut butter, fruit, fibre and protien!
  • Katy009
    Katy009 Posts: 579 Member
    The only thing that actually makes me feel full & satisfied afterward is an apple. Not sure why, but I make sure now to keep several on hand otherwise I end up eating one snack after another, and healthy or not, it still adds up.
  • jlefton1212
    jlefton1212 Posts: 171 Member
    I find that I am most satisfied when I eat some protein and produce as a snack. My favorites:

    sargento sharp cheddar reduced fat cheese stick and an apple
    vanilla yogurt and strawberries
    celery and natural peanut butter

    I've also heard that a turkey/cheese/lettuce roll up can be a great snack but I've never tried it. In a pinch I will use a balance bar, because they have about 200 calories and a lot of protein, plus they cure my craving for cookies and candy.
  • karissastephens
    karissastephens Posts: 324 Member
    im a snacker too. I never have time to make meals. Im a college student and have to cook for myself...buuut i dont have the time or the money.

    Is snacking bad??
  • Shanta1983
    Shanta1983 Posts: 1,228 Member
    Ive been having the same problem especially on baked cheetos maybe we need to start a challenge..Im wasting some of my calories on dense calories snack ugh..I need to get a grip:grumble: