Cheat day?

jawolfe Posts: 64 Member
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
Does anyone out there have a planned cheat day once a week?

I have completely plateaued! I eat 1200 cals a day and I do add back my exercise calories, but I have been completely stuck...for months! I remembered that a few years ago when I started counting cals (and happliy lost 30 lbs!!) that after a few wks, my trainer made me have one cheat day a week shooting for 2000-2500 cals. Obviously his theory was that he wanted to trick my metabolism so that it didn't get used to the 1200 cals a day. Well I stopped doing that a long time ago and I'm wondering if that's what I need to do to break through this, I only have a few more lbs to go. I'm just a little nervous about increasing the cals like that though. So does anyone do that and has it worked? if so, what cals do you shoot for on a cheat day? is there something else I should be doing to break through this plateau? Thank you!!


  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Edited...........should have read first!! Sorry:blushing:

    One day to pig out will sometimes kick the metabolism. But I am suspecting, due to the 6 pounds you need to lose, that it is going to be slow for you.

    Slow and steady wins the race!!
  • With such a small amount left to lose you may need to up your calories. The closer you are to your goal weight...the smaller your calorie deficit should losing about a half a pound a week otherwise you may be losing muscle. This worked wonders for me as I went from 1200 to 1500 cals and started losing weight again. I don't "count" my calories on the weekends. I make the best choices possible on those days with maybe a treat (love dip n' dots) and it has never made me gain weight. It may have slightly hindered some weight loss, but I have never gained from it.
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    I've never been so close as you are to your goal (but I'll get there :wink: ). But I've always given myself a day off - Fridays. I don't pay attention to calories on those days, but I am aware of what I put in my mouth. One of my trainers told me the same thing...and for the same reason you mentioned. But since you are so close to your goal anyway, I don't know that that would work for you.
  • Shanta1983
    Shanta1983 Posts: 1,228 Member
    In my OPINION when I did plateau when I splurge for one day and went ahead and ate that cheeseburger no fries..Also when I zigzag my calories and take a couplar of days off from working out the following week I would be down 2-3lbs always work for me you have to experiment a little bit trust me on that one:happy: :flowerforyou:
  • jawolfe
    jawolfe Posts: 64 Member
    Thank you all for the replies! Looks like I'll be adding a cheat day back in. In a way I'm excited, but it almost makes me nervous. It just seems counterintuitive that sometimes we need to increase our calories to lose more weight. I'm trying to get it!
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