They do what?!



  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 486 Member
    Hilarious!!!! I LOVE IT!!!
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    oh man butt! very important,

    Also I don't know why so many are ragging on the poster that should concern, I know a kid that did stunt his growth by weight trainning, and also I say this in all niceness but trainers go to school and are gradded before they can instruct others on their form, just cause your trainer has worked with you doesn't mean its the best idea for you to work with you son, cause yea the spine can be so delicate, take it from some one who broke it =(
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    Sooo funny! Your husband is right :laugh:
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Oh heck yes I notice a good butt!!

    I lived in the south a while where they say "Wrangler butts drive me nuts!" LOL!
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    "Don't know what your reference is, but waaaay off base. I'm sure the OP's trainer can help her far better than an random unqualified poster.
    Oh yeah, I'm a nurse~"


    I'm sorry but that is soo lame, "I'm a nurse" and so because you are a nurse you know this woman capability to train her son, like as if being a nurse is your pass to teach others on every aspect of the body, LAME!! not even if you were a DOCTOR would you truly know if she was being careful with her son
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Isn't this why baseball and football uniforms are cut the way they are?
  • o yeah a pair of wrangles on a perfectly formed butt... drool...
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    I look face first...butt is an added bonus!!!
  • Stefanie7125
    Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
    My son is convinced girls only look at men's abs and biceps.

    Little does he know. Hehe.

    I look at it ALL! (thank you for sharing, I really enjoyed your story. my kids do the same type of thing!)
  • SpydrMnky27
    SpydrMnky27 Posts: 381 Member
    HAHA! Cute! I didn't pay attention to them when I was a teen. I remember my mom used to comment about football player's butts when she watch them on t.v. and I didn't understand the fascination. I do now though. lol
  • sarscott
    sarscott Posts: 189 Member
    I look at my mans butt ALL the time! Oooo it's so sexy and perfect! :heart:

    ^^ This :)
  • sarscott
    sarscott Posts: 189 Member
    o yeah a pair of wrangles on a perfectly formed butt... drool...

    Ooooh Yeah! I never used to think this way until I moved to Wyoming.... :)
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    "Don't know what your reference is, but waaaay off base. I'm sure the OP's trainer can help her far better than an random unqualified poster.
    Oh yeah, I'm a nurse~"
    I'm sorry but that is soo lame, "I'm a nurse" and so because you are a nurse you know this woman capability to train her son, like as if being a nurse is your pass to teach others on every aspect of the body, LAME!! not even if you were a DOCTOR would you truly know if she was being careful with her son

    Sheesh, settle down.

    He's not lifting heavy at all. He's mostly doing body weight exercises as training for Parkour.

    The weights he has he uses mostly to do bicep curls.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    "Don't know what your reference is, but waaaay off base. I'm sure the OP's trainer can help her far better than an random unqualified poster.
    Oh yeah, I'm a nurse~"
    I'm sorry but that is soo lame, "I'm a nurse" and so because you are a nurse you know this woman capability to train her son, like as if being a nurse is your pass to teach others on every aspect of the body, LAME!! not even if you were a DOCTOR would you truly know if she was being careful with her son

    Sheesh, settle down.

    He's not lifting heavy at all. He's mostly doing body weight exercises as training for Parkour.

    The weights he has he uses mostly to do bicep curls.

    I think it's awesome that your son is being healthy and learning about weight training. My son started spotting me when he was about 10 (he was a pretty big, strong kid-almost as big as I was at that age.) I moved on pretty quickly from just having him spot me, to showing him how to perform the exercises himself, and letting him work out with me-and made sure to emphasize proper form. (I can't stand seeing people throw around weights with poor form-it drives me nuts!) Now he's 16 and he is in excellent shape, eats healthfully, lifts heavy with moderate cardio, and he has better form than most men at the gym-it's funny, because he gets annoyed when people have bad form lifting now, too! :laugh:

    I've never heard anything adverse about high school boys lifting weights, high school sports teams train in the weight room all the time. You're giving your son a head start on being healthy, good for you! :flowerforyou:

    ETA: You are SO lucky to have a 14 year old who didn't realize that women look at mens' butts! :laugh: Mine has been a budding ladies' man since he could walk. :tongue:
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    "Don't know what your reference is, but waaaay off base. I'm sure the OP's trainer can help her far better than an random unqualified poster.
    Oh yeah, I'm a nurse~"
    I'm sorry but that is soo lame, "I'm a nurse" and so because you are a nurse you know this woman capability to train her son, like as if being a nurse is your pass to teach others on every aspect of the body, LAME!! not even if you were a DOCTOR would you truly know if she was being careful with her son

    Sheesh, settle down.

    He's not lifting heavy at all. He's mostly doing body weight exercises as training for Parkour.

    The weights he has he uses mostly to do bicep curls.

    I'm plenty calm, I just didn't like how how every one was attacking the previous poster for just simply showing concern, and well the above poster was just silly, "I'm a nurse" I say again LAME!!!

    Soo I mean I'm not really punching walls or any thing, and personally I don't really care what your son does, I just don't like people getting all crazy unnecessarily, (not you but the other poster's)

    (And Ishallnotwant maybe that's why your son is so short :tongue: )
  • sewerchick93
    sewerchick93 Posts: 1,438 Member
    the double honker butt!!!! the kind of butt you just want to go up to with both hands and squeeze *honk* *honk*......*drool* .
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    Lifting heavy weights may damage your epiphysis growth plates, which is the area of your bones that are still growing and developing.

    ((although I relize op you have stated many times he is not lifting heavy, but I thought it was prudent to include this, that while strength taining is good for teens heavy lifting can be bad on the growing and delicate frame

    of course you can find articals saying the oposite, I do however think that a teen lifting with out the super vision of a trained perfishional is too much of a gamble, and kinda immature parenting, because the risk of poor form, or for the number of possiblities that can go wrong with a untrained lifter

    Just to note I know op you said your son wasn't lifting heavy, I just wanted to add this
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    "Don't know what your reference is, but waaaay off base. I'm sure the OP's trainer can help her far better than an random unqualified poster.
    Oh yeah, I'm a nurse~"
    I'm sorry but that is soo lame, "I'm a nurse" and so because you are a nurse you know this woman capability to train her son, like as if being a nurse is your pass to teach others on every aspect of the body, LAME!! not even if you were a DOCTOR would you truly know if she was being careful with her son

    Sheesh, settle down.

    He's not lifting heavy at all. He's mostly doing body weight exercises as training for Parkour.

    The weights he has he uses mostly to do bicep curls.

    (And Ishallnotwant maybe that's why your son is so short :tongue: )

    :laugh: I wish he was short! It's hard when i'm trying to tell him what to do and I have to look up to him! (and just weird when I am walking around somewhere with him and people think he's my husband!) :laugh: Maybe I should start wearing platform shoes so I can be taller than him...:tongue:
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member

    of course you can find articals saying the oposite, I do however think that a teen lifting with out the super vision of a trained perfishional is too much of a gamble, and kinda immature parenting, because the risk of poor form, or for the number of possiblities that can go wrong with a untrained lifter

    Not to sound like i'm arguing or anything, but I learned proper form when I was studying to be a PT, so i'm pretty confident in my son's form. :flowerforyou:
  • Jferg69
    Jferg69 Posts: 241 Member

    of course you can find articals saying the oposite, I do however think that a teen lifting with out the super vision of a trained perfishional is too much of a gamble, and kinda immature parenting, because the risk of poor form, or for the number of possiblities that can go wrong with a untrained lifter

    Not to sound like i'm arguing or anything, but I learned proper form when I was studying to be a PT, so i'm pretty confident in my son's form. :flowerforyou:
    Maybe that will stop the people who don't see the funny side of the OP