FAT2FIT successes!

I've been obsessing over my BMR, TDEE, cut value, etc. But I really like Fat2Fit's approach of just 'eating for the future you'. I only have 10 pounds to lose and I understand with Fat2Fit this will be a slow process... that is OK! I would LOVE to hear from any of you who live by the Fat2Fit method and have had success with it. I think this approach is more realistic and do-able for me. I started 'eating more' about 6 weeks ago and haven't lost any weight yet.

Background on me: I was abiding by MFP's 1200 calorie NET rule for over a year and treadmill jogging/walking 45-60 mins/day 6 days/week. Despite this, I was stuck at 145 lbs for as long as I can remember. I think I was undereating and overexercising. So I figured what the heck, eating little has gotten me nowhere so I bumped up my calories.

5'5" Female age 39
CW - 145
GW- 135
BMR - 1408
BF - 31%

Fat2Fit's suggestions -
Sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) - 1637
Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) - 1876
Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) - 2114
Very Active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk) - 2353
Extremely Active (hard daily exercise/sports) - 2592

I'm now eating 2100 cals a day. I'm working out 5-6 days/wk treadmill jogging/walking and added Jillian Michael's strength training DVDs.

What do you Fat2Fitters think of this calorie intake/plan? I know doing it slowly like this requires a lot of patience. So PLEASE PLEASE share how Fat2Fit has worked for you!

Much thanks.


  • mamapuddin17
    mamapuddin17 Posts: 108 Member
    Here is a link to a group that was just started
  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    I wish you the best of luck! I only use their BMR/TDEE numbers at face value and am more than happy to do it the right way, slowly! I've lost 7lbs in 2 months and inches in the process. I have done the 30 Day Shred and just finished Ripped in 30. I am a JM addict, lol!

    I am on the same last 10 as you are and think that Fat2Fit has the right idea. Wish you the best of luck and stop stressing! You need to fuel your body for success, that should never be a bad thing! \

    Fueling it with the right foods is the key!

    Crap Foods is Kind of like putting Diesel in a Unleaded car...........Doesn't work!
  • _Schatzi_
    _Schatzi_ Posts: 112 Member
    I'm obsessed with these numbers too... I try to have a net caloric intake everyday above my BMR (1380) and below my TDEE (2250). In reality what it looks like is I eat around 2000 calories and burn about 400 calories a day exercising = 1600 net calories a day.

    Whatever you do, you don't want to have a net caloric intake below your BMR! As long as your net calories are below your TDEE, you will loose weight!
  • c8linmarie
    c8linmarie Posts: 358 Member
    I have not been doing the "F2F" method long, only a little over 4 weeks, but I have gotten great results. You are welcome to read my blog for the details:

  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Well, I'm also on my last 10 lbs or so and I've been doing this for two weeks and have lost more than expected. So I, so far, have to disagree with the above poster who says the deficit is too large. I spent 3 months eating at a higher deficit and just bounced up and down constantly. We will see how the nexty two weeks go but I'm feeling positive.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Well, I'm also on my last 10 lbs or so and I've been doing this for two weeks and have lost more than expected. So I, so far, have to disagree with the above poster who says the deficit is too large. I spent 3 months eating at a higher deficit and just bounced up and down constantly. We will see how the nexty two weeks go but I'm feeling positive.
    I'd love to hear more about what you are doing differently and how it's working! :-)
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    I meant deficit too small. Duh. Well, I was eating at 1380 before and eating exercise calories back, then 1500 plus exercise calories. Now I eat a flat 1800 regardless of exercise. Overally, on a weekly basis this works out more than I was eating before.

    I will admit I am, aside from weekends, eating better quality foods and drinking a lot more water. We shall see how it goes. Slowly slowly. So far though, I'm happy!
  • deblc6836
    deblc6836 Posts: 59
  • c8linmarie
    c8linmarie Posts: 358 Member
    No, you will never reach that goal using Fat2Fit, the deficit is too small. If you where heavier lyou would come CLOSE to your goal, then you adjust.

    What's your goal? Eat above your BMR, below your TDEE, AMR, to run 500 miles, lift 200lbs? Your goal is WEIGHT LOSS. Get all those silly formulas out of your head. LOSE WEIGHT at a safe pace at your weight probably 0.5-1.0 lbs a week You don't have much.

    Try this, eat at your bodyweight * 12, for 2-3 weeks, doesn't work? try bodyweight * 11, that doesn't work body weigh * 10 (don't go below this number). No need to worry about eating calories back or not. Just focus on one number, and' that's all. KIS(KEEP IT SIMPLE)

    I like the simplicity of your method, but based on that, I'd be eating 300 calories less than what I'm eating now:
    CW 132*12=1584. My current calorie consumption is 1899. I lost 2.5 lbs in the last 30 days. Should I stick with what I've been doing, or reduce by 300 calories?

    ETA: I'm thinkin' I don't wanna fix it if it ain't broke...maybe if I plateau again, I might give it a shot.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    ^ why would you change something that works?
  • Akc78728
    Akc78728 Posts: 4

    Fueling it with the right foods is the key!

    Crap Foods is Kind of like putting Diesel in a Unleaded car...........Doesn't work!

    Agreed! This is when i really lost those last pounds. I was eating too much junk and fatty (but delicious) home cooking. I definitely still indulge every once in a while but try to keep it in moderation!
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    I meant deficit too small. Duh. Well, I was eating at 1380 before and eating exercise calories back, then 1500 plus exercise calories. Now I eat a flat 1800 regardless of exercise. Overally, on a weekly basis this works out more than I was eating before.

    I will admit I am, aside from weekends, eating better quality foods and drinking a lot more water. We shall see how it goes. Slowly slowly. So far though, I'm happy!

    Here's what i am saying, I use a simple formula, which is pretty similar to the more complicated ones.
    Lets say a person weighs 180 and we use a multiplier of 12.

    180 * 12 = 2160 calories
    170 * 12 = 2040 calories

    170 is their goal weight... you really going to differentiate between 120 calories? The difference is only 120 calories. To lose 1lbs it will take you 291 days. Assuming you measured your food exactly right. Which we know you didn't, there are errors in that.

    With a 10lbs weight loss goal a person should just eat at 15% deficit from TDEE(AMR).

    And I do get where you are coming from and yes, that would totally not work if, at 180 the person was really eating at that 180 level. Thing is though, few of us go straight into eating at the correct 180 level to the correct 170 level. We usually start this F2F process either from having not dieted and overeating daily or from having dieted at way too low a level for some time. Hence it is usually a significant change either up or down.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    As you are so close to goal, F2F recommends you deduct 200-300, as the difference between your current TDEE and your goal TDEE is so small.
  • imnotyourpal
    imnotyourpal Posts: 162 Member
    I just started this 2 days ago, from doing 1200 calories + exercise, and it seems like a LOT of food. I'm afraid I am going to start gaining. I am going to read that thread from the recently created group, because the 1200 wasn't working and I don't want this to not work either. Thank you. :)
  • mamapuddin17
    mamapuddin17 Posts: 108 Member
    Following F2F I should eat 1810 calories if I go by what Pu_239 is saying 11 X my weight of 170 it would be 1870 calories .So I am on the first week of eating 1800 calories and I do not eat my exercise calories back. I have been stuck at this weight for months.So in 3 weeks I should be able to lose some weight by following this?
  • jen_fitnhappy
    jen_fitnhappy Posts: 102 Member
    Man!... you guys are great! I'm started to feel better already ;)
  • jj3120
    jj3120 Posts: 358
    I've been eating this way for 4 weeks, feeling really good about it. I was worried it was too much but stuck it out and this week the scale is coming down as are measurements & body fat.

    It is a change for life, slow and steady.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I meant deficit too small. Duh. Well, I was eating at 1380 before and eating exercise calories back, then 1500 plus exercise calories. Now I eat a flat 1800 regardless of exercise. Overally, on a weekly basis this works out more than I was eating before.

    I will admit I am, aside from weekends, eating better quality foods and drinking a lot more water. We shall see how it goes. Slowly slowly. So far though, I'm happy!

    Here's what i am saying, I use a simple formula, which is pretty similar to the more complicated ones.
    Lets say a person weighs 180 and we use a multiplier of 12.

    180 * 12 = 2160 calories
    170 * 12 = 2040 calories

    170 is their goal weight... you really going to differentiate between 120 calories? The difference is only 120 calories. To lose 1lbs it will take you 291 days. Assuming you measured your food exactly right. Which we know you didn't, there are errors in that.

    With a 10lbs weight loss goal a person should just eat at 15% deficit from TDEE(AMR).

    I'm 4ft 11, 44 and currently 169lbs

    Using the 2 methods I get the following

    yours : 169 x 12 = 2028
    http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/bmr/ (current weight as goal weight) TDEE = 2012

    Both give me approx 1600 calories at 20% defict
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Following F2F I should eat 1810 calories if I go by what Pu_239 is saying 11 X my weight of 170 it would be 1870 calories .So I am on the first week of eating 1800 calories and I do not eat my exercise calories back. I have been stuck at this weight for months.So in 3 weeks I should be able to lose some weight by following this?

    Just give it a try is all I can say. :-) You may gain the first week or two, if so don't panic.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    As you are so close to goal, F2F recommends you deduct 200-300, as the difference between your current TDEE and your goal TDEE is so small.

    Well, I didn't read it as a recommendation but they did say you could if you wanted to. for me, I think I'd rather lose the weight a lot more slowly and get used to a level of eating that will last the rest of my life.