Yesterday's 5k and a nice surprise!

LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
Background for anyone who doesn't know: I was a total non-runner for my first 38.5 years of my life. I started with C25K in December 2010 (also when I joined MFP) to get ready to do the Warrior Dash in June, and got addicted to running. Last fall, I even won a couple of medals running, then developed a stress fracture in my fibula in the winter that put me on the bench for about six weeks. In February, I started running again, starting with C25K again to ease me into it.

March 18th, I ran my first race of the year, a 4.5 mile run and finished in 40:37, and two weeks later, ran a 5k in 26:15.

Yesterday was another 5k, one that I was very wishy washy about running, because I had some stupid insecurities that I still don't quite understand. But I did it.


And I got off to a great start.


I also realized that "Yackety Sax," better known as the theme from the Benny Hill show, is fantastic for running, but...


But... I couldn't quite shake the mental image that I'd run behind that light post, and come out on the other side in just my bra and panties being chased by a perverted old man. Thankfully for all concerned, especially ME since it was pretty chilly, I did not.

I found out that I need to wear a stop watch when I run races. I carry my phone and use the stop watch on that when I run for exercise, but not during races since I don't foresee any "need to dial 911" emergencies (because at least there'd be others around who would hopefully come to my rescue). But I completely psych myself out. I don't realize I'm doing as well as I am, and give up. A few people pass me after the halfway point and I think, "Oh, crap. I suck. I'm not doing well. If I'm not going to do well, I might ... as well... just ... walk." It's happened in all three races this year, and every time, I got to the finish line and though, "HOT DAMN! I must've been flying!"


Yesterday, I crossed the finish line in 25:30. That's 45 seconds faster than my last race, and about two and a half minutes faster than I finished this same race last year! Still shy of my PR of 24:59, but (and here's where I beat myself up a little) if I hadn't walked, if I'd known I was doing that well, I would have beat it.


I ran a different race exactly one year ago, and by the scale yesterday morning, I weigh just two pounds less. Some of that, I'm sure, is fluid retention from Friday's pizza. But still... the scale does NOT tell the whole story!

It was a small race, only 66 runners, so they only gave awards to the top runner in each age group, rather than the top three. And it was taking the volunteers for-freakin-EVER to post the results. Every so often, I'd mosey on over to the leaderboard and try to sneak a peak, and that's when I saw it... one of the women who passed me was 30. Darn. My age group. It was enough to make me wish I was 40 already. I still would have been 2nd place in my group, but for some crazy reason, I could give mad props to someone two years older than me who beat me, instead of trying to compete with someone nearly a decade younger. It had already been almost an hour since I finished, and it was getting quite dull just sitting around.


My husband - aka, my paparazzi - was especially bored.

I still stuck around a little longer, while they were filling out the poster board with the winner's on it. And, in marker, they started writing "K-R-I..." in the Female 30-39 slot. Kristy. Yep. that was the name of the other girl. Definitely not "L-O-R..." for Lorina. Since I didn't win, and I had to poop and didn't want to venture into that disgusting portapotty again, we left.

Last night, the results were posted on the local running site. And... HOLY CRAP! There was my name listed as the top female in the 30-39 age group! I did win!!! Not sure what happened with Kristy - maybe she wasn't 30 after all, maybe she was actually a man, maybe she cheated and hid under the bridge and only joined the race in the last mile... but none of that matters. I WON! :drinker:


  • sjdoman
    sjdoman Posts: 81 Member
    Congratulations! The Benny Hill part, so funny! I ran my first 5K at the beginning of April it's definitely something I want to do again.

    Again congrats on the win.
  • ermickel
    ermickel Posts: 167 Member
    Congratulations!!!! You have quite a way with words and painting a picture too :laugh:
  • Masterdo
    Masterdo Posts: 331 Member
    Nice :p So in the end you won the 30-39 at 39. Good job!

    I wonder though, what's different now in your training regimen to avoid the stress fractures in the future? I'm fairly heavy still and about to start week 3 of the C25K, and I'd like to stay injury-free if at all possible :p If you have advice to avoid what you went though, it would be cool!

    Congrats again, I'm happy it turned out that nice in the end :)
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    Congrats on the PR and great RR.

    You are a speedy one.
  • moepwr
    moepwr Posts: 349 Member
    That is awesome! I love the photos too! I am running a 10 miler in July and I know I won't place. I just hope to finish. Great job!
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    Congratulations Lorina!!!!! :) Your story was funny too! :)
  • giantruss
    giantruss Posts: 100
    congrats on the win!! thats amazing!

    i have gotten into running and loving it & hope to compete sometine in the future, i am loving it
  • vabchloser
    vabchloser Posts: 223 Member
    That's a really cool story!
  • dhencel
    dhencel Posts: 244 Member
    Congratulations!!!! I love the Benny Hill part.... And it's nice to be comical about the whole thing!!!!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Nice :p So in the end you won the 30-39 at 39. Good job!

    I wonder though, what's different now in your training regimen to avoid the stress fractures in the future? I'm fairly heavy still and about to start week 3 of the C25K, and I'd like to stay injury-free if at all possible :p If you have advice to avoid what you went though, it would be cool!

    Congrats again, I'm happy it turned out that nice in the end :)

    The stress fracture seemed to pop up when I started running on the treadmill again in the fall. I guess my stride is different on the hamster wheel. Or I might just be that one freak of nature that runs better on hard pavement than a well-cushioned treadmill! Also, reading my blog, there was a time about a month before I realized that the minor pain in my ankle no longer minor, that I tripped and almost fell on the treadmill. That might have been the start of the problem. It was just a dull ache at first, feeling almost like a bruised area, until I came home from a run limping.

    And one other possible cause, I had a pair of shoes - Saucony - that maybe didn't quite agree with me. I'm sticking with my Ascics from now on. I never (don't try this at home, kids!) got fitted for shoes, since I never had any problems. If I start to feel any kind of discomfort again, I'll get fitted, but for now, I'm sticking with what I know works.
  • migoi357
    migoi357 Posts: 173 Member
    That was a great photo-essay. Congratulations on your run. Congratulations on your whole journey. A most excellent example to follow.
  • laynunugawa
    laynunugawa Posts: 108 Member
    I will be running in my first 5k this coming Friday and I'm really nervous about it. I started the C25k in January but hurt my sciatica in the Beginning of March so I started doing strength training which helped it a lot. I did however not run as much during that month and some of April. I know for sure I will not place but I signed up for the race a long time ago and I want to at least complete it and give it my all. thanks for the motivation
  • DAM_Fine
    DAM_Fine Posts: 1,292 Member
    Great race and great story, Lorina! You have inspired me and I am going to look into local races. Don't expect to do as well as you have right off, but it will be interesting to see how well I do. Thanks for the boost! SMH@Benny Hill and being chased in your underwear! :laugh:
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    You are brilliant and amazing!
  • tchr1ann
    tchr1ann Posts: 11 Member
    Congratulations!! Very ironic... I'm starting Day 1 of C25K today. I am hoping to do the Rock the World 5K in June as it will be day 63 (end of the 9 week program). You're giving me inspiration to start and FINISH!
  • MelMena
    MelMena Posts: 152 Member
    Great story and congrats on winning your age group!!!
  • sakamanojr
    sakamanojr Posts: 378 Member
    Congratulations on the win and also how GREAT you are doing.
    Try not to beat yourself up so much while the races are happening. I love to compete as well BUT I always focus on the fun of the challenge that every race brings. Let those rough spots in your races be the times to remember how you have already pushed through tough times in your training.
    I have many training runs that are rough and put those in memory so when it starts to happen during a race I just recall that I have already gone through rough patches and LIVED TO TELL THE TALE.
    Hope this helps and keep up those awesome results.

  • christamt
    christamt Posts: 48 Member
    Congratualtions! I also find exercise makes me poop. lol! love the story!!
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    YAY!!! My goal by the end of summer is to get to 25 mins. Thank you for sharing!!!! Love the husband picture :)
  • Giraffe33991
    Giraffe33991 Posts: 434 Member
    GREAT story! I am trying to get my speed up so it is great to know it CAN be done!

    Keep up the great work! :-)
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