Large Framed Women (closed group)

Welcome Ladies!

I guess I will start us off with introductions.

I am a 30 year old stay at home mom. I have a 7 1/2 year old son and a 3 1/2 year old daughter who keep me very busy.

My start weight was 276
My current weight is 271ish, I don't weigh weekly and Monday is my weigh day so I guess I will weigh tomorrow
My goal weight is 175. If when I get there I think I could lose more I will, but I doubt it.

I am currently 6 treatments into an intensive treatment regimen with my chiropractor due to my spine being a mess from my head to my butt. I am not allowed to exercise until he reevaluates me later this week.

I am doing this for me and for my kids. They need a mom who isn't constantly saying, "Sorry, mommy can't get down on the floor, I can't get back up." "Sorry, I can't run after you, I can't breathe." I want to take my son to the amusement park and show him how to ride a rollercoaster. I want to chase my kids in the back yard.

I have a very high calorie goal set. I have no clue what BMR or TDEE or any of that stuff is. I know what I should eat, I know what I do eat, and I know that if I am honest with you and myself, I will get somewhere. I post everything I put in my mouth, even if I am embarrassed by it. I write a blog. It is more of a rant, but hey, whatever works. I don't pull punches, I don't hold back, but I promise I will never be intentionally cruel to anyone. If I misstep and something is taken out of context, LET ME KNOW! I don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable here.

My name is Miranda and I am a food addict.


  • TTM1
    TTM1 Posts: 11
    Hi there Miranda, I am Tara and have always struggled with weight...I joined here to try and change my eating habits and be accountable for everything I eat...I am a fellow food addict and it has been a struggle to gain the upper hand on what I eat. I finally decided that after all these years of trying then failing that this was it, this was the year that I attain my weight goals.I started off at 195 lbs- I want to lose 40 lbs but am starting with a goal of 30 lbs. I hope your back issues gets resolved soon! Please feel free to add me =)
  • Morgandobes
    Morgandobes Posts: 66 Member
    Hi Guys! I am kind of new to the forum, it says "closed group", but I think I qualify. I am 5'8" and about 300 give or take.
    I just started calorie restriction diet(again...) last Thursday. I found out what my tdee thingie is, and after reading some stuff
    on 'calorie cycling', I am doing mon-wed at 1000 calories, thur - fri 1500 calories and weekends around 2000. I have read,
    and I think it is true that if you give your body the same number of calories everyday, it is too easy to plateau and to keep losing,
    you have to kind of trick it into how many calories a day it will get. Plus this will give me some wiggle room. I figure by the end
    of the week, I will still average below where I need to lose weight, but I will have enough calories to have some choices.
    So, there it is! Wishing all of us luck!

  • curveygirl44
    curveygirl44 Posts: 4 Member
    Good Morning Miranda and Thanks for making a spot for us "non-petite's".

    My start weight and current weight are the same - 265
    My goal weight is 180

    The only time I have ever told my true weight was now in this paragraph and when I was in an accident and the doctors needed my correct weight for the anestheologist to get the medicine right for surgery. Even my husband was surprised at my weight - he told them I weighed 190. Glad I was conscious to set that record straight!

    I have been looking for a place of positive energy. Thank Heavens that you all are here! I have had weight issues most of my life but I made a positive step this week. Spent 2 hours in the grocery, reading lables, really looking at all of the vegetables (not just the lettuce), and making a list of the foods that I should always have in the pantry and fridge to be healthy and binge curbing. I hope this list makes shopping a little easier and less time consuming.

    I am making these changes for me. I want to be able to walk, climb the stairs, and breathe easier. I want to be able to wear the clothes I see in the stores without having to wonder if they will be as cute in the larger sizes.

    Please add me to the group - very glad to be here with all of you. My name is Kellie and I simply love food.
  • JennyNotSoSkinny
    JennyNotSoSkinny Posts: 93 Member
    Good afternoon to all,

    I'm 26 and currently 241 pounds, overweight/obese for a reaaaaaaaalllllllly long time now. 254 is my biggest but 150 is my goal. Like Lisa, I've been playing with the idea of psyching my body out with different caloric intake each day. Feel free to add me. I really think motivation is half the battle for most ppl.
  • jennybaby89
    jennybaby89 Posts: 44 Member
    Hello there!

    My name is Jen. My heaviest weight is around 250. I got down to 183 this time last year, and now I'm back up to about 220-223. I'd love some extra support. :) My first goal is to get back down to 180, and then I'd like to hit about 145! I'm 5'3 and have been obese my entire life.
  • tat2dmrsgrimm
    tat2dmrsgrimm Posts: 226 Member
    I TRIED posting this to my group, but apparently I picked the worst time to start a group, The groups a glitchy. Never fear, anyone who asked will be added. It just may take me a couple days since they have to fix groups first
  • Sweet_Pea_82
    Sweet_Pea_82 Posts: 41 Member
    My name is Amanda and I have had weight problems since I was 13/14. I am so glad Miranda started this group and that I finally have other women to talk with about the ups and downs of losing weight. I am (just this month) 30 years old and I have two beautiful girls, ages 10 & 7. I am currently at 254 and I would love to get between 180-190. I love food, pretty much all food and I know I have to work on portion control. I am working on becoming accountable because I know that is what has failed me throughout the last ten years of yo yo dieting. Looking forward to getting to know all of you!
  • sdavis448
    sdavis448 Posts: 193 Member
    Hi ladies!
    My name is Samantha. I've always had body issues. In my teens I was slightly over-weight, but in a good way.. curves in all the right places type thing. At 17 I started birth control and started putting on large amounts of weight no matter what I tried. Depo-30 lbs in 3 months, the pill, smaller amounts, but it adds over a long period of time. At 19 I gave up on birth control and got pregnant with my son. Got mirena- gained 45 pounds! Apparently I don't do well with hormones.

    I'm 22 years old. Have a beautiful son, and daughter. I'm currently 269 pounds. Heighest weight was 296, 7 weeks ago, the day I had my daughter. My goal weight right now is 170 lbs. I'll re-evaluate when I hit that, and decide if I want to lose more. My goal after that is to mantain.

    I'm making a lifestyle change.. not a diet. Learning to be satisfied with portion sizes, even if it means eating off my toddlers dishes, lol. Good luck ladies!
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    Hello ladies!

    I am about half way through my journey. Started almost 6 months ago at about 300 (was 302.3 decided to start the next day, weighed the next morning at 299.8 so compromised and entered my start weight on mfp as 300). I am 234.4 now. I'm 5'10" so 175 puts me at a healthy bmi. I don't want to lose my curves because my hubby would be sad, so my goal is at the high end of the bmi chart. I hope to be bellow 200 by the end of the summer.

    Good luck on this journey ladies! Just remeber you don't have to be perfect, you just have to be better and you'll get there. :flowerforyou:
  • moonchyld62
    moonchyld62 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey Hey all, My name is Peggy and I want to thank Miranda for being as big-boned as I am. I turn 50 this upcoming June and I want to finally take it all off and KEEP IT OFF (weight that is). My goal is to stay alive and as pain free as possible. I have a genetic condition called CMT 4. Simply, I have peripheral neuropathy or severe foot/nerve pain similar to diabetic person, WITHOUT the diabetes part. I am one of Jerry's kids! When at my heaviest at 325 lbs. I had such severe pain, I decided I could no longer live with the pain. So I started my weight loss journey. I'm was on a medically-supervised liquid diet initially and now back to real food and some products still. My goal weight has never been 145-155 lbs. as medical literature recommends. Me? I want to be sexy svelte at 190-200 lbs. I was happy there. I can breathe there! I can move and even dance there!!! I look forward to forming lots of new friendships here along with support. I am willing to also provide support and lots of humor because that's how we all get by. I am a wife, mom, dog-lover, and nurse---not necessarily in that order....
  • Elohvey
    Elohvey Posts: 65 Member
    @moonchyld62 same here! I want to get back to 200, which is my goal weight. I feel I'd be way more active and healthy there.

    My name is Trish and I'm 21 years old. I haven't been in the recommended range for a 5'2 girl with 7 inch wrist circumference since I was 12 (128-143). I ballooned over 200 pounds after junior year of high school when I tried to starve myself for 4 months like an IDIOT. And college didn't help one bit. I've lost 9 pounds since I joined MFP, way more than I have before on previous diets. But MFP makes it not seem like diet. I dunno how to put it in words, but this place rocks.

    Glad to join this group and see the journeys of other women in the same pool I am in. Thanks for the invite.
  • janehen12
    janehen12 Posts: 162 Member
    Hey all :)
    I'm Jane, always been a big kid, epecially compared to the really small framed types!
    Starting weight 274, current about 259 ish (weigh in tomorrow D:)
    Aiming to get to about 174 ish. I was last around that weight at 13, and it looked good, I just didn't realise it. Now I'm taller, albeit not much taller :P, It should still look good!
    Wrist is about 7 and half inches. No wonder I can't get bangles or anything like that!

    Really glad you've started this :)
  • lifeafterdani
    lifeafterdani Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks for the invite Miranda!!! And congrats on you 11 pounds!!!

    Anyway, I am an almost 40-year old 1st time mom of a beautiful daughter who will be 1 year old in less than 2 weeks. I think I am more excited about her party than she is... scratch that, I know I am lol.

    I have always struggled with my weight because I LOVE food. But my weight was never as crazy high as it is now and I have recently been diagnosed with poor circulations (which can cause strokes, heart attacks, and loss of limbs) so I am very scared that I won't be around for my daughter and have (as of yesterday) made some very drastic changes in my diet.

    These include no caffeine, no sugar, no artificial sweeteners, no alcohol, no trans fats, and no white carbs (i.e. pasta, bread, rice, etc). IT SUX! But hopefully after I lose my weight I will be able to eat them in moderation.

    I am 5'10" and 240 pounds today. I was up to 248 on Jan 1st which is when I started to try to lose weight... and I have struggled just to lose the 8 pounds I did.

    Before being pregnant (and even up to the 8th month) I was doing tae kwon do 2 days a week, pilates 2 days a week, and yoga 2 days a week and so it kept my weight not perfect but just a little overweight. Now I am in the obese range and it is depressing... :(

    With an infant (and no dad) it is hard to find time to get to the gym and work out. And now that I am so heavy, my knee problems are back which limits what I can actually do.

    So... here goes... I am diving in head first for a new life... wish me luck :)
  • stacely
    stacely Posts: 1
    Hi Everyone! I know the group is closed but I'd like to be one of the girls :)

    I'm 5'7, 180lbs, size 12 and as far as I can remember have been trying to lose 20lbs even when I gained 30lbs and was almost 200lbs. Being large framed you never realize how much weight you've gained till you step on the scale. What I look like and actually weigh are completely different.

    My goal is to get to a size 8 and weigh 150lbs. This may be impossible considering I have very wide hips but for some reason this year I've been taking on all sorts of challenges.
  • txgirlykc
    txgirlykc Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, my name is Kari and I am just here trying to get some support and motivation. I just recently went through a divorce and have a 2 year old son and a 6 month old daughter and I work full time as a Paralegal. I am 5'5 222 lbs and this is the largest I have ever been. I have been trying to keep my calories under 1200 a day, but recently went out of town and splurged majorly, so now I am just trying to not get discouraged. My goal for now is 72 lbs, which would put me at 150, which seems like ALOT now that I typed it. :( I am going to the gym on my lunch break and working out but I only can squeeze in about 35-40 minutes there and then once I get home, there is just no way it's possible. Do you moms have any suggestions on how you are keeping motivated and if there are any tricks to fit in a few extra exercises in your everyday routine?