Breakfast ideas

ses0786 Posts: 31 Member
For breakfast I usually have porriage or a poached egg on toast, but it's getting a bit boring. I have 2 young children so it needs to be quick and easy, or able to be prepared in advance. Thanks :)


  • redsox032202
    I make up breakfast yogurt parfaits, easy and good.

    80 cal yogurt, anu flavor light 1/4 cup granola and or light grahm crackers, and frozen mixed fruit, they usually end up being around 200 cals and are easy quick, and the kids love them!
  • JSheehy1965
    JSheehy1965 Posts: 404
    greek yoghurt with frozen (or thawed) blueberries on top and a tbspn granola.
  • TotalTiger
    Sliced tomato on toast with some balsamic vinegar and some chopped basil leaves if you have them (I grow some in a pot)
    Smoked salmon on toast (maybe spread some horseradish on the toast like you would butter)
    Boiled eggs with a heaped spoon of onion & chive cottage cheese to add some flavour
    Natural museli with yoghurt and berries
  • sipseyab
    sipseyab Posts: 59
    One of my faves is a scrambled egg and cheese burrito. Plus some kind of fruit.
  • madmex569
    madmex569 Posts: 49
    egg white omlette with my homemade salsa. (mom's recipe). So low in calories and taste's great
  • creativefrugalmom
    creativefrugalmom Posts: 267 Member
    100 cal english muffin, toasted
    egg white
    laughing cow cheese (1/2 wedge)
    you can add turkey bacon if you want

    35 calorie bread, 2 slices toasted with scrambled egg whites and tomatoes

    Make a quiche the night before and microwave

    banana and yogurt


    1 crunchy granola bar and a banana

    thomas bagel thin with low fat cream cheese

    Cereal with Almond Milk
  • 87392v
    87392v Posts: 4
    Medium Over-Easy Egg on Whole-Wheat slice of toast.
    Add in garlic salt and crushed red peppers to the egg while it is still runny on the pan for a more biting flavor.

    Has the protein, carbs, and fiber to help start your day and is filling beyond belief! Only 200 calories? Why, yes!
  • madmex569
    madmex569 Posts: 49
    sounds great. i will try
  • madmex569
    madmex569 Posts: 49
    sounds great. i will try
  • ses0786
    ses0786 Posts: 31 Member
    Those are some great ideas. I'm in Australia though so some of those foods I've heard of! Like turkey bacon??LOL Keep them coming!
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Egg Beaters!! Love the southwest style Put it on an english muffin or tortilla with some salsa. Add some cheese if you'd like.

    Lately, since I don't have time in the morning during the weekdays, I've been having Sara Lee's 90 calorie english muffin and toast it really good with a wedge of Laughing Cow Vegetable and it's soo good!
  • Linda474
    Linda474 Posts: 11
    Some of them sound good!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    This morning I sautéed some mushrooms and spinach and then added egg beaters and cheese. Made a nice big batch, split into 4 portions, ate one and put the other 3 in the fridge so I can just quickly microwave for the next few days. :-)
  • JAGgirl47
    JAGgirl47 Posts: 70 Member
    1/2 cup steel cut oats with diced apple and brown milk...
  • Morgandobes
    Morgandobes Posts: 66 Member
    Try a pizza omelet.
    2 eggs scrambled, 1/4 ragu pizza sauce, 1/4 mozzarella cheese. Soooo good and tasts like a cheat.
    275 calories + maybe a fruit like an orange, and still under 400 calories.

    Cheese omelet.

    I love protein for breakfast, gets me off on the right foot :-)
  • GoStaceyGo
    GoStaceyGo Posts: 29 Member
    refrigerator oatmeal!!!

    one serving is

    1/3c rolled oats
    2 oz vanilla almond milk
    2 oz nonfat plain greek yogurt
    maybe some maple syrup or peanut butter
    fruit of choice/nuts/granola etc

    mix all together in tupperware and store in fridge overnight.
  • JLauterb25
    JLauterb25 Posts: 16 Member
    Every morning I have a smoothie and the kids love them too

    1 cup coconut or almond milk
    1 banana
    1 cup of frozen strawberries

    Easy and delicious!