Filling, Low Calorie Food?

It's 4:45 in the afternoon. I've used all my calories for the day, but I'm still STARVING!

This happens to me a lot. One obvious solution is to be more careful to spread my calories out through the day, but that plan always seems to backfire one way or the other. What I need are some foods that I can chow down on to ease my hunger pangs without racking up the calories.

Any suggestions for some very low calorie foods that will fill me up?


  • quiltbugj
    quiltbugj Posts: 89 Member
    lean protein will be low in fat and keep you full longer (some cooked chicken or turkey)
    1 T peanut butter
    mix 1/2 cup cottage cheese with 1t. Ranch dressing mix and eat with carrots or celery
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    If you open your diary maybe we can help figure out why you get so hungry. Are you eating a lot of sugar or other simple carbs that make you hungry a few hours later? Are you keeping fat intake low?--healthy fats make you feel more satiated. Protein, healthy fats and lots of veggies will help prevent hunger.
  • Thanks for the advice Quiltbug.

    Issy, I just opened my diary. This is my first day on the diet, so there's definitely some adjusting to do. And of course, I'm open to suggestions!
  • aksunshine
    aksunshine Posts: 62 Member
    air popped popcorn :)
  • JLauterb25
    JLauterb25 Posts: 16 Member
    I like to keep sweet potato cubes(boiled) in the fridge for a quick snack and I eat a few walnuts with them to help with the nutrient absorption. Sweet potato is low in calories but always fills me up. I also keep apples on hand for snacking but they are higher in calories
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    Issy, I just opened my diary. This is my first day on the diet, so there's definitely some adjusting to do. And of course, I'm open to suggestions!
    More veggies to fill you up with fiber for very few calories.
  • kstrunk1
    kstrunk1 Posts: 462 Member
    Mini-cucumbers, string cheese, apples, Greek yogurt with berries mixed in.
  • katemme
    katemme Posts: 191
    Popcorn, carrots, celery are just some I can quickly name. Popcorn especially. It's full of fiber, just watch the butter.
  • katoato
    katoato Posts: 26 Member
    Pickles and a nice glass of red wine :) Vinegar to curb the hunger (this has been proven), wine to tame the cravings (more than one glass will make you hungry though!!) Works like a charm every time when I've front-loaded my calories.
  • Kimbie500
    Kimbie500 Posts: 388 Member
    I see you posted on another post that you are 6'5". 1700-odd calories aren't enough to maintain muscle mass in a man your height. Check out - you should be doing more like 2500 calories.
  • I am a big fan of, love her recipes and they are lo-cal. My supper tonight was pizza and piece of chocolate cake both under 150 calories each and I still have plenty left. Also, an hour of yardwork and I earned calories back, so more I have to eat. Good luck and stick with it. Healthy eating will turn into an addiction before you know it.
  • If you add more veggies to each meal, you can save items to spread out and have in case your hungry. I also will save my dessert for an hour or two after dinner. The 10 calorie jello cups are nice for before bed if you absolutely have to eat something, but they by no means ever make me feel "full!"

    I like getting the frozen bags of steamer veggies and eating those. They're really filling! I noticed you had mustard greens today. I am of the opinion (and I might get slayed for this) that no one got fat eating too many veggies (UNLESS they're in a delightful butter sauce ;)). Anyway! Eat more of those bad boys! They're so good for you and will really go a long way towards making you feel full.
  • Just saw your other post where you're 6'5! Dude! I'm 5'9 and I eat 1700 a day and I'm losing steadily. You need more food!! Do you have it set for 2 lbs a week? If so, try setting it for 1 for a more realistic way to lose. If you keep eating 1700 you'll burn yourself out and say to hell with losing weight. Seriously!
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    Try quinoa and farro. They are high in protein and very filling. Plus I think they are delicious! Eat more fruits and veggies. Easy on nuts. While they are good for you, super high in calories for a small portion. And for your size, your calories are too low. I am 5'6 female and you are just eating at my bmr. You need more calories.
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    Beans, Greek yogurt, oatmeal, and Grape Nuts are really filling relative to calories, for me. I cannot eat a recommended serving in one sitting.
  • How about using egg whites and reduced fat cheese for some of your breakfast choices? Also you are not listing your water intake...make sure you are drinking plenty. I like special K cracker chips...30 chips for 110 calories. Good luck :)
  • Great ideas, everyone!

    Denise: I'm going to try eggbeaters in my omelette this morning. Also, I hate to admit it, but reduced fat cheese hadn't even occurred to me before now. Those are both great suggestions to free up some calories for later in the day.

    After yesterday, I'm inclined to agree with those of you that say my calories are too low. I think I'll stick with it for the next week though just to give mfp's calculation the benefit of the doubt. Also, I'm starting a workout program after I move in a week, which will definitely require more calories than I'm getting now.
  • Water water water. Also - I was a big stand-in-front-of-the-fridge-and-eat-whatever-I-see person... Now, I always keep a bag of baby carrots, grapes, or mini sweet peppers in there. Anything to fill the snacking urge without undoing my day :happy:
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    Not enough protein and fat in your goals, and not enough fruits and vegetables for carbs. Limit yourself to 1 or 2 servings of grains per day, and fill the rest with fruits and vegetables. I hit 1900-2000 per day and after each meal I feel satiated, not overly stuffed.
  • Hi,My name is Stephen Y.i joined up about 27 July 2014. I'm 6'3" weighed 292. Input that I wanted to lose 100pounds. It set me up with a calorie intake of 1,810 daily which I've been under every day. But I've only been ably to lose 4 pds to 289 so far. What am I doing wrong I've even been making my daily 10,000 steps. Wed 30July2014-10,855 steps, Thurs 31July2014-10,694 steps, Fri 01Aug2014-12,058,took sat&sun off exercise but was under calorie intake,Monday 04Aug2014-20,835 steps,Tues 05Aug2014-11,117 steps,today at 1100am I have 9,274steps, usually try to start at work around 600am,when it's cooler and less likely to rain (Louisiana). What can I do to lose the weight, ideas suggestions? I also noticed that these profiles listed on this msg board shows how much weight I have to lose yet? Mine does not shown that why not what do I have to do. I usually eat peanut butter sandwiches at work/fridge doesn't keep anything cold,very limited to what I can bring to work to eat/once I'm here I'm stuck/can't go anywhere from 530a-530p-a 1man security officer for a plant. I'm a 53yr old male, large frame weigh 289, 6'3" tall.