i want to drop 10 pounds by mid may.



  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member

    Are you a qualified gym instructor, dietian, doctor or do hold a qualifaction in the food/fitness field?
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123

    Are you a qualified gym instructor, dietian, doctor or do hold a qualifaction in the food/fitness field?

    Nope, but I see you shut down your diary so that the proof is no longer available. ROFL! You are netting very low. That isn't healthy. It's what this website is about, and I could find numerous articles by these "qualified" people you're referring to, and they will say that a man eating below 1500 calories a day is not healthy. Sorry if you don't like the truth. I know it can occasionally hurt. Get over it.
  • CravenBrittney
    CravenBrittney Posts: 18 Member
    Did you guys scare her away? I am very concerned about the poster of this thread.
    Her picture reminds me of all those girls on tumblr and their "thinspo/thinspiration" blogs. Its very sick and very sad to read through those in case you people have never heard of it. (I had not until recently, instagram, tumblr, facebook and pinterest are all fighting battles against blocking the promotion of ED, like #thinspo does)
    I really hope she did not come here in hopes to aid her in that way :(
  • garyobesedeleted
    garyobesedeleted Posts: 117 Member
    i thought i read "i want to drop 10 pounds by mid day" - i was going to say! ww say to lose 1lb a week u need to be in a deficit of 3500kcals a week so work it out... also exercise a lot.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Gotta love how judgmental people on this site are. Walk in someone else's moccasins before you throw stones at them.

    And after that, mind your own business.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member

    Are you a qualified gym instructor, dietian, doctor or do hold a qualifaction in the food/fitness field?


    Thanks. I'll remember to keep that in mind. ;-).
  • siarraculbertson
    Did you guys scare her away? I am very concerned about the poster of this thread.
    Her picture reminds me of all those girls on tumblr and their "thinspo/thinspiration" blogs. Its very sick and very sad to read through those in case you people have never heard of it. (I had not until recently, instagram, tumblr, facebook and pinterest are all fighting battles against blocking the promotion of ED, like #thinspo does)
    I really hope she did not come here in hopes to aid her in that way :(

    my photo is a photo of me at my weight 10 pounds less than i am now..... regardless to if i have an eating disorder what does that matter at all ?i dont check forums daily.
  • siarraculbertson
    Do you actually weight 97 pounds now and is that you in your profile picture?

    if you answered yes to either of those... you may have a problem. Don't try losing weight. Try seeking psychiatric help...

    sorry did i ask to be badgered? i weigh not even close to 97 pounds but the photo is me, dont be rude.